it finally happened. I have been taking cts every three months, doing blood work with tumor marker testing every month, and I take verzenio and letrizole. My first tumor maker test was at 301 and continuously decreased until last month where is slightly increased by 3 points. It now sits at 70. Retest on Tuesday and I’m dreading to see the results of the tumor marker test for this month. Has anyone had their test decrease, increase, then decrease again? I know it’s not the most reliable test in the world but it’s what my doc relies along with scans to see if my meds are working.
MBC diagnosed March 2022 and the CA 2... - SHARE Metastatic ...
MBC diagnosed March 2022 and the CA 27-29 tumor marker test.

I think a change of plus or minus three points is likely within the error range for the measure. With any luck, you may well see a decrease tomorrow.
Best wishes, Cindy
I sure hope so! Thanks for the encouragement..I hate blood work days and even worse scan days and just knowing this is my life from now on, that just makes it more depressing! I try to stay upbeat but it’s hard some times.
It sounds like you need diversion from thinking about cancer measures. I assume that you like cats. Could you adopt a new kitten??
No more cats for me. I already have three sibling 2 yo cats and 2 cockatiels to keep me busy. I don’t think about my situation constantly and I have a monthly standing appt with a religious leader which helps me to find peace but I tell ya leading up to blood work or scan days, I have to admit, anxiety!
It is your thoughts which trigger the anxiety, as you likely know. Psychological advice always centers on changing the thoughts to change the reaction. I'm glad you have diversions to help you refocus. It seems that your cancer marker score is trending down which is the right direction so do remind yourself of that. As well, there are so many good treatments for breast cancer these days that, regardless of any of your scores, you are going to be with us for a long time to come.
Small fluctuations in tumor markers are normal. My oncologist says if the tested me several days in a row, the numbers could be different. They look for numbers consistently trending upward as a sign that something is going on. Sounds like you have been having good results. Hope those continue for you. Sending you hugs and prayers.
Mine fluctuate monthly up or down and never stay static. I started at 490 and am 109. My thing is if they go up three to four months in a row by bigger numbers. Mine usually go up and down by 10 to 20 points.
I’ve had a bump in three points, down 5 the next with no progression. Rest easy
I had a scan last week which showed really good results … “a favorable response to treatment!” Mets are shrinking! But then my tumor marker test came back and I had gone from 41 to 50. All of this in the same week. My markers have jumped around— up and down—from 37 to 56 this entire first year of dx. I find them unsettling, but the dr assured me the scans tell much more.
I have thst that tricky lobular so for almost a year my Cac27-29 bounced monthly bounced up in down in the 400-500 range. But all scans were stubbornly stable and my doc said we can’t treat what we can’t see… but at Xmas I had an abdominal ultrasound that finally showed the wide spread all around my abdomen… I don’t think a tiny uptick around the normal amount is anything to waste thr good times while you are doing so well.
I’m concerned about my oncologist who doesn’t seem to agree that lobular can be sneaky and hide and cannot be seen on scans. That concerns me greatly because I have lobular too.
mine was searching and always vigilant but just couldn’t see the darn thing. Be ready to change when it shows it’s ugly head. Sadly they never do specific studies so we really don’t know what the best treatments are for our specific group which is only 10% of all cancers. So we get studied in the same group with all the ductal pts and we are after a very small cohort so they can’t tease out which strategy is best. We need new drugs and specific studies looking at lobular cancer pts. Then we would get some answers. If anyone knows of specific lobular studies please chime in!
I see fluctuation all the time with my markers. I am always within range, but it is stressful to see numbers bounce from time to time. God bless.
I wish you the best for good results
Keeping you in my prayers for good results - My numbers fluctuate by a few points each time and my oncologist puts his trust in the scans more than the bloodwork. Good luck! 💙
oh yes, oh yes of yes…the markers are on a joy ride. It has a lot to do with your overall health…and whether you have had a vaccine or two or three….mine fluctuated every time I got the Covid booster, the flu shot and the shingrix…it’s a response to your immune system ramping up and cleaning out. In my mind I see the cancer marker being shed because the immune system if fight back…I’m sure I’m wrong but my ONC reminds me it’s about trends, not the individual numbers. Most of the real information will be in the scans 😇Stay well, relax and kickback. 🥰😋
don’t. Worry. Down 3 points is just a margin of error. Not an increase!
Thank you! I’ve heard the same from oncologist today. She said they will fluctuate and what she really goes by are scans which I am scheduled to take next month. As long as the scans are stable, the tumor marker test is just a tool used in their arsenal. I even asked what if the number rose by 100 points, she said she still wouldn’t panic until she looked at the scan so the TM test almost sounds useless to me but for her, I guess it’s part of the protocol. I appreciate every response.
Seems like all responses were correct in that my numbers will fluctuate. November was at 67. December at 70. January at 66. Thank you all for the responses. I have to tell ya even tho I know in my heart they will fluctuate, when I saw the number for this month went down, I was a little teary eyed. Thanks again!!!
it has happened to me and my onc changed my meds but I wish he hadn’t. Mine in the beginning were never 300 -the highest was 170 but now it’s different. On ibrance it stayed lower than 70 for years. Some drs follow these markers others say they are not that reliable. Don’t be too quick to change your meds but if it continues to rise then it’s probably not working as well anymore. I’m still figuring all this out-see what your dr says . Wish you the best. 🙏✝️
I think knowing we have this disease is stressful in itself, that at best, it lies just below the surface of our eveyday thoughts. We are reminded daily taking our medication. But, we are again reminded with every blood draw and scan. It is perfectly normal to feel anxious when you are going for these tests. You can see from your last marker test that the results can also be positive. Try to look at your blood draw as a confirmation that your medication is winning the battle, and keepingthe enemy at bay. That's what I do. ❤
Yes my tumor markers bounce up and down 3 or more points. My oncologist said my tumor markers were stable. If tumor markers increase 20% to 30% or more it may indicate a progression. Correct the tumor marker tests are not reliable. They are taken into consideration alongside symptoms, exams and imaging tests. Tumor markers can increase when you start a new treatment, 25% of patients have normal tumor marker test results even though they have MBC. Dana Farber put out an excellent video on you tube covering the whole topic called Biomarkers for Treatment and Progression 2021-2022 Embrace MBC. It is very good, gives ASCO’s guidelines regarding tumor markers and may help answer questions.