You came here to get help and to give help where you can. Nobody’s forced to read what you write or to believe what you write. For you to take what one person says and decide to walk away from a group that has given you nothing but advice and taking yours with gratitude I feel is ridiculous. You should stay here and let it work for you as it has and if somebody isn’t comfortable let them leave. I’m sorry but if I’m not happy with what somebody said I just scrolled by like everybody else should. It’s hard enough to live in this world with metastatic breast cancer I don’t have to take verbal abuse from anybody on any venue. Do not leave somewhere where you’ve been comfortable because of one bad apple
One bad apple don’t spoil the bunch - SHARE Metastatic ...
One bad apple don’t spoil the bunch

I apologized to Sandra for taking it personal and outta of context. Referring to me as a bad apple is kind of hurtful honestly. My wife was newly diagnosed and I my mind was spinning and I am trying to figure out how I was gonna navigate life with MBC and 2 small children. Im a genuinely good man wit a huge heart. Maybe I was grasping at straws asking about supplements but Im not a bad apple and I wanna help everyone on here as much as I possibly can. Godbless u all and may you find Health,Love and Peace in abundance!🙏🏼❤

Omg , I believe I spoke out of turn, it was also none of my business. And not knowing you and calling you a bad Apple without knowing the story it’s really wrong on my part so please forgive me. I should not have butt in. Sorry again have a beautiful day you’re not a bad Apple I am .
Its ok..❤❤❤ I want the best for eveyone on here..Take care and Godbless ya!🙏🏼❤😊
Right on! I did not see the original post but it seems like over reaction to me.
Cheers. June S.