So I've just found out (an hour ago via phone call) that I have my first progression...several liver mets after good success on Ibrance and Letrozole for bone mets, for almost 2 years. I'm devastated and scared. Onc mentioned chemo - I see her tomorrow. Any good stories with liver mets?
First Progression - Terrified - SHARE Metastatic ...
First Progression - Terrified

I've had that same progression just this year. I also have had a hard time getting past the fear of this first progression. 4 liver mets. My onc told me though that this new met didn't mean that it was a NEW cancer, it is still part of my original MBC. She also said the new met does not mean the Ibrance/Letrozole quit working, just that some rogue cells got thru. I've had the liver mapping, and radiation 'beads' directly to the liver (just over two weeks ago). Please try not to give in to the fear, I know its hard not to though. Hopefully your onc visit will be able to shed more light on this new met. Try to keep your hopes up!
thank you Gonnawin. It always helps to hear other's stories. I think I have 6 mets but I'm not sure as I was so shocked today. I'll get the details tomorrow. Do you mind if I ask you where you live? Just asking re treatment as I will ask her about the liver mapping and radiation beading. Thanks again and good luck! ❤️
I don't mind at all...I live in Colorado, in the US. The time between the mapping and the radiation beads was about a month. I didn't like waiting that long to get busy with killing more cancer cells, but I tried to stay positive and know that it would work. I believe there are other lesions that were not measurable at the time of the scans, so I think those will have to receive the same procedure at some point. I felt the dr doing the mapping was a little vague. But my regular onc would have addressed it if she felt concerned. Please let us know how your appointment goes! 🌺
Hi GonnawinAre you referring to the y90? I had progression and I have had the mapping, first dose to right lobe & awaiting dose to left lobe.
This is all so scary!🙄
Hugs to all of us🥰
Yes, y90. I thought that is what the mapping was? i could be wrong about that. I was told I would only need the one dose, as it was the area with measurable lesions. I agree it is scary. Keeping positive is a good thing but can be hard to do. I think because I am not familiar enough with the areas of the liver, that it makes it more of a guessing game for me. And yes...we all need those hugs and encouraging words! 🌺
I was just told mine spread to my liver two and half months ago. Did you onco just suggest radiation to that area? (This is my second progression.) It was in my lungs when diagnosed, then went to my spine and now my liver. I am now five and a half years in. Also, it may be bc I do not read anything about cancer or whatever, and hop on here occasionally, but what is radiation beading? I had radiation to my spine for two weeks (M-F) when they felt it was getting too close to my spinal cord. Not sure what beading means? Thank you in advance.
This is my first progression since the original diagnosis 4 years ago. The radiation beads, are microscopic beads of radiation that are inserted via a groin artery directly into the affected area of the liver. They dissolve slowly over the next few weeks and kill those liver cancer cells. This is kind of a rough description of the beads. The procedure is used a lot for men with prostrate cancer, and has been very successful in treating liver cancer as well. I won't know the result of my procedure until my next scan in June. It is scary to hear of new progression. But I lean heavily on my onc's words 4 years ago that I would have many more anniversaries with my husband ( we hadn't even celebrated one anniversary when I was diagnosed). So....I'm doing my best to think positive thoughts. Has your onc suggested what your next steps would be?
No. Now I am a bit angry after reading that others have had progression mets and were given some kind of treatment. It first came up in February 2020 and now my CT scan from Tuesday (it goes online after 24 hours) now states it it has increased SUBSTANTIALLY. Maybe that is bc she did not offer my options in Feb. when it was found.
I am going to mention the radiation beads and mapping. (My lesion/tumor or whatever they call it on my liver is no 5.6 x 5.1 (and I thought I had read after 5 cm it is too late for that????
Just seen that it read that of my last CT scan in 2/2022, it was 4.6mm. Now as of Tuesday it is 11.1 mm? that seems like a big increase, right???
But it is breast cancer that spread to your liver, correct? Oh, my she should be calling me momentarily. I am trying not to be upset about her lack of doing anything when it was found in February.
Yes, my liver mets are part of my breast cancer. I can't remember now how big it was but I think between 3-5cm. I'll have a scan in early July to show what effect the treatment had. I'm so sorry that it wasn't addressed early on in your case. I would most definitely ask him/her about that! Maybe there was a good reason, but you deserve to know. Please let us know. Try to stay positive my friend!
Dear Kearnan - been thinking about you. Did your onc call? Wondering what happened and if you are feeling any better now? I had my 5th nab-paclitaxel (Abraxane) yesterday and have scans next week to see if it is working on my liver mets or not. I did have a biopsy but they were unable to get enough tissue to test the receptors, so I don't know if there has been a change or not........that is a bummer. Anyway hopefully you got things sorted to your satisfaction and can move on to the next steps. Hugs!! Peggy
Thanks. You get used to a specific kind of treatment, 2 50 mg. of Verzenio and falsodex injections and now because the MBC has grown "significantly" (their words in the ct scan report, my treatment plan is now done with.
I am just so depressed about the new meds without even trying them. Mine is like 11.1 x 9.3 or something like that. It has grown alot since found in Feb. 2022.
So now I will be starting 20 mg. of tamoxifen and 5 mg. of Everolimus (affinitor) tomorrow.
I am annoyed that she did not make any change when it was found in Feb. 2022 scan. I just hate the idea of a new treatment plan. Verzenio worked for me for 3 years. Ibrance was the first drug I was put on but my week off I was never so sick in my life and I told her I could not continue it after three months. For that week off, I could barely get out of bed and I live alone and have no family and no friends that even live close to me.
I am so sorry for what you are going through. I am sure you know that the majority of us experience progression and have to change medications, but I also know how much that sucks. I am also sorry you don't seem to have support nearby. For what it's worth, can you rely on us a bit? I imagine there are people here who have taken Everolimus and can chime in with some information. I don't know what my next steps will be but for now I hope my picture cheers you up even a little....I know it's Christmas but it's my baby Annie (I have 3 cats) looking at the lights. Hugs. xoxo
I know our exchange was a few months ago, but since my liver tumors grow rapidly, one is 5.1 cm, another one is 7.11 cm and the largest one is 11.1 cm and they grew so quickly and that was after a new CT five weeks earlier and it showed it was NOT working. So now, she prescribed Xaledo to take 4,000 mg. per day. 4 500 mg. in the am and 4 500 mg. in the pm.
They finally got delivered from the speciality pharmacy yesterday so I was going to start today and I just cannot bring myself to take them bc of the side effects. I remember how awful the fatigue was on Ibrance and I only lasted three months bc my week off was the worst. I basically laid in bed that week shivering and it was August in NYC.
I am thinking maybe it is time to stop the treatment and just be done with this. I have been sitting here crying since 8 am bc I just do not know if it is worth it, and I could be losing the time I have left feeling so sick. So confused and full of anxiety.
Dear Kearnan - I am so sorry for the anxiety you are experiencing but can understand why. I was put on Abraxane (nab-paclitaxel) infusions when my liver lesions were discovered. I had 6 lesions and so far have had 6 cycles of the chemo....another infusion tomorrow. I had scans last week and 5 of the lesions have disappeared while the one which was initially the largest, is half the size of when it was discovered. Apart from having to go to the clinic for the iv infusions, I am lucky and have had very few side effects....some fatigue, thinning hair and a bit of diarrhea but nothing too bad. I have not been on Xeloda but I know that many people have - maybe put a new post asking specifically about Xeloda? Your deeper question about stopping treatments is a sad one but only you know how you feel about that. Perhaps the xeloda will kick cancer's ass and you will feel better about it. Please do ask about it in a new post so you can get some feedback. Sending a gigantic hug. xoxoxo Peggy
I don't know your specific health details other than what's on here but Xeloda really isn't so bad. I just finished riding my horse, am living a full life working and doing pretty much what I want. My feet are ugly (I told you that before) but I'll take it. I really think you should give Xeloda a try. It has't made me a better rider, but it is keeping me alive. In fact, I have heard many stories of how well people do on it==to the point that I think that Pfizer's marketing team touts Ibrance like the best thing ever, but really Xeloda is an old workhorse. In my opinion so much of this battle is mind set. It is so hard to stay positive, but it's critical. Why not try Xeloda and see how you get on? You might be surprised. In the meantime, try to get outside (although I hear it's raining in NYC) and get some fresh air. Get an Uber to the Met or the Brooklyn museum and see some beauty. Walk in Prospect Park. Go see a movie. Sometimes a change of view is helpful.... xxP
LOL. I had my first dose of Xeloda this morning. I was taken off the tamoxifen and afinitor bc the bloodwork showed it did not appear to be working. So I said I want another scan early (I was not due until end of September). So she agreed and of course the three tumors all grew in size and new ones were found.
So she said she was going to prescribe the Xeloda. I remember briefly seeing that drug on this board and did not think I had read good things. So she told me to stop the afinitor, etc. and I had 8 days (there was a billing issue) and the Xeloda arrived yesterday at 6 pm.
She prescribed 8 pills per day at 500 mg. per pill, four to be taken in the am and four in the pm. Oh no. It took less than three hours (and I had to force myself to eat cereal) before taking the four. I was hit with mind-numbing fatigue and stayed in bed most of day. I have not done that since the early days of Ibrance. My arm and leg muscles are hurting so bad and I feel very sick.
So not doing this. If I felt this bad so quickly on just one dose, it does not bode well for me. I do not want to waste what time I have left laying in bed, severe diarrhea and all the other great side effects. I was just shocked by how quickly I felt sick. So I am done.
i would not care about my feet but I have been lucky and basically except for some nausea now and then, I didn't have to take naps and I could clean and do my own laundry and take the bus to the stores, etc.
I guess I have been spoiled. I tried not to read too much about it before starting it, but if it is only going to give me several more months (or it does not work) then I am wasting the time I have left if I am staying home all day bc I am too fatigued. I was hoping that I would not feeling anything. I just didn't expect it to hit me so hard after the first dose. Not doing this anymore. Am very happy for you bc you have always been very kind and supportive to me on this board.
I mentioned the Y-90 or radiation beads you referenced and My onco had no idea what I was talking about. From what I read (I try NOT to do that too much) but once the MBC which progressed significantly from my last scan (every three months) is now 11.1 x 9.3 cm (something like that), that it cannot be shrinked, only hoped that it does not get bigger.
Dear Valentine,Having read your post I just wanted to write and give you a big hug. We all know this can happen to us at any time and I’m sorry you’ve had this scare.
Hoping so much that when you speak to your onc you’ll find out the situation isn’t as bad as you may think. 🙏🏻 I know there are many different drugs available to us to prolong our lives. Sending you warmest regards and hopes for the best possible outcome. ❤️Kathleen
Hello fellow Canadian,
It seems oncologists deal with liver mets in various ways. My oncologist had my liver mets biopsied a year ago to determine that they were the same type of breast cancer as in my other sites. Since then, he has not mentioned them as all my liver enzymes remain in their normal ranges so my liver continues to function as well as ever. I think the liver is a large organ, capable of regrowth, so it is maybe of less concern than other organs. However, comments on this site have indicated that other oncologists have liver mets surgically removed or radiated or treated chemically so I feel fortunate that my oncologist leaves such decisions up to me.
I'm currently taking 600 mg of ribociclib and letrozole. Ribociclib can also be hard on the liver so I continue to check my liver enzymes every month. This may be a procedure you too could follow rather than starting chemotherapy so early!
I wish you luck with this.
Because my liver isn't acting like my primary, my onocologyst has put me on a chemo as they are large and growing quickly. Hopefully xeloda will do the job! A biopsy will be done to see if this liver is the same tumor type.
The liver is an interesting organ and can "fix" itself. However, it won't if leisions are still growing. Once progression has stopped they will do radiation if needed to shrink the tumors. Kinda starts from a clean slate.
Other parts of my body is cancer free, just the liver...frustrating.
Deb ❤🙏
Hi Deb,It's great that you only have mets in your liver! It also makes sense that your oncologist is treating your solitary liver mets directly. The goal is indeed to be cancer-free.
I assume that, otherwise, you are taking an AI and, possibly, a biophosphate?
Best of wishes,
I’m in the same situation… the only bone met disappeared with Ribociclib + letrozole, but two small mets appeared in my liver. I switched to Xeloda and after 4 months one lesion disappeared and the other is smaller and less active, as PET showed. Let’s see… cancer is so unpredictable, but I don’t want to lose faith and optimism
I wonder why my mo is putting me on Abraxane when most people here in the same situation seem to go on Xeloda. Oh well.....I'm starting Friday so will go with the flow and trust her decision.
I think it depends on various factors. My oncologist told me that the lesions were only two and small and so she was oriented on Xeloda, also from a psychological point of view, because it is a cure in pills and it doesn’t make hair fall… I told her that I was so scared of iv chemo. She gave me a chance, even if I know that sooner or later Iv chemo might be the option.
Thank you Cindy! I saw my mo yesterday and she is putting me on Abraxane for 9 treatments (I think it is 9), and then I'll have an MRI to see if it's working. Meanwhile I get a port asap and a biopsy of the liver lesions to check if the cells have changed their receptor status. Off Ibrance and letrozole for now but staying on the Xgeva injections every 3 months. My liver enzymes and bloodwork are normal right now and I feel great - and as with you, will continue to be checked. I hope all goes well for you - and all of us. xoxo
Confused a bit bc I was told by my oncologist that the radiation doctor who analyzes the scan can tell it is breast cancer. The ONLY time I had to have a biopsy is when Covid hit NY and the cancer center was only letting those in who were getting intravenous chemo so for three months, I did not get my falsodex injections. My onco set up an appt. for me at the breast cancer center (which is affiliated with and around the corner from my cancer center) and they found a second tumor behind my tumor in my breast. They did a biopsy then just to make that (since it was in the same breast I already had my tumor in) that it was the same type of breast cancer which it was.
But other than that, when it spread to my spine and my liver, I was told the rad. doctor can tell that it is breast cancer.
Hi "kearnan",
As you indicated, once we have MBC, the main question when a new site arises seems to be whether the tumour is the same type of breast cancer.
My online research indicates only that radiologists are good at distinguishing cancer from benign masses (based on "Irregular margins, irregular shape, and rim enhancement are the features most predictive of malignancy." according to
Would it be useful for you to have a second opinion from the oncologists at the Breast Cancer Clinic?
Interesting.....on my MRI report about my liver lesions, the largest one (2cm) had an enhanced rim. I guess that is what it meant. Now on paclitaxel nab..........
Sorry. I come on and off here. The breast cancer clinic (which diagnosed me with stage iv) is not for stage iv breast cancer patients which is why they, in turn, sent me to the cancer center around the corner. The breast cancer clinic only treats those women who are NOT stage iv.
Geez. I am seeing people post that their liver tumor or lesion is like 3.1 or 5.1 and mine grew to 11.1 x 9.1 so that is a big difference.
Now my onco wants me to come in on Thursday of this week when before the scan, she said she could not see me until July.
I am thinking and getting myself worked up that this is the "end of the line
talk." And from what I seem to be reading, my mbc on my liver is fairly large.
Hi again, Kearnan,Do check on your liver enzymes (in your blood work) to see if they remain in the normal range. Size of lesions is, I think, mostly relevant in that the larger they are, the more they may interfere with the functioning of your liver.
I believe my liver mets remain small, but I'll be interested in the results of my CT scan in two weeks since it should tell me whether they've grown. The medication I'm taking is considered hard on the liver (I think that may be true of most meds) but I am not at all thinking I'm at the "end of the line". There are many more steps before that happens! Please be as kind with yourself as you would be with others.
Best regards,
I understand completely!!! The livers are tricky, but once you find that drug, it will zap them. Not speaking from personal experience, I am dealing with a fast growing liver leisions at the moment. They didn't budge on ibrance or fulvestrant. Now we go to xeloda as I need them moving out. I have 9 cm leisions so time is of the essence for me. There are people here who have had liver leisions heal. It's all about finding the right drug before we run out of liver real estate as I call it.
Deb 🙏❤
Wow, Deb, a 9 cm long liver lesion does sound big! My March CT scan said that I had multiple, existing nodules, but the two largest were only 2.6 cm and 1.6 cm. I understood from a radiographic study mentioned online that the right lobe of the liver may measure 21 cm in length, and 12 cm in thickness, but that study did not include the left lobe. Anyway, the liver is said to be the largest organ in the human body, and it will regrow if we lose part of it.
Take care,
The darn thing started at 5 cm last yr.. but nothing is slowing it down. Having biopsy next week to see what it is. Strang that it isn't responding to anything her2-. I just started xeloda that will start to shrink it as I have heard success on that drug. Also my bloodwork came back liver enzymes slightly elevated. You would think they would be fairly high 🤷♀️. Times like this I do miss Sandra's input 😢
Game isn't over yet !!!
Deb ❤🙏
Odd how different doctors use different methods. I was told from the beginning at the breast cancer center and the cancer center (which I go to now and around the corner) is that they do not use tumor markers at all.
I am now into five and half years since my diagnosis and I never know, never asked and never been told what they are. The opinion of the cancer center I go to from the oncos is that tumor markers do not really factor in at all. I remember when I first came on this board, I would see women getting very upset by the tumor markers numbers. I then asked my onco (this was after I think two years) and that is what I was told so I am fine. I get my CT scan results online 24 hours after I have my scan and then within 48 hours of my scan date, I meet with my onco.
I think every country may be different. I know my onocologyst does not use any markers. The issue with me right now is why I have no other cancer in my body but the liver. Why is it that it that first diagnosed breast cancer is her2-, drugs for that got rid of the 2 bone leisions. But those drugs are not stabilizing the liver and it seems to be growing quickly 🤷♀️. Hopefully what I have just started xeloda will stop the growth. The biopsy I have for next week will show what's going on. I wanted the biopsy at the begging of this fun magical ride as my breast cancer was 2.5 and liver at 3 sooo to me liver grew fast?
I think the tumor found on my liver was 3.5 cm. That was on my 3 month scan in February. I have another CT scan coming up this month and then I meet with my onco. I just worry about pain. As long as I am pain free from the spine (I get pain meds, and can walk and see and all those other things, I am fine. Although I do tire more now. It is a bit harder bc I do not drive and nobody lives in Brooklyn anymore so it gets a bit lonely. My other friends either are back at work or raising their grandchildren. Once people get married, they move out of Brooklyn bc way too expensive to own a home. So I get isolated sometimes.
I have a to do list. I look at it ever day and then say tomorrow (That is about a bit over a year that I started my to do list.) A friend stopped by a week or so ago and said I cannot believe you still have that taped to your fridge. You had that up a year ago when I came by. Did you do any of those things. I said No, I read it though every day though LOL
Solitude has its uses LOL. I was very social when younger, not so much now. People can be disappointing at times. As people get married, start a family and then grandkids you learn to be on your own. Are there social groups were you live? Library groups? Not sure how old you are, but sitting with senior?
I don't mind being on my own, of course I still work full time and can get out with my Mom for walks.
The main thing is remain positive that is very important. Stay hydrated and walk. I am not going to say if will cure cancer, but at least the mental health will benefit.
Also zoom to connect with people.
Stay positive and big hug to you as you roll on through this.
Deb ❤🙏
Thank you. That was a very sweet and sincere reply. It just made me smile. I have always been a bit of a loner. I would take the day off and go into NYC and take the bus to the Bronx Zoo and spend the whole day by myself. I would go to the beach by myself. I could go into a diner and eat breakfast by myself.
When I turned 40, I realized I am not married, have no kids and my single friends were far and few. I had always since I wanted to go to Africa. I fantasized about it. When my 40th was coming up, I thought either I do it by myself or I will never do it.
So I went to Kenya (a plane stop in Sweden but then back on plane within an hour). Was a 17 hour flight. I remembered when I walked off the plane, I was giddy with excitement.
Then after that went okay, I decided the following year to do a hiking expedition in the Amazon rain forest. That was much rougher than I expected. The heat and humidity was unbearable, no electricity, and took me body three days before I could even move. I remember asking the amazon workers (all very short) to kill me. LOL...They did not speak English but they understood. It was that bad but eventually I acclimated but it was still rough. The humidity was indescribable and no way to escape it. They kept bottled water in the dirt to keep it as cool as they could. When that leg of the trip was over, I cried when I finally got back to Peru bc it was the first time I was in a hotel room with a bathtub and a toilet bowel. I remember getting on my knees and crying I was so happy. I then took the train (with the locals (not the tourist train bc I had to be different) and visited Machu Picchu, one of the most unbelievable beautiful places on earth. I felt closer to heaven than I did earth but did not realize the locals also bring their chickens and other animals on the train. I wanted to explore the flavor of Peru.
So I am glad I did those two dream vacations. (I later did a tour of Europe with a coworker, England, France, Italy, Austria and Switzerland.) So I am glad I did that when I did. Now, I am finding it hard. I was by myself when diagnosed, every time I go to the cancer center (five years now) and nobody ever with me. I am just finding it harder now that I am home all the time.
Oh, plus I am probably the only person I know that does NOT have a cell phone. Still have my landline. Never wanted a cell phone so I am way behind on that. It is possible to live without a cell phone. LOL
Mine uses markers for me because they do seem to correlate w progression. He uses them to decide when to scan. Then any changes are based on scan not markers alone.
Also he looks for trends. 2 or 3 months of increase = scan. Less than that, he waits to see.
I know in women they mean nothing. ..
It’s a matter of individualized treatment I think.
Hi. Did yours stop growing. Mine started rather small in February when found after the CT scan (something like 3.1 x 4.9. Now, last week CT scan it has "grown significantly" (their words in the CT scan result) and it is now 11.1 x 9.3 or something like that and it seems very large compared to others here on the board.
She is stopping the falsodex injections and the verzenio that I have been doing for almost three years bc she said it is obviously not working.
Now going to start tamoxifen (20 mgs.) and 5 mg. of Everolimus (Affinitor?)
If mine is so much bigger, I am now thinking my onco is just giving me something but knows that it will not do much at this point.
I so KNOW your fear. I was on ibrance and fulvestrant and the small bone leisions healed but the liver kept growing. It was 8.5 cm!!! She has kept me on letrozole but started me on a chemo pill capecitabine at 1800 mg/day. Unfortunately my 2nc cycle yielded way too much and my side effects shut it down until my side effects stop. I should have indicated how bad my side effects were I just thought normal. So now I will have a bit of delay for about 3 weeks then start on a very small dose.
HOWEVER the good news..after just 2 cycles my liver tumor shrank more than 1 cm !!! Ask your onocologyst about this drug. I am looking forward to getting back to them and having that tumor shrink to GONE !!
I’m sorry to hear this. I’ve been on ibrance/Letrozole for about the same amount of time as you with scans every 3 months. I’m curious if your liver lesions suddenly showed up or have they been there all along and your doctor has just been monitoring them? Also, how often do they scan you?
My story is different from Debbigbang's. I was on Ibrance and Letrozole for 22 cycles for bone only mets - scans every 3 months. My scan in March 2022 showed a small, vague area of concern on my liver where all previous scans had been clear. Had an MRI of my liver, and the lesions showed on that. I start Abraxane on Friday and will be followed by MRIs to see how it is kicking cancer's ass!!! Good luck to you Mary and to us all. Peggy xoxo
I know you asked the other lady but I thought I would just pipe in. I have been getting CT scans every three months. It was in my lungs when diagnosed (I remember asking the surgeon are you sure it is not lung cancer bc I had been a smoker for over 40 years) but no. So in August of 2021, after my latest scan, my onco told me they had found small spots in my liver, but that they could not be 100% sure it was cancer and that we would know more at my next scan (they do CT scans every three months bc of the radiation).
I knew immediately it was the breast cancer. My next scan was set for November and I had decided to cancel it bc I knew it was the cancer and I just didn't want to bother going in for a scan so I cancelled it and let my onco know.
Then my onco said she would really like me to do another scan so I had the scan in February and it was a breast cancer tumor, which surprised neither of us. So now I have one this month and I guess we will see if it got bigger or what. She mentioned intravenous chemo and I was like No way, after five and half years, am I doing that.
Hi Valentine, So sorry to hear this.
Did you have any symptoms before your Pet scan? Was your bloodwork different?
What was your last scan like?
Hi Lulu - I didn't have any symptoms and my bloodwork and liver enzymes were normal. I have CT scans every 3-4 months, and something "small and vague" showed up on my liver in March. An MRI in April showed the liver lesions. So basically my liver mets were found by a routine scan. I am still feeling hard to believe you have cancer isn't it? I start Abraxane on Friday and will be followed by MRI for awhile....not sure how long. Good luck to you. xoxo
HiI had progression too. Liver Mets also. I did the liver biopsy. My cancer has stayed the same. Er+ Her-
I was on Ibrance + Falsodex for about 3.5 years. Now so far was put on Piqray & working on completing Y90. I had to come off of Piqray due to side effects so I’m only on Falsodex shots. My doctor also mentioned Xeloda.
Hugs to you & hoping you get good results soon.🥰
thank you Kelly. I am having a biopsy on my liver mets to see if they are the same or not. Meanwhile going on Abraxane as of this Friday. It's weird to think of all the cancer when I feel great, liver enzymes and bloodwork are great.....what gives, right? Good luck to you xo
Yes so true. It seems like all of the treatments, liver biopsy, y90, & changed meds to Piqray were threw at me at one time & like you said I was feeling fine before all of this stuff. Well looking forward to hopefully get it straightened out again & looking for clear CTs. Trying to build my strength up every day. Hopefully get there soon😀
I found out two months ago on my last scan that my breast cancer has spread to my liver. It is in my lungs, then some in my spine and now my liver. I am going on 5+ years with MBC. I am not worried. The scan before that they saw spots but could not confirm it was the cancer. I knew it was so no big surprise that my last ct scan confirmed it.
As long as it doesn't hurt me or severely hamper my quality of life, I do not worry about it.
It’s been awhile since we talked. Actually you gave me good advice about getting my disability & it was no problem. That was around Thanksgiving (2019). I’m sorry to hear about this spread. I want to wish you well.
I was on Ibrance for about 3.5 years & had more liver Mets. I’m currently getting the Y90 treatment bc my cancer is contained to the liver. I have my left lobe on May 11 & will be done. I have to start Piqray back soon. Yuck! I had the side effects & had to get off of until after Y90 is completed.
I wish you all the best!
Hi. I am glad you got the disability. I do not know how some people work but here in NY, I could never do that commute again and certainly not work with attorneys (was a paralegal for years).
What is the Y90 treatment. I get a bit confused. When people say liver mets, do they mean, like my onco told me, that they found a tumor. It was like 3.5 cm or something like that. I was not that upset bc the spine causes me more pain but my onco said it was worrisome.
I actually think sometimes she gets annoyed with me bc I am not as upset as she thinks I should be. She mentioned chemo and I said No, I am not doing chemo after all this time. I have to get another CT scan this month. I just hope the tumor did not grow. I was more upset bc I read something on the CT scan about more lesions on my spine, lungs and she said well that is expected but you should be more worried about the liver. I said I am not bc that does not give me pain.
I need to pop on here a bit more. Let me know, if you do not mind, how that treatment works for you.
Hi In 2018 I had 3 liver Mets (liver lesions). In 2022 I found out I have 3 more. My TMarkers have been trending up since Jan. 2021. I was on Ibrance & Falsodex shots for 3.5 years. I still take my Falsodex shots. The y90 is beads that is directed to the liver. The radiation goes in the tumors and the hope is it will kill them. It is so interesting. If you would like google it & you will see how interesting it is. From my understanding I’m a good candidate bc my breast cancer is confined to my liver.
I will keep you updated. As I want know how well it’s working for about two more months.
Kearnan keep me updated about your CT. I hope you have no more growth. Mine didn’t for awhile but the Ibrance was doing its job.
Yes, my CT scan is going to be on May 16th and my appt. with onco will be on May 19th but I get a copy of the CT scan report online the day after my CT scan. It is like 5 pages, but neither I (or my onco) cannot decipher the radiology terms, so basically I just hop over to the last paragraph which sums it all up. Not sure what to expect. I do not feel any different but I guess we shall see. I think my onco kind of gets a little annoyed with me bc I think she thinks I should be more upset by what she tells me. I told her nothing invasive and no surgery ever. She understands that I am not willing to go through too much to get another year or so. But, of course, I hope it is not bigger. I will let you know the outcome.
I just got off phone with my onco. My CT scan on Tuesday of this week (it is uploaded on my patient portal within 24 hours) so that it has increased in size significantly.,
Now, she is taking me off Verzenio (I was on the lowest dose for close to three years) and falsodex injections.
So now, she is putting me on tamoxifen and afinitor and she told me no more injections. When the tumor was first discovered in February of this year, she didn't give me any new meds, and now it has grown significantly. Maybe if she would have done something in February it would not have grown.
I dont know but now it measures 5x6 x 5.1. And the left hepatic lobe which was 4.6 mm in February is now 11.1mm.
So anybody know about afinitor. I am a bit depressed bc I got used to the treatment I am on now, but obviously not working.
How bad are the side effects from tamoxifen and afinitor? Damn.....
it makes the heart sad to read the word progression. be may you be at ease.
Thank you. I just have seen your post. Yes it’s sad to hear the word progression when you think to yourself I feel like things are looking up. I was on the Ibrance & Falsodex shots about 3.5 years. Trying to get to that spot again. 🥰
Oh no I’m sorry to hear this. I will tell you this I was on Tamoxifen for 10 years and I had no side effects. Loved it! Worked a long time! I don’t know about afinitor. Please keep me updated. I think my doc mentioned that’s next in my line of treatment. He’s got me on Piqray now. I’m having a hard time. Best of luck🥰