Please share your thoughts. This is a picture of my left ovary. I have been in pain for 4 years. Just had a d&c done and doctor gives me these pictures with no explanation. I have bad back and pelvic pain. Have pressure to pee all the time and have trouble having a bowel moments. Been trying to conceive for five years. Blood after sex is like a scene from the god father. Doctor tells me after d&c that i dont have ovarian cancer but she didnt biopsy my ovaries. Im in more pain then ever.
Please see pictures : Please share your... - SHARE Ovarian Can...
Please see pictures

Hi shawnat,
From the sounds of your symptom description and even the experience with your doctor, I say try getting a second opinion. I wouldn't know if it sounds or looks like ovarian cancer, I'm not at all qualified in that area and although your doctor has said it's not your symptoms don't sound pleasant to live with so you deserve a better explanation and deeper diagnostic assessments done to at least get more peace of mind and relief from whatever it is. Personally I would pursue a biopsy of the ovary and even the cervix just to check it all (unless they sent tissue to pathology after your d&c ?).
Trust your gut.
That's just my opinion. Good luck.
Thank you for your reply. My doctor sent off everything she removed from the d&c and it came back i have endometriosis. When she showed me the photos at my one week check up i asked her why the left ovary was deformed and she stated that she didnt know why and i could take the pictures if i wanted to show another doctor. I asked her if she biopsyed it and she said no cause she knows i want children.
Ok that makes some sense, and not taking the biopsy if it affects fertility. Maybe a gynecologist perspective would help explain why the ovary is like that, just a thought. You already have some answers from your doctor so that's a good start.
Did she take any pictures of the eight ovary for comparison? I’d take any and all info to a new GYN for a second opinion. Trust your instincts. You know your body better than anyone.
Best wishes
This definitely sounds like a second opinion is in order. In the meantime get copies of the surgical and pathology reports and results from any tests that were run. Best wishes.
Dear Shawn, I sure wish I had my weird ovary removed. I would really consider it. Mine wasn't working anyway, and my other ovary gave me a son, who is now 32!😙
That weird ovary put me through 6 years of chemo. Your should get yourself a ca125 test. And, I'd your ovary is non cancerous, it might be worth removing it for your own comfort. Just so it doesn't mutate into something bad, like mine did. There is no medical excuse for refusing a CA125, especially with a cyst or tumor that size!
Thank you so much for taking the time to express your thoughts. I found a lab that you can get any blood test done you want and the ca-125 is on the list. Its $50 but same as if i went to the doctor. I really want the blood test and after pushing my doctors for it after three months with no concern from them for it. Im just doing it myself. Time for me to take matters into my own hands. Doctor reply was you have endometriosis so the leves are just going to come back high. I replied with thats fine but how high is my concern. I will keep you posted. Im also making a appointment to see a new obgyn at a different practice. After 18 years its time for a change.
Update: so i went to another doctor in the same practice. She ordered a internal ultrasound, did a internal exam and took a urine sample. Ultrasound came back normal, urine normal and exam normal. She would not order the ca-125.
On February 13 i started peeing straight blood and blood clots. Went to give another urine sample and was told its normal on the test strip but will send it off. I have a appointment on Tuesday with the bladder specialist and im praying she can give me some answers. Meanwhile im going to get my paperwork together as some of you have given me advice to do so. I also have three lumps on my breast that im seeing a breast doctor about. He has no explanation for them as of right now. Already had a mammogram and ultrasound but they are getting bigger. This is a trying time for me and my family. Thank you for your comments and prayers. I will continue to pray for you all for peace and hope in these difficult days.
Dear Shawn, Wow! You are going through trials! I experienced both breast and ovarian cancer, so I had the genetic test, and found out I was BRCA-2. I should have done this earlier, with my family history. I would recommend a genetic test too; I think it would be really rare for a person to have both cancers unless they we're BRCA positive.
That doesn't mean I think for sure you have cancer, but check into your family history just in case. I'm going to send up big prayers after this message!
Love, Margaret
PS. I'm still here, 20 years after breast cancer and 10 years after ovarian cancer!
Dear Shawn, how are things going? I wanted to still encourage you to get a genetic test. My BRCA mutation came from my GrandPa. Who would have guessed? Back then (20 years ago) they thought it only descended from the female line. NOT TRUE!
So, I didn't bother with the genetic test. Too bad, I would have had my female organs removed, instead of developing Stage 3 high nuclear grade metestatic ovarian cancer.
So, it may be that you don't have the mutation, but I say better safe than sorry!
Ps. I knew I had breast cancer starting age 30, because my right breast wouldn't drain properly while nursing my baby. But, the docs thought I was neurotic because they couldn't feel any lumps. My 10th mammogram and a substitute radiologist discovered my multifocal ductal carcinoma; all the way from the nipple to the lobules. But praise God, it was Stage 0! Non invasive-just before it was about to invade! I got both breasts removed. I'm sure glad I did. My husband said "you are worth more than a couple of breasts". That goes for you, too, Shawn! I hope you have the best of outcomes from your tests! Keep me posted! 💖Margaret
Margaret thank you for checking in on me. Super sweet of you to take time from your day.
I went to back to see my obgyn and demanded answers or i was going to find a new obgyn. I even took my grandmother with me. Obgyn told me it is a tumor but nothing to worry about. I told her to prove to me that it wasn't cancer. She said she couldn't and they couldn't do the blood test i wanted because their lab doesn't have the right blood tubes. So i demanded to go see a cancer doctor. Waiting for call to set that appointment up. I have problems feeding both my babies. The lumps are getting bigger. I have another appointment in two weeks to go back and see breast doctor. I will keep you posted. I did see i obgyn. Will add that later tonight. Have to get daughter from school. Thank you again!! You are given strength and hope someone can and will help me.