At first I had dry eyes, then I had dry mouth and now I have dry nose. Does anyone have any suggestions of how to treat it? Have you tried nasal gels?
Any suggestions for a dry nose? - The Australian Sj...
Any suggestions for a dry nose?

Hi tinypixie.
I m having emergency eye care shortly so this must be quick.
I’m in the USA and I use Evoxac capsules twice daily. This make my cells produce moisture and makes a world of difference
I also use Bactroban ointment 2-3 x daily in the nostrils...22g tube.
Over the counter/OTC
Biotene products
Mouth spray daytime use
Mouth gel bedtime use
Mouth lozenges
These products works great.
Your chemist might recommend similar products if unavailable there.
Make sure you brush your teeth before bedtime gel is used.
The spray you at least rinse your mouth with water first.
For your eyes your choice OTC
Lubricant drops
Lubricant oil lasts longer but made my eyes blurry couldn’t use it
There are prescription drops too.
I hope this has been helpful.
Also avoid being in direct drafts of heat or air conditioning too.
Using a humidifier is crucial in the Winter months.
Take care best wishes for relief.
EJ xxx
I have had this if late too and just use Vaseline now
Virgin Cold-pressed Organic sesame oil for the nose. I buy the Ceres brand. Pour some into a smaller container (preferably light-proof) and apply it with a q-tip inside each nostril in the morning and as need be. Aloe vera gel works too.
Honeybug, thank you so much for these suggestions. I haven't tried Evoxac capsules. Are they prescription only? I have used Biotene products and some of the others but you seem to have a good range of solutions. I hope your emergency eye problem has been sorted. Please let us know.
Sorry to I didn’t get notice of this reply. 😳
Yes the bactroban ointment for your nose and Evoxac capsules for cell moisture production are prescription only.
Thank you for the eye well wishes.
Unfortunately it didn’t go as well as I hoped.
A blessing the retina hasn’t torn or detached yet.
I was told paraphrasing that I have old eyes.
The vitreous (vis tree us) fluid in the eye has changed to a goopy gel. It has a long permanent black line just left of my left eye iris. I see billions of tiny bubbles and upon moving my eye there are flashes of silvery light that go around the outside edges/periphery (purr if fur ree).
There’s nothing they can do that won’t create more problems.
I go back next month if patients are still allowed due to the virus.
So the bottom line as we say over here is:
Learn to live with it.
Of course it is in my good eye.
The bad one was damaged from my near fatal head injury at age 7.
Just another problem added to the growing heap...well now a mountain of 61 diagnoses and 3 pending.
Oh well...can’t complain as there are so many others much worse off than me.
Thanks for caring and asking about me sweetie.
You really are a dear lady.
Sending you lots of hugs and love and prayers sweetie.
EJ xxx
Honeybug, I'm very sorry to hear about your eye. I believe I've had the same problem with a "vitreous detachment." At the time I had loads of floaters, black dots and flashes of light. It was a few years ago and somehow my brain has learned to cope with it. I am only bothered now occasionally in very bright light which makes me more aware of the floaters. I know it seems horrible right now, but as long as you don't have a problem with the retina, I think you will be OK in time (probably several months, at least). Try not to worry.
I'm sorry you have so many diagnoses pending and so many issues. I was in that situation, too, a few years ago but somehow things have calmed down now. Of course, that doesn't help much when you're in the middle of the "unknown" but perhaps you could project into the future when your life gets back in order. It really does take a long time to come to grips with all these problems but I'm hopeful that you will get there.
Please keep me posted and let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
Love and hugs,
Graham, sesame oil sounds like a great suggestion. I will try that today, too. Thank yo so much.
Those were good suggestions. I also use the non-medicated nasal sprays. They help to clear mucus as well as to moisturize. Be sure to use enough that you feel it going into your throat (recommended by an M.D.) It way take more than one spray with inhalation. There's a new aerosol version in US now.
Yes, humidified air is important in winter as well as air-conditioned air. I also use a diffuser in my bedroom at night. Even my husband says it helps him to sleep better. I add a few drops of an essential oil blend formulated to promote sinus draining. I find it helps the dryness as well as clearing the sinuses of thick mucus so that I breath better.
I find that petroleum jelly or a good, pure oil (olive, etc.) inside my nostrils works as well as fancy products.
Couple more quick, simple tips. An eyelid wash helps a LOT with dry, red eyes as does holding a warm (wet) cloth over your eyes and taking Omega 3, 6, 9 supplements.
SusieW2, these are wonderful ideas. I do wash my eyelids with Johnson's baby shampoo and it seems to help. I tried the Vaseline last night but it makes breathing a little difficult for me. I'll try the olive oil tonight. I have used the nasal sprays but I will try more than one spray as you have suggested. Please forgive me for not writing sooner but we are caught up in the Coronavirus madness. All the best, TinyPixie
Awww tp thank you very much for your comforting reply.
I’m already accepting it as I do everything that’s added to the mount anymore.
The thing that really disappoints me is that my right eye was injured in a skating/sled accident at age 7. I somehow fell while skating and 5 seconds after I opened my eyes my neighbor boy’s sled runner impacted my forehead over my left eye. I nearly died but survived with a goose egg sized contusion and a rainbow 🌈 colored bruised face for weeks afterwards. The end results with my vision is that it left my right eye with damage and I have zero depth perception.
However the current problem is in my left and good eye.
I’m a multi medium artist and this is the eye I rely on for this skill as the other has very limited input.
Soooo that being said I’m weary about my ability to do my paintings in watercolors and acrylics.
You have assured me that things are adaptable. Of all of my skills I’ve lost my ability to do because of my conditions ( singing sewing crocheting candle wicking needlepoint poetry designing sculpturing floral arranging cake decorating baking etc. ) I miss my artwork/painting the most.
Now that my good eye isn’t so good I’m curious what will my ability be after my joint reconstruction surgery in my painting/art hand takes place.
I guess time will tell.
If I lose that too I’m going to have to have a funeral/memorial service for all I’ve lost and try to figure out if anything is left of my former self. 😢
I want to send you my empathy for you’re having gone through the same ordeal sweetie. It sounds like you have acclimated to it very well. I hope and pray that you won’t have any future problems with it and it remains stabilized.
Bless you abundantly for your kindness and caring. I appreciate it more than mere words can say.
Likewise sweetie if I can be of help or a chat just let me know.
Be safe...take care.
Love 💗 hugs 🤗 prayers 🙏
EvaJo x
Honeybug, I think we must have been sisters in a previous life! Creativity is just about the most important thing in my life and a total obsession. I love all of the things you like to do so I can well imagine how despairing you must feel when you're unable to do all the things that make you, YOU.
What I think is that we need to get creative about how you can become creative again. First, can you please tell me if you can use your bad hand at all? Is it your dominant hand? How good is your vision in the better eye? The reason I'm asking is that I think you might have some options (if you disagree with me, just tell me to jump in a lake).
Did you know that the artist Matisse created his famous cutouts due to ill-health? He dreamed up an entirely new way of working because he couldn't paint anymore.
You may not be able to use scissors but here are a few possibilities:
1. Use very large canvasses and work with your good hand. I know it won't be easy but perhaps you could experiment with colour and eliminate fine detail. Do you know about
2. Monoprinting - on cardboard glue things, then put on colour and put cardboard facedown on paper and stand on it.
This example is only one way to do it but it might be helpful. You don't need a printing press, and you don't need to use black ink. In fact, you can just use any kind of paint. After you print once, you can rinse off the paint and do it again with different colours.
3. Embellisher machine: Have you seen one of these? They are the most fun!!! You can use anything that won't break a needle: soft papers, fabrics, wool, ribbons. It's incredibly creative.
Honeybug, I can understand if you are feeling so despondent that you don't want to try any of these things or that you've already tried them and felt it was hopeless. I'm not exactly sure where you are in your journey. Perhaps you just want to talk about things. Just let me know.
Thank you for your sweet comments about me. I would be so happy to help in any way I possibly can.
Love and hugs,
tiny pixie
Hi tinypixie 😊🌿🌸🦋
Apologies lost your reply amongst the 400+ posts replies on my cell.
Eyesight has worsened in my good eye and doctors cannot see patients now in private practice here.
Bad eye the vision is like 20/350+ since last testing 7+ years ago.
I just tried to block my good eye and impossible to use bad one to do anything alone. I have NO depth perception because of the vast sight differences.
Enough of that.
You my precious friend have given me some great ideas and hope I can still be creative.
I am using your ideas to plan on trying some things in the future.
I love you sooo much for your compassion your time thought and effort to help me sweetie
Can’t thank you enough.
Please keep in touch hun. Would love to chat more often.
Just pray I don’t get swamped again and lose the posts.
Impaired sight makes it hard to read the data in the notices too.
Makes me think of my poor dad losing his sight to macular degeneration like his brothers and mother.
He was a very gifted artist. Played guitar. Raynauds Phenomenon has robbed his dexterity.
So although my vision is impaired I’m blessed to have any sight at all.
Take care be safe my sweet friend.
Thanks again. Abundant blessings.
Love and prayers.
EJ xxx
Try Carmex Classic Lip Balm Medicated. Put a small amount on a cotton bud and swirl it around each nostril before bed. It does wonders to my little dry nose every day. I hope it helps yours too!xx
Dear EJ,
Don’t worry about getting back to me quickly. I understand about so many messages to respond to.
I am SO, SO sorry about your vision issues and lack of depth perception. It sounds so scary and reminiscent, I’m sure, of your dad’s problems. You are definitely taking the right attitude about focusing on what you DO have rather than what you don’t have. Otherwise, the rest of your life would slip through your fingers and you would only be left with emptiness and bitterness.
I am so happy that my ideas are giving you something to think about and plan for. When you are ready, you will become creative again. The main thing is not to wait too long to get started on something new because you will feel joy immediately.
I am trying to be creative in the midst of all the coronavirus worry. Every minute that I’m doing something creative is a minute that I’m not thinking about the virus - and feels really, really good.
Honeybug, you are such a lovely, warm and loving person and I hope things improve for you as soon as possible.
With love, hugs and prayers,
There is not much you can do about it but I put some vaseline on the inside edges so it won’t irritate at night.
jmp51, thank you so much for this helpful suggestion. I had put vaseline inside all my nose but then I couldn't breathe, so I'll just put it inside the edges, as you've suggested!
make a warm slightly salty solution, put it in a small spray bottle and spray up your nose whenever it feels dry.