Hello pretty ladies 🌷 my life has been a bit altered these last few months. My husband lost his job and with him my insurance. I work in a school in the maintenance department. I managed to enroll in the insurance offered by the school but it has fewer benefits. The thing here is that I am experiencing a lot of pain in my feet. I've tried everything. Soak my feet in epsom salt, put on bengay, different creams. I work very hard and spend more than 6 hours standing and walking. I have read that this may be due to ibrance (cycle 26 now), I am also taking pain reliever more often. During the night my hands are also undergoing changes and I cannot bend some fingers that fast. Getting out of bed in the morning I have to do it little by little, until my body is reactivated. My hands improve a lot during the day but my feet get worse. Tomorrow Saturday I will do the control Ct and Mri. Otherwise I feel super good but this tires me a lot. A very strong virtual hug 🌷🌸
Feet and hands: Hello pretty ladies... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Feet and hands

I also take Ibrance and Letrozole. My feet are a nightmare and my hands really hurt some days. I am retired but am very active. I don’t think there is much we can do about the aching. I soak my feet in tea tree oil to smooth them but it’s all a temporary measure. I take 8 paracetamol a day anyway for pain relief and sometime Ibuprofen. Not much more I can say really.Best wishes and hope you can find some relief soon.
Hi Maludagui are you in the U.S. ? If you are MBC you can apply for disability if things are bad . Your doctor just has to fill out paperwork they send him after you apply. Since your husband lost his job you would qualify for a life changing event and could apply for affordable cares act . With your husband layed off and you on disability your income should qualify you for and affordable premium for health insurance. One thing to note is there is a 5 month waiting period from date of application for disability before you would receive your first check. I think you would have to quit your job before you apply . Talk to someone who knows the ins and outs of the process they could tell you what you have to do and what you can do when applying for disability. Good Luck !!!
Hello 🌸🌷 thanks for replying. We are not yet American citizens. We are from Venezuela. I think I don't have those benefits 😢. Sad that I got sick. You never really think something like that will happen to you. We never include it in the plans ❤️🙏
This is more of a question for those that might know. I was just approved (two days ago) for medicinal cannabis in Maryland (USA). On top of all the benefits this may offer to me, one of the things I was hoping for was help with knee, foot, and hip/lower back pain. For this, when looking at the available products/consumption methods (I still need to become certified by a provider in my state, but I talked with someone from the local dispensary about some options that would be particularly good for someone with MBC), I am just today looking at topical ointments with CBD for spot pain. Like my ankles/feet that seem to ache more at night. And my knee that hurts more since starting Ibrance/Letrozole.
Is cannabis/medical cannabis legal where you are, Maludagui? And, does anyone out there have any thoughts on/experience with this? If would surprise me to hear that a balm or other topical wouldn't help with this.
Meanwhile, hang in there Maludagui. (I see and hear you!) Glad to hear you otherwise feel well. Hope you can find some relief from this pesky problem, too.
Hi 🌷 yes, cannabis products are OTC in Houston ... I've heard good things. But I'm scared to use them ... my eldest son lives in Canada and I always try to go visit him, I don't know if that would be a problem to pass customs, not to carry the products (I could not carry any in the suitcase or luggage of hand) if not that I have seen airport alert or border security programs on tv and the dogs are trained to smell marijuana and the truth is I DO NOT want any inconvenience. I have read that the odor remains on your body although it is not as noticeable to humans. That's why I don't dare to use them yet. 😍🌸
I am a newbie to cannabis products, but... CBD itself does not smell like pot. Nor do edibles, etc. Even the vape products (which I am leaning toward) don't smell, unlike smoking actual flower... which I don't want to do for exactly that reason. There is still, of course, legal issues with the US federal government on how they classify marijuana itself. But, while CBD can be purchased in many places, even the internet, ... over the counter and commercial products are probably not the same quality as what you would get from a legal medical cannabis dispensary. That is why I am so happy that I just got my registration approved. Don't know that I would ever bother buying products from commercial companies that sell to anyone. Kinda the same way I feel about supplements. A lot of that stuff is a scam.
Yes. I understand. Maybe I need ask my doctors and..... maybe I will can to ask departament border security 😍👍🌷🌸
One thing I did learn already is that... I cannot take cannabis products (I buy in Maryland) across state lines. So, if you are going to Canada from Houston, and you have anything that is categorized outside of widely-available and fully legal CBD... leave it home. Then see what you can access IN Canada. That is what I would do.
To clarify, CBD ointments are easy and legal to get. (Question is whether you can find a product that really does offer pain relief.) Traveling with them isn't going to be an issue either, since they do not contain the THC that makes you high. For me though, I want a combination of CBD and THC, because I read that they work better together. Again, though, I am still learning about all this stuff and I have only gotten high on pot 20 times or less in my life. But I am doing more research today on all of it. If you have a specific question, let me know and I will see what I can find out.
Hi, Medical cannabis is legal here. I used cbd with a little cannabis. The pain goes away for me.
Sorry to hear about the pain you are experiencing. Have you tried taking a potassium and magnesium supplement. I have started seeing a naturopath and she has me taking some supplements. One of them is by prescription which is supposed to help with pain. I don't have much pain but it is good to know that naturopaths can prescribe things for pain. You would have to go to the Naturopath to get the supplements that could help the pain in your feet. And if your husband is off work that would be a costly burden for you to bear. But you should definitely let your Oncologist know how much you are suffering. They might have to alter your drugs. Best wishes to you as I know pain is very debilitating. Hugs Marlene
Hello Maludagui.I had to be taken off letrozole and put on its first cousin...anastrozole. This is not a second line of treatment. More like a slight tweak.
I started developing carpal tunnel syndrome in both my hands. Have had to have steroid injections into both thumbs because of pain and locking of both thumb joints. This hurt like hell. But has fixed then so far.
Now I still have pain. But far less.
Also I have in my left foot, a heel spur and some excruciating pain that runs up my Achilles tendon a t night.
honestly sometimes you wonder if the benefits outweigh the problems or vice versa.
I try to be a cup half full type of person but when you’re living alone or that you’ve got the problems with your health insurance like you have it’s just so hard and sometimes we can hit a wall with pain and extra problems that we don’t need.
I’m sorry to hear that you’ve got all this going on.
Yes both. For 2.5 years now.