In July, I started bleeding. I immediately called my gynecologist. They did an ultrasound and scheduled a follow up. At the follow up, she did as biopsy; the following day she called to let me know it was cancer and referred me to an oncologist. The oncologist did a complete hysterectomy and removed 2 lymph nodes. Turns out it was carcinosarcoma Stage II almost 40+ percent into the endometrium between the uterus and cervix. I am having Chemo now.
living with cancer: In July, I started... - SHARE Uterine Can...
living with cancer
Hi love, sounds very similar to my story. Started bleeding in January 2023 but it took until beginning of September 2023 to be diagnosed with cancer. Total hysterectomy in November 2023 and that should have been the end of it.
Unfortunately I started bleeding again about 6 weeks later so back to the hospital I went to get it checked out and it turns out some cells had escaped and set up residence at the top of the “vaginal vault” so in April and May last year I had to have 5 weeks of chemo and radio.
Are you just having chemo (and when I say “just” I’m not belittling it!)? Or will you have radio too? I only managed 3 chemos before I felt so ill and I was told I could stop after 3 as it was the radiotherapy that was the really important part of my treatment. And that was bad enough.
Anyway, happy to chat if it’s helpful to you xx
for reaching out and sharing your story. I am having 6 Chemotherapy treatments, Keytruda immunotherapy and Radiation after Chemo. My last Chemo is the beginning of February. Then they will do another whole body scan, followed by radiation of an unknown duration at this point I will continue immunotherapy for sometime as well. Definitely a marathon and not a sprint. Very scary. Doing my best to maintain faith that I will be cured. Thank you again for the support Amy.
It sounds like you have a reasonable plan in place. Carcinosarcoma is very aggressive, so it needs an aggressive response regardless of the stage. Including the Keytruda with the chemo is fairly recent protocol for at least stages 3 or 4. I began 1/2022 with carcinosarcoma Uterine 3a. I had good initial results with the carboplatin/paclitaxel, but didn't have the Keytruda at that time. Best wishes for success and stay vigilant even after treatment.
Our stories are very similar, including the month of diagnosis. My staging was similar, with pathology showing clear cell carcinoma. I was in a clinical trial for Keytruda, given along with the chemo, until I got kicked out because of metastatis while getting the two infused drugs. (Clarification: I don’t know if I was getting the drug or placebo). My oncologist says that my cancer is chemo resistant. It ends up that the study showed that Keytruda was not helpful for my particular biomarkers. I have learned from webinars and my oncologist that biomarkers are now the focus of treatment studies, so it’s important to know yours. Sadly, there is nothing out there for mine (yet) and I have to hope that the radiation and brachy are doing the job that infusions didn’t. Thanks for “listening” and sharing. May we all be able to share good news and support each other.