hello ladies, just wondering has anyone experienced rib pain ?
rib pain : hello ladies, just wondering... - SHARE Metastatic ...
rib pain

yes hun I experienced rib pain, that’s why I went to the doctors in the first place in February 24! I have metastatic breast cancer in my chest, please get any pain checked out! I’m on treatment but still suffer from the pain, but it’s early days! Good luck xxx
Yes I experienced rib pain.
About 6 months before my diagnosis.
I had ribs so sore I found it hard to sleep as most lying positions hurt. I had xrays and ultrasound that found nothing and was told it was probably an older injury to intercostal muscles that would need time to heal...then a mammogram found another culprit!!!
Since being on ibrance and Letrozole and also having Zometa infusions all bone pain has gone.
I get some joint issues and twinges from the Letrozole...but the original rib pain was proper sort of kicked by a horse type of thing.
I'm 3years since start of treatments....it took around 6 months to sort out the meds (I started on Kisqali first but reacted badly so switched to Ibrance) and to feel pain free.
I had rib pain that made it hard to take a deep breath. Could not find the cause until MBC showed up in a lymph node and the CT and bone scans revealed 2 compressed vertebrae attached to the ribs that were hurting! Do not know for sure, but oncologist assured me that if it was cancer and not osteopenia, the Taxol with Perjeta and Herceptin would stop it from growing. I have been receiving Zometa infusions, too. The damage will not heal, but it has not gotten worse, and I've learned to "respect the pain" by avoiding BLT (bending, lifting, or twisting) when I can. When I can't, I take slow release Tylenol, and rest frequently. Like Kerryd22, it goes away when I take a break.
I have had pretty bad rib (side) pain for a long time and no doc could figure it out or find anything to provide relief. About 6 months ago a nurse suggested I try some over the counter Lidocaine patches and it has been almost like a miracle. I still know the pain is there but SUPER mild! Yay to another fabulous nurse!!
Yes I’ve had rib pain. I have extensive mets but although I do still sometimes get a dull pain in my ribs or T7 it’s not often. It’s usually after I’ve stood too long at a bench or sink and it goes away fairly quickly when I take a break.
I’ve been taking Exemestane since mid 2016. I did need opioids for a while but I’ve had no problems for the last couple of years. I also have Xgeva four times a year. And I take loratadine daily.
I only have bone mets.
I have constant rib pain that hasn’t gone despite being on Ibrance and letrozole for 3 years. It doesn’t keep me awake though and I am used to it now. My oncologist puts it down to bone repairing which I am happy to believe!
Yes, I had really bad rib pain before diagnosis, and following catching covid, and then getting shingles. Biopsy, scans and xrays etc. confirmed I'd got metastatic breast cancer with extensive mets to liver, lungs, and spine, plus a large pleural effusion, and two pathological rib fractures. I had no idea I'd could have breast cancer, no prior history of breast cancer. I thought I had long covid! I would definitely get your pain checked out. All the best.
Yes before diagnosis and also felt like I'd been kicked in the chest. No problem once treatment had started to work though. X
thank you ladies for responding ….my rib pain started after I had a lumpectomy followed by radiation….it was scary cause it would come on if I turned my head to left , reached for a glass …bent over turn in bed from right side to left .. I can’t lift myself outta bed … I try to throw my legs over first n grab onto my sheets n pull myself up….it scared me cause it’s on my left side n at first it felt like a heart attack n I thought maybe the radiation caused damaged to my heart. It subsided for a few months n a few nights ago I was watching a comedian on Netflix n was laughing and all of a sudden it started up. Now with a laugh a cough or a sneeze. I take Tylenol but it last for a minute in half. N I take deep breaths during the attack. No one in 2017 seemed to be concerned. My new oncologist sent me to cardiologist n he said it was musculoskeletal not my heart
Right now I m lending over n czn feel a little twinge. .
It makes me wonder if my cancer team back in 2017 would have did some scans instead of saying cancer doesn’t cause pain n told me some women do get rib pain after radiation for 10 years or longer that I wouldn’t have stage 4 breast cancer just after 5 years of being told I had a good tumor they caught it early n on my postop appointment I ask about lymph nodes n i was confused as well after my surgeon told me he couldn’t find any lymph nodes. Anyway it is what it is n I pray it stays dormant n no Mets . Still having intestinal issues but my new oncologist told me it’s my Ibrance n I can’t get through a day without Imodium or 3 Can’t go out to breakfast lunch or dinner. My grandchildren are graduating n at parties n weddings I can’t eat. There has to be something out there to help this I have become a hermit. I stay close to bathroom. I make sure I have menu of Imodium in …once I get that pain there is no stopping what comes next. Someone told me Lomotil I have an appointment with onc in few weeks and gonna ask her about it. Again thank you all .
Greetings ,
Is your rib pain on the side the Mets is on ? I have rib/ abdominal pain on the side my Mets is NOT on . Endoscopy showed a hernia but doctor said wouldn’t cause pain .
Ye s. All the time. It’s winter hear, and I have a Far infrared blanket to lay non on the couch in the evening which helps the pain now end. But it doesn’t reach everywhere. Right now as I type this I can feel the pain on one of the spots where there is amet on my left rib.
I am texting leaning over and can feel alittle pain.
Yes I had rib pain before I was diagnosed and it was part of the symptoms that led me to the doctor, I did have a bone met in my rib
but still have rib pain
I have extensive bone mets, and a few months ago I was in extreme pain. I have used cbd cream, aspercreme with lidocaine, and bio freeze on my ribs and lower back. I like the cbd more than the rest. Google how to get out of bed with rib/back pain. I recently had severe rib/back pain and couldn't get out of bed. I learned from the internet how to get out of bed with back pain. It worked!!!