What other oral treatment is available ?
After Ibrance and letrozole stop - SHARE Metastatic ...
After Ibrance and letrozole stop

After ibrance/Letro stopped working I started on Capecitabine (Xeloda ) 10 months ago, which so far is doing great for me! There are side effects, but all in all very tolerable.Anja

Hello Same as Anja
After Ibrance/Letrozole stopped working, I have been on Xeloda since April 2021. It is doing great for me too. Hand and foot syndrome has been a little rough but lowering the dose has helped a lot.
Keep us posted please.
Good luck with your new line of treatment

Thanks for your response I’ll know by Monday something. 🙏✝️
Hi Eliactida1955 -
Ibrance + Letrozole was my first treatment after metastatic dx...When I had what seemed to be progression a few years later, I switched to Faslodex (injection, not infusion) while continuing the Ibrance. I've discussed future treatments with my doc and next up is Piquray (pill to address some mutation in my cancer) with Falsodex...then maybe Everolimus? I don't remember the details but *do* remember that I had numerous treatments in queue that are pills/shots, not infusions.
I'm not sure that I've answered your question but I would suggest that you speak with your doc to maybe get a sense of the treatments to come. I know I found it comforting...
Best wishes to you,

Thank you because I was told no progression and called back two weeks later to say they see it. I will find out Monday when we drive to md Anderson. He said he will discuss options with me so we will see-trouble is I’m not trusting them now.
I will be at MDA Monday also. I have been on Ibrance and letrozole 4.5 years. Prayers for us both.
I hope for the best and to see any options but not wanting to stop it yet. We will see Monday am at the breast center. 🙏✝️
I cannot imagine being told no progression and then changing their mind 2 weeks later. I hope they had a good explanation for that. They changed my appt. from Monday and Tuesday to Wed and Thursday. The dr. Decided to not be there on Tuesday and they did not let me know ( I did not look at my portal til last week). I had to change our flight and hotel. We decided to just come and stay 4 nights instead of 2. We already had made plans to go to a concert with friends on Monday night. My friend is also stage 4 breast.
I think sometimes they are just playing around with our life’s. I was hoping to maybe meet you . They better have a good explanation for me. Is this just a routine visit for you or testing? I had a pet mani and ultrasound done two weeks ago. Hope all goes well with you. 🙏✝️🌹
This is a routine visit for me, bone and CT scan. We are flying out today from Huntsville AL and staying at Rotary House. I would love to meet you if you have time.
We are here room 227 staybridge on main-it’s abusulety the best and medical rate of 99$ We are in the pool my appt is at 1020 am and I hope for the best. I would luv to meet you if time allows. I have your cell if it’s the one 3 years ago🌹
I’ve been put on Faslodex only, which initially was worrying as it’s not oral, but my BC nurse assured me it was a good treatment for me.Very early days to know if it’s working, but I feel good and am going about my daily business just as before. The best thing is I only get anxious in the waiting room on the day on the jabs, but nurses are so kind and gentle and once the deed is done it’s ok!Wishing you well and do let us know your next line of treatment.
Tc N
My thoughts are that er/pr positive folks should try a hormone blocker first. I wish that my oncologist had done that. It could delay chemo for quite a while. Blessings, Hannah
They may be able to switch you from letrozole to faslodex and keep the Ibrance. I came off Ibrance/faslodex combo (I'd already had other hormone blockers so out of options with that). Now I am on lynparza and its helping but it all depends on the genetic make-up of your cancer. Not all the drugs created are relevant for all of us. Hope your MD Anderson visit goes well and they can explain why they changed their minds
After ibrance and letrozole stopped working my oncologist switched me to ibrance and Faslodex. I’ve been on that for 2 years … and still going!! I did like it better when it was only pills but since it’s working I’m happy!!
After 9 months (2019) of Ibrance and zometa, I added Faslodex and switched from zometa to xgeva (pill vs iv). Following about 6 months of that, I went on to Piqray for just over 18 months. Next I tried a clinical trial for 3 months with no improvement. I started 2000mg Xeloda, continuous dose, July 2021. I seem to be stable right now. You have lots of options still.
Hi! You’ve had many suggestions and responses to help you feel better about the future…just recently I spoke with a medical oncologist about other future meds and she told me that some docs are having success overcoming I dance resistance by tricking the body with estrogen (switching it on temporarily) and then restarting the IBrance. It’s not over until it’s over. 🎈