Hi I'm a bit new to this forum! I find it very informative! I read something somewhere about autonomic Sjogrens! I have a problem with sweating severely! My dry mouth, burning tongue and mouth sores in a flare! I also have APS/Hughes Syndrome and RA! Does anyone else have sweating profusely problems?
Sweating Profusely : Hi I'm a bit new... - The Australian Sj...
Sweating Profusely

Guess not! Glad u don't
I'm the same how I sweat, where I sweat has completely changed, plus where I sweat is ice cold Had to stop going for massages as the poor lady had to "blot me" as she put it. Embarrassing
I had sweating profusely, but I had kidney problems, maybe you need to get them checked.
Profuse sweating is my newest symptom. Never been a sweater, infact the opposite....could scarcely raise a 'glisten'. However the last eighteen months the story has been different. When at home I often use a headband to stop the sweat pouring into my eyes.
Paradoxically and conversely I can get freezing cold particularly around 4 in the afternoon. I have to go and put on extra jumpers and socks. Then about three hours later everything normalises and I strip off to a more normal level of attire.
Definitely my autonomic system has taken a hit with S.S. Balance, although now improved a bit was pretty bad for several years, as too has been digestion with Gastroparesis being quite severe. Oh yes also postural tachycardia which has been greatly improved with propranolol......so
....the joys of S.S.!
Yes I researched it myself so wen I go to Doctors, I can tell them how to treat me, instead of them telling me honestly, I don't know! All I need is a few Steroids for a few weeks to get me through this flare period, but will I go and ask them??? Maybe, maybe not! Cuz like I said they just tell u, that u have weird virus running thru ur body!!! Lol.., Good Luck and GODSPEED
I loathe the postural tachycardia. Mine is severe, has added to my fatigue and often keeps me awake. I start a drug trial soon. Many people with Sjogren's have POTS. Such a silly name for what can be a severely debilitating disease.
GrammyTweetie, Awhile before I started the Propranolol, I mentioned to my endocrinologist (for another condition) about the rapid heartbeat when I was upright and she said "oh a rapid hearbeat won't hurt you". Deary me! What can one say to that?
I agree, OT is most distressing and ever present. Eventually I saw a doctor who did a standing test (15 or 30 minutes I can't remember) and he diagnosed POTS. The gold standard is obviously the tilt table test but once he put me onto Propranolol the problem stopped and has remained absent with treatment. What a relief!
During this SS process I have sought treatment for most of my individual symptoms which has made SS more tolerable. Funny how doctors don't wonder why you have all these disparate symptoms and it takes a positive ANA etc for them to finally believe you. For those who remain seronegative they are dismissed and not believed. Very, very frustrating!!
Where and what is the drug trial you are about to undertake?
Hello, I know this is an old thread but I am in the UK. I get very similar - I've not been diagnosed with SS but I have Fibromyalgia which often has a lot of overlaps. I have also been diagnosed with Hyperhidrosis. It is mainly down the middle - head, neck, chest, back, bottom and legs, but feet are cold. I sweat more when it's cold too. I wondered if this is a symptom of SS. I have been wondering about SS since I have had a lot of dental problems this year but mainly with the same tooth/teeth. Wondered if the meds I take for HH have caused dryness of mouth.
For the last year my sweating has changed, sweat where not sweated before, arms, neck, face, chest & scalp. Feel ice cold where I am sweating, Tibetan lady I see for massage had to blot me as she put it. No longer go as was embarrassing. Had thyroid checked & all ok.
Yes me too body ice cold but otherwise sweating! Read up on autonomic Sjogrens! JohnHopkins.org! Great info! I'm just in an autoimmune flare, as they call it lol... What else can we do! You must go to doctors and tell them how to treat u, cuz they don't know enuf about SS or anything else I have! They treat the symptoms and put a bandaid on and think that's acceptable!!! Be well Y'all!!! GODSPEED!!!
Hello, I know this is an old thread but I am in the UK. I get very similar - I've not been diagnosed with SS but I have Fibromyalgia which often has a lot of overlaps. I have also been diagnosed with Hyperhidrosis. It is mainly down the middle - head, neck, chest, back, bottom and legs, but feet are cold. I sweat more when it's cold too. I wondered if this is a symptom of SS. I have been wondering about SS since I have had a lot of dental problems this year but mainly with the same tooth/teeth. Wondered if the meds I take for HH have caused dryness of mouth.
I had the same thing for a year, but just my head, neck and face. Strangely, one day it stopped. I have only been diagnosed in the last 6 months. It seems as if everything is just falling apart. 😥
Yes me too my face, head and neck only!!! WEIRD!
Yep to all the symptoms described in this post - I think it's called hyperhidrosis - and a few years of the opposite with overheating instead (sweat is nature's way of self cooling). All part of autonomic dysfunction that goes hand in hand with this disease of ours. Yay!😓👹🙄💃🏻X

Hello, I know this is an old thread but I am in the UK. I get very similar - I've not been diagnosed with SS but I have Fibromyalgia which often has a lot of overlaps. I have also been diagnosed with Hyperhidrosis. It is mainly down the middle - head, neck, chest, back, bottom and legs, but feet are cold. I sweat more when it's cold too. I wondered if this is a symptom of SS. I have been wondering about SS since I have had a lot of dental problems this year but mainly with the same tooth/teeth. Wondered if the meds I take for HH have caused dryness of mouth.
Thx for all responses! GODSPEED
Oh yes. I soak my bed and pillows as well as my clothes. Anything triggers it, I causing getting dressed. I don't think much you can do. I keep tissues and perfume free baby wipes handy. It is miserable and I'm sad to hear you struggle with it as well. Sometimes I feel like I've been dipped in salt. Be sure you drink extra water so you do not become dehydrated.
Yes! I look like I forgot to dry off after a shower I get very strange looks