9 months pregnant without a baby - SHARE Ovarian Can...

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9 months pregnant without a baby

MandiBeth profile image
10 Replies

I've been experiencing abdominal pain, kidney stones, urinary tract infections, constant bloating and constipation for 9 months. I've been to my primary care doc, gyno doc, GI doc, and urologist. At this point, they have diagnosed me with IBS-C, ovarian cysts (which I've had since I was a teenager) and dehydration. I was told to take Miralax which I do everyday and advised to get on birth control to shrink the cysts but my husband and I were considering having another baby so I opted not to do that. I'm not pregnant, but I look like it as I have gained 25 lbs even though I can barely eat anything without feeling full and nausea. I can't even tie my shoes any more or wear jeans. It hurts my bloated belly too bad. I live in leggings and try to cover my swollen belly as best I can. I have an appointment with my gyno in a couple days and I'm going to demand a CA-125 test and ultrasound. I'm so over this and want to go back to normal.

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MandiBeth profile image
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10 Replies
Archeveritas profile image

I’m so sorry you have been feeling horrible. Doctors did the same with me. Take miralax, blah blah blah. After 5 months of bloating and misery, I finally insisted on a CT scan and went to a Gynecologic oncologist. They never did a ca125 but if they would have they would have seen the number 1600. Be assertive and advocate for yourself. It may be something totally treatable but not knowing is the worst. Please let us know how you are doing. You are tough!

MandiBeth profile image
MandiBeth in reply to Archeveritas

I assume you were diagnosed with ovarian cancer following the CT scan. Is that correct?

MandiBeth profile image
MandiBeth in reply to Archeveritas

I just came from the gyno. I gave her my list of symptoms and asked for a CA125 test. I was denied because she can't order that test based on my symptoms alone. She ordered an ANA blood test to see if I have an autoimmune issue because I have fatigue. She did a pelvic exam and I cried from the pain when she pushed on my ovaries and stomach. I'm having an ultrasound in two days. If that looks suspicious she is going to order the CA125. Cancer runs in my family...my mom and great-aunt had breast cancer and my uncle and aunt had throat cancer. My mom, aunts and cousin also have hypothyroidism/Hashimoto's, hence the ANA test.

Betty123456 profile image
Betty123456 in reply to MandiBeth

What!!!??? With those symptoms you were denied a simple CA-125 blood test? Does your doctor live on the moon? My ultrasound showed nothing but a bit of fluid. Stage 4 OC. Ca-125 should have been done long ago. Get a new doctor.

MandiBeth profile image
MandiBeth in reply to Betty123456

Just had ultrasound, shows 2mm cyst. No fluid. Doc isn’t going to order ca125. Said it’s just IBS. I’m at a loss.

Betty123456 profile image
Betty123456 in reply to MandiBeth

Ca-125 should have been ordered when he did ANA test. Demand one. The number could be elevated due to inflammation from IBS or the cyst but at least it will be another clue. Why won't he order one? Do you have an HMO?

6744 profile image
6744 in reply to MandiBeth

You must have the CA-125. The doctor sounds stupid.

GwenHP profile image

Is there any way you can go to another doctor for a second opinion? With your symptoms and your family history it's a no brainer to have a CA125 done. Keep us posted. Best wishes - Gwen

MandiBeth profile image
MandiBeth in reply to GwenHP

I’m going to ask my PCP for one.

Zand profile image
Zand in reply to MandiBeth

If this hadn’t been resolved please ask for a transvaginal ultrasound. My tumours were visible and on the basis of that report I was referred for CA 125 and an immediate MRI, followed by surgery and diagnosis of OC stage 3b.

Tumours often NOT visible on a regular ct scan

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