I am a 40-year-old lady who a few days ago was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and sought the help of CPAP equipment and supplies ( cpapoutlet.ca/Home ). A few weeks ago, I decided to spend my holiday in London and booked a flight. Now I am having second thoughts regarding the machine and also the unreliability of power. I am a frequent traveler to such countries and spend a lot of time there.
I will mainly be traveling on my own and so my snoring won't disturb anyone. However, I feel definitely better using the machine. But I think traveling without the machine is good for me, but night traveling in the flight will disturb others. Are there any other sleep apnea sufferers who travel to areas with unreliable power and how do you find it? Also, how do you find having to cart the machine around and going through security? All help will be gratefully received.
I need to enjoy my holidays. Sleep apnea should not affect my trip.