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Feeling faint with ibrance

Lulu4545 profile image
24 Replies

Hi to all,

Hope you're good.

I've been on anastrozole, ibrance, xgeva and zoladex since June 2020.

First 3 months were fine - apart from all the anxiety around being diagnosed de novo MBC.

Since mid-November I've been feeling faint. Thus feeling seems to be getting worse with time. My GP says it's due to the treatment but I didn't have this problem at the beginning.

I find it difficult going out because I feel unsure of my balance as if I was on a boat.

It's really difficult.

I'm scared I could have a brain tumor since I had a stroke in October 2018.

Has anyone experienced this?

Thanks to all for your help. I really feel awful right now.

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Lulu4545 profile image
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24 Replies
Red71 profile image

I just did something and lost my whole answer. I had the same problem and found I was taking too much bad pressure medication. I don’t know if you are on any other medication other than cancer meds but it’s good to check any other meds you are taking. Decreasing my b/p medication to once per day was the answer for me.

Lulu4545 profile image
Lulu4545 in reply to Red71

Thank you so much for the quick reply. I take statins max dose and aspirin 75 mg to avoid stroke recurrence.

A part from that just the cancer meds.

My onc knows about all the meds I take.

Red71 profile image
Red71 in reply to Lulu4545

I just read that statins can cause lower blood pressure. I might ask my oncologist if my gp is not willing to consider that fact. Feeling dizzy and wobbly is not good for your overall feelings of health as well as the possibility of falling which is something we cancer patients don’t need to do!

Lulu4545 profile image
Lulu4545 in reply to Red71

Thanks a lot. The doctor has taken my blood pressure twice and it's normal.

Also I've been on statins for over 2 years now with no side effect.

I think it's anxiety.

I'm just so anxious about what's going to happen to my kids, once I'm gone. It's awful, I just can't seem to enjoy anything anymore.

And now this balance thing ... can't get anything done. Really feel useless and hopeless.

I suppose next pet scan will tell me more...

I just hope I manage to finish what I'd planned to do before...

Sorry I'm so negative.

I just really feel awful.

Kaydub profile image
Kaydub in reply to Lulu4545

I was experiencing lightheadedness walking short distances when I first started ibrance. Did a whole work up at the hospital and they found nothing. I think for me it was anxiety about starting a new medicine at home (I was allergic to Taxol) and not drinking enough water. I find that I need to drink at least 8 glasses of water on ibrance and sometimes that isn’t enough.

Lulu4545 profile image
Lulu4545 in reply to Kaydub

Thanks for the answer. All this information kind of helps.

I know myself and know how I can get myself to really feel strange just by being anxious.

Last august I mis- swallowed some water and hurt my oesophagus. It couldn't swallow anymore. It was really painful. I had to go to ER and really thought that was the end of me cause it might of spread to my oesophagus.

I had all the check-ups and doctors concluded it was anxiety. Yet, it took me 10 days before I could eat again !

Just hope this balance/faint/dizzy feeling is also linked to anxiety and not to a brain tumor.

I just don't know what to do to relax! I took some xanax this afternoon, but it doesn't seem to be effective anymore....

My body is so stressed it hurts. I feel I've been beaten up.

My GP told me I'd come to terms with my condition and manage to live a reasonably normal life.

But when! I'm so tied of all this anxiety. It takes all my energy.

Hope I can come with some more positive and constructive contributions next time.

All I'm good for right now is complaining.

Sorry about that.

in reply to Lulu4545

For stress, I found good, free guided meditation apps on my iPhone. They remind me to breathe and help my stress. They are 5-10minutes long.

I occasionally take low THC CBD tincture too for anxiety. Helps with insomnia. Not habit forming. No THC means no high effect.

Careful with Xanax. It’s only for situational use. I encountered real problems when I took it regularly. Nasty rebound anxiety.

Are you on an antidepressant? Took me a while to find the right one. Celexa works for me.

Kaydub profile image
Kaydub in reply to Lulu4545

It’s okay to complain. We get it. Have you tried meditation? My cardiologist recommended that to me for anxiety when I told her I was having palpitations and tests showed nothing wrong. I use “smiling minds” as it’s free. Sometimes it’s just the simple act of breathing that can help you start centering yourself. At the very worst it gives me some nap time - the soothing voice helps me fall asleep.

Titaniam_Turtle profile image
Titaniam_Turtle in reply to Lulu4545

Being diagnosed with MBC will increase your anxiety. I had an 11 yr old and a 12 yr old when I was diagnosed with MBC. I struggled with maybe not seeing them graduate from high school or getting married. That was 5 years ago. It took me about 2-3 years to accept that I don't know what will happen but my cancer has not grown thanks to Ibrance, letrozole, and Xgeva. Additionally, I was diagnosed 2 years ago with a second, different and separate breast cancer. The protocol called for stopping the Ibrance, letrozole, Xgeva, and getting chemo for 5 months. I always say I am every woman's nightmare. Two breast cancers, one MBC and one new, all during a pandemic. I got an all clear on the new cancer and went back on Ibrance, etc. It has taken time but I am at peace with whatever comes my way. Peace will come to you, too, with time. Send me a note any time if you need encouragement or a shoulder to cry on. This is not for the faint of heart and although not our choice, we are part of a uniquely loving sisterhood. And I have been on Ibrance for 4 years total and no faint feelings. Sorry this is so long.Blessings,


Silviolina profile image
Silviolina in reply to Lulu4545

Hallo, I have been told I cannot take statins with Ribociclib and I thought thi is the case for ibrance as well. Silvia

What is your dosage please?

I started on 125 mg in 9/18 and noticed bad fatigue within 3 months.

My doctor agreed we should reduce to 100 mg. It helped a lot.

Others will tell you similar stories. The efficacy remains good with the lower dosage.

Lilykristymichael profile image
Lilykristymichael in reply to

I so agree with a lowered dose. Makes a world of difference.-Madlyn

Red71 profile image

It does sound like anxiety is your biggest problem. I would talk to your oncologist about getting something that might help that. Helping us being able to live and enjoy our life is part of their job. Just remember that you have survived almost a year since this diagnosis with good results and you have probably got many more years left. Try to live today, not tomorrow or next year. Deciding how we want to live the rest of our life is a piece of what we deal with. Deciding to live it the best we are able can ground you. We all have some amount of depression that comes and goes. Living in Oregon, I am dealing with cold wet rainy days plus what we all deal with, Covid isolation, and it does get me down. It just have to put one foot in front of a another some days. Planning my day, with chores I want to do helps a lot in keeping me from just sitting and feeling sorry for myself. Everybody has different ways of dealing with their cancer, but I would encourage you to start by being upfront about your anxiety with your oncologist. Hugs, Elaine.Ps, how old are your children?

Hello LuLu :

I have been on Ibrance and Arimidex since June2019. I also felt fine at first but the longer I am on these meds the more I feel fatigued. Our blood counts are lowered with these and that can be an explanation. My oncologist did have me take a month off from Ibrance and then started up again. Perhaps you need a break to see if the meds are causing your symptoms. I hope you can get relief from your anxiety. I find that prayer helps a great deal.—Madlyn

Alive-today profile image

Goodmorning, sorry you're not feeling well, Red71 is right, I was taking Reprat medicine 2 instead of 1 and I was dizzy all the time, now I only take 1 a day and feeling much better. Hope you find the answer to your problem. Take care

8576 profile image

Oh my, sounds awful. You have been through a lot of serious problems in the last few years. It makes me feel light headed just reading about it! Be kind to yourself. Rest as much as possible. Keep asking for help. Try all the avenues for relief. Many of which have been suggested by others. I am on Ibrance but haven't experienced the side effects you have.

You sound like a strong person. You will be alright. Keep us posted.

Cheers, June S.

Totheriver profile image

I hope they find out what is causing it. I went to the lowest does of ibrance and am on anti anxiety meds. Most days I feel good.Theresa

Beryl71 profile image

I have found that meditation, yoga and a healing skills course I do have helped me to find peace after my diagnosis in April last year. Also I had faintness in summer weather and was told it was dehydration due to my blood pressure medication. So drinking plenty of water is important.

Hope you soon settle down to a new outlook on life. Carolynx

Djd60 profile image

I am on Ibrance, Xgeva shots and Falsodex shots, I get dizzy a lot but my BP is very low causing this so I started to add salt to my diet, I drink 2 small or 1 large Gatorade zero daily and sometimes I eat chips with a sandwich for lunch and I noticed my light headedness goes away and my BP goes back up to normal, not sure if this will help you or not, I am not a Doctor, good luck!

TammyCross profile image
TammyCross in reply to Djd60

Djd60 - well, that just shows when you think you are the only one, you aren't. I tend to have low blood pressure, and I am Ibrance, Faslodex and Xgeva. Haven't encountered anyone else on those three. I used to joke with my docs that the only way I could stay on my feet was to eat salty food, smoke and stop running. Before I got this, I passed out a couple of times because my bp was too low and wound up in the ER. For me, it was not drinking enough. Last time I saw my oncologist, the nurse took my bp and it was something like 90/45. I was panting just sitting. The doc said it was a mistake because I would be dead if it were that low. It is a different kind of dizzy, isn't it?

Djd60 profile image
Djd60 in reply to TammyCross

I can relate to what you are going through, mine gets low like that also, I find myself tuning to the chair or bed before I pass out, then as soon as I can get back up, I know I need to drink at least 2 Gatorade Zeros or Gatorade if you prefer that, I switched because it had so much sugar in it to the Zero Gatorade one , which is what I drink daily now , so this doesn’t occur anymore, feeling like passing out, my son advised me to drink it and told me I needed more salt to my diet and hydration, it has been working for me ever since ! Well good luck to you and take care !

Maybe it’s your blood pressure along with anxiety. I would ask for your blood pressure to be monitored. I’m on Ibrance, Letrozole and Denosumab.Take care

Lulu4545 profile image

Hello to all of you,Thanks for all the support.

Had pet scan yesterday and suvmax 1,5 on bones and 5 on breast.

I asked the radiologist if all my bone mets had gone. She said no.

Basically it's good news, but I don't really understand it.

Most importantly I don't feel as faint as I used to.

I take Lexomil, an anti-anxiety. It kind of helps.

As for brain tumors, the radiologist told me pet scans don't show anything. I'd have to have an MRI.

Take care


WordNerdSharron profile image

Lulu, I took both for about 15 months or so and never experienced what you have. My pulse rate ran lower, but not dangerously so. Don't feel like you can't press for answers and options from your treatment team. You matter, and your symptoms need to be addressed. Please keep us posted. Holding you in heart and offering a prayer.

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