Being treated for metastatic breast cancer with monthly injections of Faslodex . I have the pungent oder ( as I call it ) for at least a week after the injections . Like many others on here the doctor said they never heard of this symptom . I am wondering how others with it are describing the smell . I wouldn’t say “ barnyard “ as I have heard nor “ burning flesh “ . It also would be nice to know if anyone has been told what causes it .
cocoacandy: Being treated for... - SHARE Metastatic ...

Hi I have been on Faslodex for 3 years now. I have many side effects but so far no odor. It does keep the cancer quiet but my side effects are joint pain, tiredness extreme hot flashes during the day and night. I wish you the best! God bless you and all of us.
Oder in urine sometimes for the first 48-72 hrs. Nothing more.
I am in my third month of the injections (complete with loading doses). I am experiencing the same odor. It can last up to a week for me. I read on a British chat site (so take it as you will) that it is possibly due to the medium that the faslodex is suspended in that causes the odor.
I get the odor. I've been on Faslodex for 10+ years and it only lasts a day now. I figure it's confirmation I got the right shot!
I have been on Faslodex for 5 years. I am not on any other medication or MBC. Sometimes I do notice an odor in my urine for a few days, but not every month. I have itching for a few days some months at the injection site. No hot flashes or joint pain.
Moi je l'ai eu pendant un an. Mon urine sentait le poisson. Il a été arrêté au bout d'un an car il avait eu une action mais pas suffisante. Par contre la dernière injection me laisse un effet cuisant, l'infirmière a piqué dans le nerf crural j'ai souffert ++++++ pendant plus de trois mois. Je commence seulement à me sentir un peu mieux
Sorry for the late reply. I absolutely get an odor that lasts for days, maybe 10 days. I wouldn't describe it as barnyard, but more medicinal. It is a little pungent. Whatever it is, it does not smell like me.