I have primary sjogrens markers, dry mouth and nose, supposedly dry eyes, no systemic issues to date. My teeth have suffered badly. Most of my molars are gone; I am working on having their roots removed, it's a $s issue. For a couple of years while this was ongoing, I had several tooth infections along with sinus infections, treated by my GP with antibiotics; that has played havoc with my system. I read in an herbal compendium that Aloe Vera kills the staph bacteria responsible for tooth infections/decay. I have been brushing my teeth and mouth with Aloe Vera liquid as well as rinsing my mouth and toothbrush and gargling with Aloe for about the last year. No more tooth infections and far less sinus infections! I do not swallow the Aloe; my system does not tolerate that. I use a brand of Aloe that comes as 99.8% pure Aloe Vera in 3.78 litre jugs. A jug lasts me about a month and it is not all the expensive. I am treating my over-antibioticed body and starting to feel better from that. Hope this tip can help others...
Helping your teeth and mouth - The Australian Sj...
Helping your teeth and mouth

Thank you, great to hear.
Sam, that is really good news. I was wondering if aloe Vera has stopped the formation of plaque? My gums get inflammed from plaque formation and it is quite painful, despite incessant flossing and brushing.
Thank you!
Hi tinypixie:. From what I have read online, tooth plaque is caused by a bacteria, sooooo... Aloe Vera is definitely worth a shot. Since you seem quite diligent already with your oral care, you might want to think about brushing your teeth, gums and tongue with Aloe Vera liquid. I put a small amount of Aloe Vera liquid in my mouth, use Kleenex under my bottom lip to stop the occasional drooling, tilt my head back slightly and then brush with my mouth essentially closed. After I have done my teeth and gums and deposited the excess Aloe Vera from my mouth into the sink, I brush my tongue. I then floss, rinse my mouth with Aloe Vera, gargle and rinse my electric toothbrush before putting it away. Or you might consider rinsing your mouth with Aloe Vera liquid and then gargling with it occasionally throughout the day, besides your regular oral regimen. It might take a week or so to really notice the difference. I'll keep checking in with the website to see how that is going for you.
Sam, that is really helpful! Thank you so much!
tinypixie: You are very welcome! I'll check back on the website in about a week to see if you have noticed any improvement. (Hoping for the best...
Hi, Good Day tinypixie. Have you had the opportunity to try brushing/gargling with Aloe Vera liquid yet? And if so, how is that going?
Sam, it is so thoughtful of you to write back to me! Thank you very much! I realized that I have been using "Aloe Dent" toothpaste for sensitive teeth for many years without much improvement. I now want to buy some Aloe Vera mouthwash. Can you recommend one (I live in the UK)? I'm sure I tried one years ago but it was totally disgusting!
Many thanks and best wishes,