I found this on the British Sky News website yesterday.. they have been doing studies on Anastrozole in England. It seems to prevent cancer.
Anastrozole - interesting : I found... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Anastrozole - interesting

It will be a trade-off exercise for many.
I was put on anastrazole for 10 years in 2008 after G2S2B (T1N0M0) IDC breast cancer right breast: WLE, ALND (1micro/10), FEC, 5daysx4wks rads. If those placed on anastrazole as a prophylactic can put up with such as 10 years of low mood and daily early-morning headaches, well done. As it was, after clear mammos and u/s, a lump was misdiagnosed as sebaceous cyst in Nov '22 but watched. Duly diagnosed in Mar 2022 with G2S2B (T3N0M0 -11.8cms) ILC classical bc left breast (WLE/SND-REx-completion mastectomy), Paclitaxel 1pwx12 and 5days x3wks rads, No BRCA1/2. Now Zometa 6mthly for 3 years and daily exemestane. I have since had prophylactic right mastectomy.
Yes, IF I knew then what I know now, I would have had double mastectomy in 2008...
I’m on anastrozole and Ibrance and have no side effects. I really think Angelia Jolie had the right idea, really who needs them after babies? I never nursed anyway. I’m sorry you suffer such side effects. Maybe there is hope for the future? I’m 72 tomorrow, was diagnosed 2.5 years ago. And on that note the way the world is today I’m glad I’m at the time in my life like I am. Hugs and prayers for you. It’s just one day at a time. It is what it is and attitude is 90% of the game I say.
Agreed. We are each obviously unique in our response to medications. The Sky coverage did include depression and headaches in the list of possible side-effects of anastrazole and I certainly had those. Happy Birthday to you for tomorrow - I'm ahead of you by just over a year. Also agreed, we are so lucky re our timing and indeed, when I wake up each morning I try to remember to tell myself, "Well that's a good start to the day."
I’m on the same protocol but have alot of fatigue ( although it’s better over tine) and weakness. Did you have any of theses symptoms, and did the dissipate?
I don’t seem to have any side effects. I do take a nap about twice a week. I’ve been in it for 2.6 years and the dr is considering changing in Jan after my scans, as seems to be something on my rt kidney. Just have to wait. One day at a time. Just grateful I’m on this side of the dirt when I wake up. Best to you, hugs!
I was on the Anastrazole for 5 years for Stage 2 ILC. I had hot flashes and joint pain. Despite that, I wanted to stay on it longer for protection from recurrence, but my ONC said there was no proof that would make a difference and that the side effects it could cause long term were not good. So instead 2 1/2 years after going off of it I was diagnosed with MBC. I would gladly have endured those side effects instead of having a recurrence.
This is interesting but not earth shattering IMHO. (Anastrazole and Losartin are very similar with A being the "older" drug of the two.) I was on Losartin for nearly five years, my first med after MBC diagnosis, and the only side effect I remember were hot flashes, which were helped alot by Effexor.
I wonder why Losartin wasn't put forward as a preventative?
Regardless, while ever the emphasis is put on time to progression and/or survival data, breast cancer patients will not get the option to choose drugs that put quality of life first.