I’m on my week off of Ibrance. I had a very dry nose and used neilmed nado gel dry nose spray. Wondering if this caused an issue. Has anyone had swollen glands in neck throat and jaw?
Swollen glands in neck and throat on ... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Swollen glands in neck and throat on Ibrance and Letrozole

Hmmm....I've had similar many times, but never attributed it to the meds?
If it *is* a side-effect of the meds, I think it's an uncommon one and....probably?...not a severe one?
Perhaps it would ease your mind to look at other possible causes, e.g. a cold, allergies, heat in the house, crud floating around in the air (as I type this, one side of my head including an ear is completely blocked, plus I have a sore throat....crud in the air, I assume?).
I absolutely do not mean to sound dismissive....this is potent stuff we're putting in our bodies and the meds can wreak havoc, for sure! But my doc, in her wisdom, told me early on that everything you feel/experience is *not* related to cancer or treatment....You're still a regular human specimen with all that entails...
Maybe try some OTC or rest/fluids to see if that helps? And/or phone your doc, maybe GP, to find out what's likely going on?
And I always keep in mind that these drugs are freaking fighting cancer (!!!), if they have some side-effects, mostly that's okay, a small price to pay...
I hope you get it sorted...and please do share anything you learn about cause/effect...
.Be well,

Hi LynnFishI did go to the ER. They checked for COVID, Flu, strep, lung PE, and couldn’t pin point anything. I have bone Mets, rib and pelvic. I’m thinking my lymph’s are fighting some mild infection. Good news my auxiliary lymph shrunk. As I responded to another post they did a d-dimer blood test that was elevated, but no blood clots.. but now I wonder why that’s high. Onc appt. Tomorrow. Thank you for your reply.

Lynn, I like your attitude !
Yup, I get this. I’d also attributed it more to the weather and air quality but I regularly get agitated glands in my neck and blocked sinus. They go after a few days without any special attention in my case. I also have an issue with dry sores inside my nose…on the edges by the nostrils. These I am guessing are from Ibrance?? Haven’t mentioned it yet to my oncologist. I’ve started seeing her every two months now and I am due to see her in 2 weeks time. In general I’ve noticed things improve during my week off….towards the end of it anyway. Hope you feel better.
Best wishes Zoe xx
Hi DiscocatYES!! I have sores in my nose too and maybe my glands just get agitated. I can’t turn my head without pain, or open jaw all the way. I’ll see my onc. Tomorrow. I do go to ER as my chest hurt too. They think I’m fighting something.
Thank you for response
Not sure if your vaxed up against Covid or not….I’m triple vaxed with the booster too and it took 3 days and 5 tests before I was confirmed Covid positive. 2 x home test showed positive but then official rapid and PCR were negative, until three days later and then Rapid at pharmacy was positive…but apparently only faintly showing on the test window due to being triple vaxed….as the person who took the test explained.So it could possible still be Covid? I had not thought of that before…but my symptoms were light and vague. I had swollen glands then and felt a bit headachy and tired with a bit of blocked sinus…but milder than a cold even….may be keep checking for a few days with home kits if you have some ?
Best of luck with your oncology appointment .
Hope you feel better soon….take care.
Zoe x
Was on Ibrance/letrozole for over 3 years. Never had a problem with swollen glands or neck, but do have dry everything: nasal passages, skin (VERY dry skin), hair. My absolute best and cheapest remedy for dry nose is Carmex in the little pot which I swab inside my nose with a Q-tip several times a day; for some reason, that works better than Vaseline or Ayr gel. That really helps the dry nose. I think the dryness comes from the letrozole which is the estrogen inhibitor.
Thank you, yes I’m getting dry nose as well. I’ll try that. I did go to the ER because of breathing pain, I have bone Mets. The only thing they found was my d-dimer was elevated did chest scan it was normal and showed my auxiliary lymph shrunk. They think I just have a bug and my rib Mets are probably causing the pain. My jaw and neck swelling is improving.
I frequently get dry throats and nose, sneezy and think I'm sickening for something. But it goes away after a couple of days. I wondered about the meds but have just learned to live with it and stop panicking that I might be sick! X
Yes I get that to.. I’ll just rest a few days. Thank you
I get dryness, sneezing etc too. Use nasal sprays. Itchy eyes too, but now I attribute it to allergies and dry eye. I think Ibrance dries up everything! Pollen is up here now. Doesn't help!
MariootsiThis is what I’m experiencing as well. I’m starting my 3rd month on Ibrance. This is my week off and seems something always pops up. Went to ER ran tests all good no lung blood clots auxiliary node shrunk(good)
But d-dimer elevated?? That I want to know why.
So I guess this dryness and intermittent swollen glands will happen.
this body experiences dry mucous membranes, among other manageable side effects, with Ibrance. the week off was a recovery week, and this body needed a longer recovery. thus, the change(s) to the dosage and delivery.you've mentioned D-Dimer. the metabolic doctor has checked this a few times. he is a proponent of testing it, as it could be a potential marker for tumor, clot, and metastasis; it could be an effective cancer control recurrence tool.
Thank you. I saw my onc today I asked about the d-dimer he mention with metastatic it will be elevated. I did have a contrast CT and it was clear. I’ve had a 3mm nodule on my left lung for 7 months, no change so I’m guessing it’s just a nodule, (I hope). I think the swollen glands were from nasal spray agitating my sinuses and maybe a bit of something I caught. Good to know that a d-dimer is another way to tell progression. If that’s what I’m understanding.