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Nail fungus

Beryl71 profile image
25 Replies

I have an increasing problem with my big toe nail, such that on the last trip to the foot health practitioner, she cut away about half the nail. She described it as a fungal infection. The nail has thickened and become brittle and doesn't adhere to my toe. I have purchased several products from the pharmacy but am told it can take 12 months, although often treatment is not successful.

I have read that it can be related to a weakened immune system. I am on letrozole and ibrance. I dont know if my oncologist would be interested.

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Beryl71 profile image
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25 Replies
bracelets1 profile image

Hi there! I don't have a fungus, but I was just checking to see if anyone had written about losing a toe nail? Like you, I am thinking because of a weakened immune system, it could be affecting my toe nails as my finger nails are very brittle. I too take biotin and I use cuticle oil and lotion on my hands every evening. The fun never ends!!!! 😆

Beryl71 profile image
Beryl71 in reply to bracelets1

I presume biotin doesn't interact with meds?

bracelets1 profile image
bracelets1 in reply to Beryl71

When I spoke to my onc about taking them for my hair he said he didn't think it would help - but that I could try if I wanted to. I have read mixed reviews about taking Biotin on many boards. Some docs are fine with it, some aren't. I will trust my doc's opinion

Merma profile image

Yes, I had this too. I was terrible about remembering to put the medicine on the toe and decided to forget about it and wear nail polish. After nearly 3 years, the fungus cleared up on its own. I’m still on Ibrance and anastrozole - for almost 5 years. My wbcs are not great, but I am hardly sick and I swim in public pools.

Ursula_I profile image


A gp said to me at least 50% of the adult population has nail fungus and it's very hard to get rid of. The best treatment is oral, not those nail applications. Even then (with the pills) it takes about six months, and then once it's clear it frequently comes back within a year!

According to him, anyway, it's not worth worrying about as it's not serious. The best treatment/not to get it, is not to wear shoes and socks as the fungus thrives in damp conditions. That's not so practical with winter coming, though...

Fwiw I too have about three fungal nails, I put anti-fungal cream on them which doesn't make much difference, I don't worry too much. Sometimes I paint them bright colours :)

All the best x

Dear Beryl71 I have the same problem. I even had an operation twice and each time it comes back. They have told me it is indeed linked to a weak immune system.

8576 profile image

I have the big toe plus the one next it infected. It is the second time on the left foot. First time the footcare nurse told me she used hydrogen peroxide on it and poured it on it cleared about 3 months but now, a year later, it is back. I am not as diligent about caring for this. I do use the peroxide but just swab it on with a q stick on not even every day. So far it is taking the longer time to get rid of. I to, think it is because of a lowered immune system. The treatment is because you don't want it to spread to other nails. The peroxide is painless and swabbed on daily should get rid of it. Sure is cheaper then those other products and it works.

Cheers, June S.

Beryl71 profile image
Beryl71 in reply to 8576

Maybe worth trying. Ive bought a squeezy bottle containining oils, they suggest massaging into nail and bed twice a day, and a paint on one for twice a week. But the two have cost nearly £40.

Totheriver profile image
Totheriver in reply to 8576

I have not had the problem but my Mom did and was told by a doctor to put Vick’s vapo rub on it and it did clear up.

GlendaW profile image
GlendaW in reply to Totheriver

Yes, Vicks helped me, too.

SpongebobMom profile image

do you have high blood sugar? believe it or not but there is a definite correlation between the two.

Beryl71 profile image
Beryl71 in reply to SpongebobMom

No,no problems there!

Gibby21 profile image

Way back in 2009 the first time I had breast cancer and was going through chemo. I stubbed my toe and that became a toe fungus. They had to finally laser that fungus off and then I had to apply like a nail polish type thing on that toe for almost a year before the toe nail was normal I do think it has to do with the weak immune system and then maybe you somehow injured the toe but it does take a very long time and constant daily medicine. I had to put that polish on two times a day.

Gmaoftriplets profile image

I also have mail fungus , but I unfortunately have it on all my toes. I am a type 1 diabetic for 43 years and have been on Ibrance and letrozole for 5 years. I have had the nail fungus for over 35 years., I don’t use any over the counter items they don’t work. I was told it is caused by a weakened immune system. I do put lotion on them and that seems to help. All my endocrinologist ever told me was “paint them” Lol good luck

viennagirl profile image

I don't have nail fungus but my nails are thin and brittle. But my husband has that fungus on one toe. The pharmacist told him that none of the topical over the counter stuff like that cures it. He said don't waste your money. Of course you can find info on line that counteracts that advice so it doesn't hurt to try different things. I might talk my husband into soaking his feet in sea salt water at bedtime. Who knows it might help.

If topical treatments don't work for you then you might benefit from an anti-fungal diet. I went on an anti-candida diet for a couple of months and I lost about 7 pounds which made me happy but I don't know if my nails have improved. But I sure felt good and very energetic. But my nails still seem brittle.

I also take Ibrance and Letrozole. I am on a low dose (75). I was on 125 for a few months a few years ago and then 100 for almost two years and now I am down to 75. I feel good on that dose and my wbc went up to 1.2 last reading. Before that I barely made it to 1. One is the level at which you cannot be below. My doctor will not renew the prescription if the wbc is below one. And I often barely made it. So I would have to wait another week to bring my blood cells to a safe zone.

Now however, on the 75 mg dose I seem to be doing very well. I still get a bit tired at the end of my 21 day cycle but it is not so severe. However lately I am getting headaches. They might be tension headaches because it feels like there is an elastic band on my head putting on pressure. I have a CAT scan in one week so will know if anything more sinister is going on.

I feel for all of us who spend our time coping and worrying about the outcome of tests. I pray for a cure. But I am also grateful that science has reached the point where we at least have a chance to live longer lives. In spite of all my worries I am grateful.

I hope you find a solution to the nail fungus. By the way, you might consider taking a teaspoon of raw unpasteurized honey before going to bed. It is supposed to fight so many nasty infections and might help you with the fungus. You can find information on raw honey on line. I just googled raw honey and got tons of information. There are two kinds that are especially good for people. Manuka honey (very expensive) and Buckwheat honey - much more reasonably priced. Each honey has its own benefits however so to get maximum benefit I guess it would be good to take both. In the Blue zone cook book they say that many of the people who live over 100 in good health take a teaspoon of raw honey at bed time. I might just be folk lore but I am taking a teaspoon at bedtime and it seems to help me sleep. By the way, the honey cannot be pasteurized. It must be raw. Otherwise you are just consuming sugar. And sugar is white death. So take care. You might have someone selling beautiful dark raw honey in your neighbourhood. The darker the honey the more beneficial.

I am hoping that we all have many more years to enjoy this wonderful planet. Hugs Marlene

viennagirl profile image

Yes, I forgot to mention the immune system. It most likely plays a role in fungal infections. I have a cook book that provides immune building recipes. But I am sure you can find lots of info on line. If you want the name of the book please let me know. Hugs Marlene

Fiercefighter13 profile image

Hi Beryl71, I had many problems with my toe nails while on Ibrance/Letrozole. I had constant infected toe nails, and some died and just cracked and came off. This was constantly going on and my oncologist was often having to put me on anti-infectives. My protocol changed about 5 months ago to Verzenio/Faslodex and my nails healed up immediately, and I have not had any nail problems since. My WBC count was below normal on Ibrance but went back up to normal levels on Verzenio. I'm pretty sure now it was a problem with the low WBC count and weakened immune system from Ibrance. I hope you can get it sorted out, I know it can be worrisome and disturbing to have toe nail problems. Take care!

Bexly profile image

My big toe is very thick and ugly. I, too, am on Ibrance and Letrozole. It’s been like this for several years. I presume it’s from a weak immune system.

Beryl71 profile image
Beryl71 in reply to Bexly

Yes, same problems and I used to have pretty good nails.

Iwasborntodothis profile image

Vics Vapo rub and/or tea tree oil will help I promise and also OPI nail protectant (expensive and smelly) I rotate between the three and have had fairly good luck with my nails. If you switch to Capcetibine (xeloda) or Taxol it will be worse so best to start now.

Beryl71 profile image
Beryl71 in reply to Iwasborntodothis

Thank you. I think the lotion im using has tea tree and other oils, but when I replace I'll go for the cheaper option. I'll look out for the OPI products.

morty87 profile image

I've had a problem with my 2 large toes since 2006 when I was first diagnosed with BC. I was also a college athlete, so my toes were in disarray before BC. At times they get better, but for the most part, I take care of them cosmetically. I've been on Ibrance and Letrozole since 2018. I have monthly pedicures. My technician has secured a tip and acrylic to cosmetically alter my large toe nails. No one knows I have this "little" problem and my oncologist has given me the ok to continue this practice. It also helps that my technician is also a nursing student. She likely knows my feet better than I do. Good luck everyone!!!

Timtam56 profile image

Hi Beryl

I too was on Ibrance Letrozole for quite some time. I’ve had so many things go wrong. Terribly dry ends/extremities of fingers and toes. Gout like feeling (Really sore at night) in my right big toe. The trigger thumb in both hands. Now I’m even changed to Letrozole’s cousin, Anastrozole. But I still have terrible trouble with hands and wrists. Carpal tunnel, tendonitis and add to that an older diagnosis of Osteoperosis in both wrists. I feel your paint having this toenail thing.

It just feel like we rob Peter to pay Paul with these terribly strong drugs that are keeping us alive!

Dragonfly2 profile image
Dragonfly2 in reply to Timtam56

hello Timtam…ugh, trigger finger! That caught my attention! I had to steroid injections to fix that…but now another finger is acting up…oh well, I can fix that. And it’s the Anastrozole that’s causing it. Good luck…but injections are a quick fix. 🎈

Catalina-love profile image

I’ve had good luck with Tea Tree Oil. It even comes in a nail polish type bottle with a little brush. I get it at my health food store. It’s inexpensive and easy, so maybe give it a try.

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