Good afternoon. Yesterday I visited my ancologist after a city scan, who showed a slight increase in metastases in the liver after 3 months of treatment with Ibrance and Fulvestran. The doctor referred me for a consultation with a radiologist-ancologist. Does anyone have experience with radiation to the liver? And if so, then please share. The doctor himself said that this is an experimental treatment. I am very nervous and if they offer me I don’t know what to do, because I read that there are no good results, but harm can be done.
Advice : Good afternoon. Yesterday I... - SHARE Metastatic ...

I suggest you see the radiologist again and this time tell him you know you're not an expert but this is what I found - show him the research you found tell him you are afraid and want his expert input opinion on pros and cons. Then take the time you need to decide.I'm sorry you are facing this.
Thank you for your reply. Of course we have a lot of questions to ask, no I would like to know if anyone has had this treatment and what the results were.
I have had breast cancer in my liver since 2019. Since my bloodwork indicated that my liver measures were in the normal range, I opted to do nothing then but keep track of any changes. It's been five years now, and all remains the same. I've assumed that my current age (78) means that changes are very slow.
am 73 years old and the doctor says that I have a slowly growing cancer. But in September a liver metastasis of 1.6 cm was discovered. In March it was already 2.8 cm. This was ordered by the city scan. Blood counts show good liver function.
Hi. I have had two liver ablations to remove cancerous lesions. My interventional radiologist is great. The procedure is done in hospital under anesthetic, but I went home the same day. No pain. Easy recovery. I hope this helps you. Best wishes!
Thank you for your answer. I have a few questions. Which of the 3 types of ablation did you receive and what are the results after this procedure? My lision is 2.8 cm. Is it too late to receive such treatment and are there any problems in the liver and other nearby organs?
I am not sure of the type; I did t know there were 3 different types. I had 4 active lesions. The first ablation took care of 3 of the lesions. The fourth he couldnt reach. He said he’d try again at a later date. When he went back in he was able to get the remaining active lesion. I get an abdominal CT scan every six months (next one is this Thursday). I have been No Evidence of Active Disease for 9 months now. I get a PET Scan every : months. I am on Xeloda and Exemestane.
I live in the US and Medicare covered this. My supplemental plan picked up what Medicare didnt cover.
I hope this helps you. Best wishes.
I would check with the insurance company, as well as the doctor. Insurance often doesn’t pay for procedures considered experimental. If you have to pay out of pocket, it would be helpful to find out how much liability you are being asked to assume. A friend of mine in another MBC support had an enlarged lymph node removed under the arm. It was cancerous, but the insurance company labeled the procedure experimental and denied the claim. If the procedure isn’t covered, your decision may get easier.
The three types of ablation procedures really will depend on the tumor sizes, 3 or more tumors and where they are located. It's not to late for your size tumor. This is something your radiologist oncologist will discuss with you. Also you will want to make sure that whoever does the procedure has a lot of experience. There has been a lot of good outcomes in ablating tumors in the liver and lungs. If your doctor is saying it's experimental please check with your insurance company. My insurance does pay for experimental procedures if deemed medically necessary. I had lesions in my liver but in two months on Ibrance and letrozole they are no longer there - they disappeared entirely. I have tumors in other areas that merely shrunk in half in the two months. It sounds like Ibrance isn't working for you if you are having progression. Does your doctor plan on you continuing Ibrance? I am sorry you are going through this, big hug 🫂 and prayers.
Thanks for your reply, this sounds very helpful. On this week I'll visit radiologist and share everything.
I was interested in your reply and how Ibrance has helped your lesions in your liver. And how it’s helped shrink your other tumours - great to read these positive replies.
I have had some mild progression or bone Mets to my L11 in spine-
And some progression in my hip
I will be taking Ibrance and aromidex - like letrozole - and hope I have success like you - I understand bone Mets can be treated -
How long have you even on the meds
Oh I am so sorry to hear about progression 😳. I had been only two months on Ibrance and letrozole when a PET scan showed the lesions in the liver disappeared. I was worried about them. And my tumors in my right adrenal gland and near my left ovary shrunk in half. I have two tumors in my lungs that didn't shrink but stopped growing. Thank God. I am starting my 4th cycle (4th month) now on Ibrance. I will have another scan in May. I know from others they saw shrinkage of their tumors then it stopped but at least their tumors didn't grow, they remained stable. And others after being on the drugs for quite sometime saw NEAD. Every person's body responds differently to the drugs. I hope too you have good results from the drugs and it stops the progression. I am tolerating both drugs well though the letrozole gives me body aches like crazy when I am off my week of Ibrance. My oncologist wants to reduce my dosage of Ibrance because my neutrophils are too low. Do you have pain because of the bone mets? Please let us know how you are doing on Ibrance and aromidex.
don’t have metastases anywhere only in the liver. I take 75 mg of Ibrance. My back burns, but not from letrazole, which I took for 4 years without Ibrance, from which I had side effects and the doctor took it off. After I had a metastasis in the liver in September they prescribed it to me again at a dose of 75. Now I am experiencing burning pains all over my body. My condition is stable despite a slight increase of 2 mm. But the doctor is sending me to consult about ibolization of the liver. After that I will let you know.
It sounds like a reaction to the Ibrance, I am so sorry 😔. Is there another drug you can ask your oncologist about that would not cause the burning sensation. It must be miserable. I have that burning sensation in my left hand because I have neuropathy of my left arm and hand from cancer. Yes, please let us know how you are doing. We are here for you. Hugs 🫂 and prayers for healing.
I did not know you could have ablations for MBC new growths. I am on Kisqali now going into my 3rd cycle. Last Petscan had good and bad information. I have tumors in my lungs. The biopsies ones show no activity but there is some growth in smallest one that they didn’t biopsy and another new growth. I will get a Petscan in May. Can the new tumors be ablated?
As far as the lungs I am not sure. I have not asked yet about what can be done about lung mets. But you can be sure I will be asking about this if there is progression. If I were you I would ask what else your oncologist would want to do. I have not done any research (valid studies) yet. It's on my to do list. Please lt us know what your oncologist says. I am so sorry that you have some progression, it's worrisome I know especially since we have it in the lungs. Hugs 🫂 and prayers.