I was prescribed this Zopiclone 7.5mg few days ago due to me suffering with severe insomnia/withdrawal symptoms from giving up smoking cannabis in 15 years. The first night I took these the longest I could sleep was 5hours then I woke up and was drifting in and out of sleep for the next 3-4 hours after but couldn't go back to sleep. The 2nd night was the same but last night was even worse I could only sleep for 2hrs max & then again drifting in and out of sleep for the next 6 bludy hours. I haven’t slept properly in 12 days since I gave up smoking cannabis.
It will be my 4th night taking them tonight and all I wana do is get a good 8hr bludy sleep. I’ve only been prescribed these for 2weeks due to its extreme side effects. I’ve tried everything from taking part in leisure activities such as gym,swimming, jogging late at night to tire me out but nothing seems to work.
I would appreciate if you have any tips or advice to help me with this.