Treatment done: CT done. I have to wait... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Treatment done

34 Replies

CT done. I have to wait 3 weeks for results.

Treatment and bloods done today. All fine but not fine because I would like my results.

On a more positive side after not seeing my 93 year old Mum for almost a year she is coming for Christmas. We are so happy to have her in our so called bubble. So, I feel a bit more like Christmas and the tree has gone up. The angel,will,go on the top on the 9th which will be my eldest sons 50th birthday. (Young Mum ha ha).

Hope all is ok with you lovely ladies.

34 Replies

That is so nice to hear that your Mom is going to be with you for Christmas . Your tree looks very festive . I hope the business of the season makes your wait more bearable , scaniexty drives me a little crazy if I am not busy . Luann

in reply to

Ditto Luann. Xx

Julie2233 profile image

It’s worse than waiting for exam results isn’t it 😐 I also have to wait 3 weeks for test results and it’s horrible. Love your Christmas tree 😁

in reply to Julie2233

Thought I was the only one Julie. It’s like torture.

Zebra2018 profile image

Why 3 weeks? I get mine after 2 or 3 days. I am glad your mom is visiting, I hope you will have a great time together

Merry early x-mass


in reply to Zebra2018

Apparently the hospital is under great pressure with results of scans. Goodness knows why that’s an excuse. Two weeks yes but 3 weeks. I just think there has been another mistake made like my 5 month wait for a scan. My GP had to chase the hospital.

Merry Christmas to you also x

Julie2233 profile image
Julie2233 in reply to

My hospital doesn’t have enough qualified people to read the scans. So the urgent ones take priority, our routine ones have to wait.

in reply to Julie2233

Oh maybe that’s the case then. My hospital is huge. Thanks Julie.

USIrishcolleen profile image
USIrishcolleen in reply to Zebra2018


I was wondering the same thing. Why 3 weeks? Luck to get mine, also, in 2-3 days.



Zebra2018 profile image
Zebra2018 in reply to USIrishcolleen

I don’t take it in the hospital, May be that is why?Sima

How lovely to see your Mum for Christmas Cheryl. No wonder you feel festive. Hope the 3 weeks goes quickly for you. I can’t see my present under your tree!!Clare x

in reply to

You can’t wrap virtual hugs and best wishes Clare 🥰🙏🏼👍

in reply to

😂 I’ll take the virtual hug thanks Cheryl.Xx

in reply to

Okey dokey x

Eliactida1955 profile image

Glad your mom is comming-that’s a treat for sure. Where do you live and why would you wait for your results? Once they are read you can pick up from the faculty printed out two days after it’s done. I can’t wait to know what mine says so we pick ours up. I also get a cd of exam with it for my files -that way I have the report and any questions for the dr when I see him . My visits are now every three months. Have a nice holiday with your family and stay safe🙏❤️🎄🎄🎄⛄️⛄️⛄️

in reply to Eliactida1955

I live in the UK. It’s all about staffing. I asked at the hospital and apparently there’s so many processes the scan goes through before it reaches the Oncologists desk. Just have to accept it unfortunately. Seems there is no,space for our emotions and well being here. X

Eliactida1955 profile image
Eliactida1955 in reply to

I’m sorry I didn’t know the U K is like that. I don’t understand why you can’t have access to your own tests at least to ease your mind. It is what it is. Hang in there and be strong. I know the onocologists know right away and even the same day the test is done but why they don’t tell you -I don’t know. I’ve always heard the medical care is good in the U K I’m sure you’re in good hands just slower system maybe. Take care and enjoy the holidays-you are alive!!🙏❤️🌹

in reply to Eliactida1955

Exactly. I have pushed it to the back of my mind now. At least I’m having my treatment. Take care x

Joannaaaa profile image

Happy Christmas and best wishes for your results and have a lovely time with your mum

in reply to Joannaaaa

Thank you. Merry Christmas to you to albeit a little early xx

BluHydrangea profile image

Beautiful tree! My cactus have been blooming and I’ve been thinking of yours! Hoping for the best news on your scans!🌲🎄🌲

in reply to BluHydrangea

Great. It’s a shame the flowers don’t last to long. I was really pleased with mine. It has lots of buds now but they don’t mature. Take care xxx

kduck profile image

Like you I am waiting for my scan results, I hope we both have great scan results. I love the tree and enjoy time with your mom.

in reply to kduck

It’s a hard waiting game. Mum will love Christmas with us. Thank you x

Mary115 profile image

Thanks for keeping us posted.. and glad you have more to anticipate like being together for Christmas, rather than spending the time just waiting for scan results.

Lovely job of decorating the tree.

My scans are on delay because hospital is on overload with so much work to do because of Covid challenges.

We get our tree on Friday, and tomorrow we make our boughs for the front porch.. On line shopping is almost complete. Gathering food to give out . Need is greater this year for so many. Had fun getting a $39. robot for a six year old grandson, and a remote control car. We will be playing curbside delivery Santa since we cannot be together in person.. Creating a bit of Heaven in the midst of what can feel like a Hellish year, but in a deeper reality filled with love and purpose.. and the togetherness of being with the likes of folks here. Thank you.

in reply to Mary115

Try and post a photo of your tree. It’s lovely for us all to see each other’s photos. I love fresh Christmas Trees but we just don’t have the space in our apartment for one. I tweek the tree every day and looking forward to the 9th when the angel goes on the top. It’s never before. It will be great surprising your Grandson. Bless him, lucky little fella. Online shopping is the way to go. I was awake at 1.30 this morning ordering presents. My husband walks around the City locally and gives the homeless some money for Christmas. What they do with it is not for us to question but those poor souls need some joy this time of year. My Stepdaughter will go around handed out her homemade cookies Xmas week. Many of the homeless folks know her now. She even married (if you could call it that) a homeless couple in her tea rooms. She has known them for years and they said they wanted some kind of ceremony although it wasn’t official as they had been together for years living in a tent in a supermarket car park. Nearly the whole community came together to help. It was lovely. They now have accommodation which is great. I’ve gone off track a little here. Have a good Christmas 🙏🏼🌳

stardust1965 profile image

Cheryl I have always had to wait for my next oncology appointment to get scan results which means the wait is usually 2 - 3 weeks. I find it agonising knowing the results are there but not having access to them. That’s great news that you’ll be seeing your mother over Christmas. I’m still working on the (D-Day Landings style) logistics of a family Christmas! It involves planes, trains and automobiles!

I’m a sucker for Christmas trees and decorations so thanks for the photo.

LibraryGeek profile image

That looks very festive Cheryl! Try to enjoy planning Xmas and put the scan out of your mind (easy to say I Know)- sending love and fingers crossed for your results.Jackie x

in reply to LibraryGeek

Thank you Jackie. Have a good Christmas to xx

Hi Cheryl,

I’m glad you have had your scan and blood tests done, but three weeks is a long time to wait. I’m surprised your results are not considered urgent. I thought that was one of the “perks” of having metastatic breast cancer, being considered “urgent”😂😂😂. I bet you are looking forward to seeing your mum.

My blood test forms always say “priority” so it should be the same with scans. Are you able to book your own scans? That’s what I do with my CT scans. I normally manage to book them as close to my consultation with my oncologist as possible, which is a week. I had to wait over two weeks recently for my PET CT scan results, which was really hard considering the results were in and available within a couple of days. But my oncologist was working at the other hospital where she divides her time and didn’t get to them until she returned and then there was further delay as she had to consult two of her colleagues.

I hope your results are good and that the next few weeks fly by. I find waiting and not knowing one of the hardest things about this disease.

Take care,


P.S. Sorry for the novel! I do tend to waffle on at times.

8576 profile image

What a lovely tree. Good to have the scans behind and so much to look forward to. Christmas with your Mom and your son's birthday. All is well here. Wishing you all well.

Cheers, June S.

mariootsi profile image

Glad your scan is over! Now the waiting. Wish you the best results.What a lovely tree. Nice you will be seeing your mum for a joyous Christmas.

SeattleMom profile image

Prayers for good results! And how tall is that stunning tree!? 🙏🏻🎄

Thank you. The tree is 6 feet tall. I just love all my decorations. They please me every year I get them out of their boxes. Best wishes

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