I have sleep apnea. CPAP gave me dry mouth and ringing ears.
I am looking for a product that keeps my mouth dry
I have sleep apnea. CPAP gave me dry mouth and ringing ears.
I am looking for a product that keeps my mouth dry
Xylimelts are good you can get them from myoralcare.com.au
Can I suggest GLANDISANE - I have used this for some years & find it really helpful when my mouth/throat get really sore at night. It is a spray & is available in several flavours. Good luck! Claire from High Wycombe, England
I drink a lot of water and pilocarpine.when I an really dry mouthed like before a doc-appointment where I can't drink or eat anything I take 1 pilocarpine and it makes moisture in my mouth.I can't take it all the time because it causes me to sweat bad.Drink plenty of water