After 3 and 1/2 years of good run with 2 50 mg. of verzenio daily and one monthly falsodex injections. That kept me for three and a half years. I stopped taking the 150 mg. and then the 100 when I continued to have severe diarrhea. So i was right that alot less did the same trick and I felt normal
Well, now it has spread to my liver and in the 90 days before my ct scan (in which she never took me off the Verzenio and falsodex injections, the liver tumors increased significantly.
So last Tuesday, I had another CT, on Thursday I met with her and the cancer in my liver was still spreading. She told me to stop taking the tamoxifen (20 mg. and afinitor) that I had been on for two full months. both were taken daily
I was waiting for the new drug to come from the speciality pharmacy so still waiting. WIthin the past three days, I started having chest pain and thought it seems like really bad acid reflux or maybe I slept on my hands.
Today I woke up (less than a week after stopping the tamoxifen and afinitor, I woke up at 8:30 am in a panic. I had such severe chest pain that I felt like an elephant was sitting one me and my one leg was in such pain. I had no clue they could be related.
I live alone and was scared. But I thought I was going to have a major heart attack. I was besides myself and then it calmed down a bit. Out of the blue not even considering it, I googled tamixofen withdrawal and when a person suddenly stops it, one of the withdrawal effects is SEVERE CHEST PAIN and some others also experience leg pain.
I was shocked. How did she not know this? Why did she not warn me. I am livid and angry bc I came close to calling am ambulance for myself thinking this was different from my cancer.
HAS ANYONE BEEN TOLD TO STOP TAMIFOXEN AND FELT SEVERE CHEST PAIN? How could she not know this. I am livid and going to giver hell tomorrow.
Please, she is calling me at noon (EST). If anybody else has suffered with withdrawal effect and has anyone else's doctor prescribed them something to help withdrawals. As has any one your doctors gave you some other kind of drug to help with the withdrawals. I am at the end of my rope with her. I want to be able to show her (I have the medication question and answer) but would like to know if any of you had withdrawal of severe chest pains when told to stop. Or did you doctor prescribe something else in case you got severe chest pain.
Please bc I want to show her facts. Plus what is the name of the trial drug I seen some mention enhdmu (something like that).
Any information would be greatly appreciated bc I am really upset by my fear of having a heart attack and the pain in my leg. I did not even connect the dots until it hit to google and sure enough they are withdrawal syndromes.
I will be reading this as early as 8 am (EST) bc I want to show her that others have suffered with these effects and some have been prescribed medication to wean the withdrawal. I want to be able to present information to her. I am really beyond angry.
Thank you.