Anyone get bad rashes taking Xeloda ( Capecitabine ) ?
Xeloda: Anyone get bad rashes taking... - SHARE Metastatic ...

I itch a lot from taking xeloda with few places of a rash. My hands are peeling and feet crack have to use healing cream on them. Also I did loose a fingernail but not sure if it was xeloda.
I was wondering what cycle you are now on with xeloda ? How are you feeling over all and what kind of results are you getting from it? Oh and how have you labs looked while on it ? Thanks so much. I know this is a lot of questions . I pray you are feeling good over all and had a wonderful Christmas.
I started Xeloda in Nov. of 2022. I have been on 1500mg in the morning and 1500mg at night. 2 weeks on, one week off. I have the hand/foot syndrome, but I keep it mostly in check with Eucerin UreaRepair Plus. I just recently started getting bad rashes on my chest and arms. I've been putting cortisone on them which seems to help a little. When I go back in Jan. for my scans, etc.... I am going to ask if I can have my dosage reduced. Otherwise, I feel good.
My last scans in Oct. showed one lesion in my liver was gone and another one had shrunk. The ones on my spine stayed the same. Labs have been good.
I had breast cancer in 2015, had a mastectomy with no radiation or chemo. Cancer came back in 2019. It is in my spine, liver and lymph nodes. I was on Ibrance for a long time, then that quit working and they put me on Everolimus and Fulvestrant. That did not work at all, spots got much bigger, so put me on Xeloda.
Your journey with meds are the same as my moms! Mom was on ibrance for 2 and half years. We found out this summer she had progression and was changed Everolimus and Fulvestrant and it didn’t work. She is now on xeloda. 1500 twice a day two weeks on 1 week off. She just started her 3 cycle on wed. So we don’t know anything yet. Praying she has good results like you. Hers is also liver and bones and has had 2 brain lesions and she did radiation for that. Thank you so much for sharing. Felt so good to hear this ❤️
I’ve been on it for about 5 months and I take it two weeks on and one week off. I feel ok it’s been the less side effects of any drug I have taken. No hair loss and not weak however I’m recovering from a fractured left hip when I fell. It was in the cancer hip. My tumor markers are down from 1750 to 258.. I take 7 pills a day 3 in am and 4 at night. I haven’t told the dr about my finger yet. My feet crack and hands using Vaseline healing and a medline skin recovery cream. I go for scans soon January 30th ☝️🙏✝️keep in touch I’ll let you know..God bless.
Praying you have a great scan in Jan🙏❤️ I’m sorry about your fall!
I wish you the best… don’t fall!!! Take care!🌹
Hi there! Have a question when on xeloda did you start to see your tumor markers go down. Once you started when was the first time they were checked? Thanks so much! Just trying to figure out some things for my mom. I posted a new post tumor marker today. Hope you are doing well❤️
I was on the med for about two months before they checked it and markers down . My dr was very surprised but crazy as it seems I thought the ortho dr cleaned up the incisision as he had to dig out previous work from the other dr. I had an infection and he cleaned it out and told me he could see the cancer in the left hip. I’m having an issue with the hand-foot syndrome peeling and cracking of hands and feet. It ate one of my index nails so I’m using alot of cream and he stopped my meds fromQ10-22 of January. We will see going for my scans the 30th . Hope all is fine on your end.🙏✝️
Sounds like you have hand foot syndrome! Speak with your oncologist! He may need to reduce your dose or make other adjustments to dosing schedule.
I’ve been using Voltaren gel on my hands and feet 2-3 times a day. It’s kweping mine in check.
Also can try using “udderly smooth” extra care with 20% urea. Neither are expensive and can buy on Amazon. Good luck!!
I might try the cream . I will tell the onc when I see him. It’s not hurting and hands and feet better. I thought it was just that finger because only one was affected but now I see them trying to get red but Vaseline healing and medline skin repair is working. I also thought it could be a yeast too or fungus infection. It’s a small price to pay if I’m improving.. thanks and take care..🙏
when I was on it a few years ago I had hand and foot issues I used udder cream with urea. It helped me a lot. I am going on TRUQAP at the end of this month. It was passed by the FDA in November. Very new. I’ll probably get this hand and foot problem so I purchased udder cream from Amazon. Hope this new medication works.for me
Best days ahead. Reenie
I haven't heard of that drug TRUQAP. Love that new drugs keep coming out quickly now! All the best with it!
I’m on TruQap. HFS is not a usual side effect.
So far I’ve had slight nausea which is easily managed.
Good luck.
I have taken Truqup for four days. Diarrhea, diarrhea, diarrhea Day and night. Every two to three hours. Drinking banana flakes in sports drinks to keep me hydrated. Exhausting. Reenie