Any recommendations for a fitness tracker with accurate sleep, walking /steps, running , blood pressure thanx🙌
Can any one recommend a tracker band for sleep - Sleep Matters
Can any one recommend a tracker band for sleep

Hi there I have tried different ones - at the moment I have a fitbit 3. I've found that the step counting can not be exact unless you do a specific timed one as it reacts to your arm movements. My fitbit 3 is supposed to be sensitive to my dominant arm/hand though it still adds on extra steps compared to my phone app. You can pay to be on the premier programme which may be more in depth. My children have garmin watches- and set the timer for specific runs which you can do with a fitbit- they think the garmin is better.
The fitbit 3 seems better at tracking sleep and heart rates . X Anita
Another advocate for Garmin. Ive been using Garmin for years. Currently using Forerunner.
I wear a fitbit charge 3, but it does beats per minute, sleep, steps, etc, but no blood pressure, none do blood pressure accurately or are approved for blood pressure.
Quite honestly I have tried many watches inc Apple & not found one that is much good the best was Withings Nokia but this went wrong after 15 months & their back up help was non existent. Fortunately Amazon refunded currently have Fitbit 3 but wildly inaccurate on walking & to get sleep details it appears that you have to pay for premium so will be sending back to Amazon who must be getting fed up with me
I will give up until a more accurate product is available it’s daft paying £199 to just tell the time
Yes but again not accurate enough on sleep also when I tried to contact them no response