Covid: Good morning everyone, I was... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Gino21 profile image
20 Replies

Good morning everyone, I was wondering how everyone is handling this Covid stuff. I'm afraid to go out and do anything. With having to worry about my blood work being low and anyone I'm around who might have Covid, it's scary.

I miss my grandkids and daughters coming over. I'm so afraid of catching something from them.

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Gino21 profile image
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20 Replies

Hi Gino,

This pandemic has certainly taken its toll on us, hasn't it? It is hard to deal with this "new normal", but I think having a positive attitude helps. Where are you located? Here in the UK, restrictions have been gradually eased, but we still have to follow certain guidelines to keep us safe.

Where you live are you permitted to leave your home for exercise? If so, I would try to get out, even if it's just for a short walk while maintaining a social distance from other people. Can you keep in touch with your daughters and grandchildren over Skype or Zoom? That might help lift your spirits if you can connect with them in that way. I've been keeping in touch with friends over Skype, Zoom, email, text messages, WhatsApp, Facebook, and I have even organised some social distancing picnics with friends. We took our own chairs, food, and drink and ate in our friend's garden.

If you are concerned about your blood counts, I would speak with your oncologist and see what they suggest about keeping you safe.

I hope you will soon be feeling better about things. You don't want to be feeling down on top of dealing with your diagnosis too.


P.S. Welcome to this site! I just noticed you are new.

Kiera49 profile image

Hi Gino, welcome to this site, I was terrified at first of catching it especially after shielding, but now I think as long as I keep social distancing and wear a mask should be okay, going on holiday to holiday park in a few weeks. I think it's important for me to enjoy life while I can and covid may be around for a long time. Try not to worry too much sending you hugs

kearnan profile image
kearnan in reply to Kiera49

I agree 100% . We still have to wear masks, social distancing and for me constant washing of my hands. We can still go out and enjoy life the best we can until a vaccine is found so we have to adapt to this way of living. But being afraid to leave the house is not good (my friend and her husband are in FL and are terrified). It is sad. Just take the normal precautions.

Jpl5036608 profile image

My daughter’s oncologist said now that she is on targeted drugs and no chemo her immunity is just like anyone else’s. Blood work also tells the story. He said social distance with masks will not hurt her in the least. Maybe that is the same for you?

Barbteeth profile image

Hi there

I’m also in the UK and my oncologist just said be careful re Covid so I just carry on as normal but don’t go on public transport...few shops as I don’t do the food shopping and I tend to just mix with a few people at my stables or distancing with a few friends

Went to a bbq at my daughters house last night...first social event and it was good fun...also had lunch in a pub garden during the week...all proper distancing etc...I felt absolutely fine with this...I won’t go where I have to be at close proximity to strangers and did cancel our Madeira holiday but I couldn’t be scared of going out....I think you should get a mask on and get out by yourself for walks don’t have to mix with anyone and it will make you feel so much better...even during lockdown I rode my horse by myself in the woods which were very quiet and it saved my sanity

Sorry if I sound a bossy britches but your mental health is just/ or more important than your cancer treatment

All the best

Barb xx

Rotagirl profile image
Rotagirl in reply to Barbteeth

Fully agree Barb. I would go nuts if I didn't get out or have friends round, 2 at a time distanced under the gazebo, for coffee or a light lunch in the garden. We had to cancel a holiday to Italy, Lake Maggiore but we will be going to a small Hotel in Scotland. This is overlooking the Solway estuary in Dumfrieshire....husband's family's roots. All the best, Fay

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Rotagirl

We’re going to the Cotswolds in September so that’s something to look forward to...Scotland is beautiful...apart from the dreaded midges!!.. hope you have a great time

Barb xx

kearnan profile image

I live in NY and we got hit hard before anyone knew that it could spread without having someone traveled to an area. One attorney in Rochester was diagnosed with it and then everybody he had been with up to two weeks earlier (which included a funeral in which they people tested there tested positive). Within weeks, NY hospitals were overwhelmed and every day I would put on TV and another 500 died, the next day 300 died, the next day 600 died. We lost 22,000 people to this virus. Nobody was prepared. We had to quarantine for three full weeks which we did.

Luckily in NY, the numbers are down but now FL, TX and AZ in the US are at very high levels and are hitting high numbers of infected people. They were stupid bc they seen what happened in NY but did not expect it to hit their areas. People were against having to wear masks saying it violated their rights. Well, now they are learning the hard way.

In NY we still have to wear masks in just about every store. Thousands and thousands of lost their jobs within a NY bc NY basically shut down. Broadway, hundreds of restaurants, hotels, etc.

Unlike most of my friends and I have breast cancer in my lungs and now in spine. I wear the mask. but I live alone, don't drive and I had to buy food. To me the most important thing is social distancing and washing my hands non-stop.

Some of my friends (who were healthier than me) in the beginning washed down every single grocery item before they brought into the house. I live alone so that made it easier. But I wear my mask, I buy my items and I put on counter and did not wash down any groceries. I would put them away, wash down my counter with disinfectant and after I used say a can of tuna fish, I would wash my hands. I went and got my mail and opened it and such and packages and then would was my hands.

In my building still only two to an elevator and I live in a high rise and three people in laundry room. Our numbers went down considerably so they are starting very slow with OUTDOOR dining only but out Gov. rightly got angry bc within two weeks the restaurants were moving tables closer and closer and then he shut that down.

This is going to be with us for a while. Wear a mask, wash your hands carefully and socially distance. You can visit somebody but sit at least six feet away from them. We need to be more careful bc we have pre-existing conditions.

You do not know who is affected. A person can by asymptomatic yet they can be infected and spreading it without knowing. So to me, a mask and constant washing of the hands for 20 seconds (but I do 30 which is longer than you think.)

I was lucky I had stocked up before the virus hit NY because even now Lysol or disinfectant wipes are very very hard to get anywhere. I had already ordered about 20 rolls of TP and Bounty before it hit NY and I live alone which makes a big difference.

You can still enjoy yourself to a certain degree but have to just take extra precautions and you cannot tell if a person has it. Three of my friends tested positive with the BLOOD TEST (not the swab test) and they all tested positive which meant they had COVID-19 already. None of them have conditions but two of them had a very bad flu right before the virus became known so apparently they had Covid-19 but bc they had no other conditions, they felt like they had the flu.

I have on friend who her and her husband are so terrified that they leave the mail out in the yard for three days, they do not let anybody in their home, they ONLY eat frozen food and refuse to order take out. I am worse off than them health wise but to me social distancing and constant washing of the hands is working for me. I do in order in food now. We will have this for a while I believe so we have to choose to be careful while still having a social life. I did turn down a friend's invitation to a barbecue she was throwing for her daughter bc she was having 18 people over and I know her backyard is small and there would be nobody wearing masks or social distancing so I knew enough not to go.

Teddielottie profile image

I would take every precaution , ie. masks , frequent hand washing and sanitizer when out , and keep away from crowds and 2m distancing , but I wouldn’t lock yourself away , as you need to get out for your mental health .I don’t go to town centre shops or supermarkets ( I have a weekly priority online delivery) but I do now go to local farm shops, outdoor cafes, garden centres and country parks etc , and I get out for regular walks away from the crowds and e-bike rides in the countryside . Maybe you could arrange a social distancing picnic in a garden with your family ?

The key is to be cautious ...but do a mental risk assessment of the likelihood of any increased risks involved , but get out and enjoy nature ! x

KMBL_ profile image

Hi, Gino. I have a daughter and a grandchild. I started in the very beginning a little nervous, but I refused to give them up. I see them multiple times a week and take care of my grandchild from time to time. I do wash my hands frequently and try really hard to not touch my face, but I will not give them up. It is a personal choice for you. We each have a way we handle things. I agree with the other suggestions here.

I walk a mile every day with my husband and dogs. He is also working. I’ve stopped listening to the reports because I’m not this pandemic. I am taking precautions. I don’t eat at restaurants but have ordered and picked up the food. I go grocery shopping and wipe down the basket even though they say it’s clean. I come out of the store and put hand sanitizer on my hands before I touch the door handle to my car, and I immediately take a wipe and wipe down my phone. I also do not wipe my groceries before putting them away.

I hope you can find a comfort level. I totally get where you’re coming from.


I’m pretty much voicing what the others have said.

I am careful who I see, and only at a good distance. I haven’t been to any shops, mainly because I don’t need to, and I am still shielding.

I do go out for walks, or on my ebike, and I have met with my close family and friends. You need to do what is right for your mental health.

I did get anxious driving to an appointment so my nurse told me to get out and exercise to help the anxiety. It worked a treat, and I’ve not had anything since.

Go enjoy your family

Clare x

Arisgram profile image

Hello there. I'm sorry you are feeling so isolated and anxious.

I tell you my situation only to maybe ease your mind. This is in no way suggesting anyone in our situation should follow suit. I do what I do because I must keep my business going. I am alone and don't have the financial resources to manage my care without health insurance.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, my company has been testing for COVID. Some days, I will swab 100 people....sometimes very sick people. I handle the specimens. I ride around with the refuse from testing in my car. I am cautious and always wear an N95 mask and gloves. I'll grab a face shield if I think about it. No one in the company has become infected.

I tell you this just to ease your mind a bit. We work with infectious disease professionals who emphasize duration and proximity. If you will keep a good distance from others, and if you must be close, do so only briefly. Wear your mask and wash your hands. I see VERY few infected people who have followed these rules. Most of the positives have carried on with little regard for protection.

I hope you find a way to get out of the house and enjoy some time with friends and family. We all need connection.

All the best! Andi

mariootsi profile image

I asked my onc on my last visit if I could go out. She said yes. She said take precautions, stay away from crowds, wear a mask and wash hands alot! I'm still scared, but I've had to go to the hospital for appointments as none were cancelled because of covid!

My daughter and son- law- came over the other day

First time in months with masks and I needed to hug them!

Still leary of going shopping and my daughter goes for me or does instacart orders.

None of us needs this extra stress. We just have to do the best we can because this is the way life will be for the foreseeable future.

Grsmmatruds profile image

I have never worried about it at all. Well maybe the first 2 weeks. See my grandkids and visit all the time. Immediate family of 96. Enjoy life! We don’t know what time we are granted.

worldtravel75 profile image

I live in Ann Arbor Michigan and I am basically living my life - they have closed off the streets around campus so more outdoor seating for dinners...Shopping the same as always - of course all this with a mask on - meeting up with friends - farmers markets. My White count is horrible but life goes on. I am bummed that I can't travel to Europe this year but am trying to get to Hawaii in September with they will let us in - kinda iffy right now. Just do what you feel comfortable with but don't stop living ! Writing this from my favorite coffee house.

Gino21 profile image
Gino21 in reply to worldtravel75

I live in Canada, Ontario and the Covid numbers are not too bad. They seem to be controling it pretty good. Everyone still needs to wear a mask in any stores. My husband does most of the shopping for me because he doesn't want my taking any chances.

Too bad about your trip cancellation. I know alot of people had to cancel their trips. We always went to Michigan to golf for a week every year in Oscoda. Hope you get to go to Hawaii soon.

Lilykristymichael profile image
Lilykristymichael in reply to worldtravel75

Hello world travel75: I am wondering if you are being treated at the U of M? That is where I go. Wonderful, responsive doctors and nurses there.

Now to Gino21. I am very careful about where I go and wear a mask when out, use hand sanitizer and wash hands. My children are in medical field and do come but wear masks when in my house. Here in Michigan our numbers are up again so I take precautions. I do grocery shop and distance when I go out. I believe if we are careful and depending on where we live , we will be ok. It is hard to be isolated and I believe we do need to be cautious. The best to you. Madlyn

worldtravel75 profile image
worldtravel75 in reply to Lilykristymichael

yes - I go to U of M for my treatment - 2nd opinion at Dana Farber. I see Dr Schott. So lucky to live in Ann Arbor

I have been the same way and haven’t left my house except for medical related trips. My son and his girlfriend delivered groceries to us for three months as they didn’t want my husband going anywhere and then passing it to me. We kept 6 ft apart when they delivered them and they didn’t come in the house. On Father’s Day I had enough and told my son I was going to hug him. I think it lasted 5 minutes and we were all crying. It gave me so much strength. I went to my sisters (outside) to swim in her pool on Saturday and spent 8 hours there. It was such a relief to see people and just relax. I’m in NS, Canada and things have settled down and no cases in 10 days. If you are in the US then I can understand you staying away from people as Covid is out of control in many cities. You have to do what you can to stay safe. Meeting your family in your back yard and wearing masks would give you a good chance to see each other and talk and still be safe. ❤️

RLN-overcomer profile image

We are all still trying to be as cautious as possible. I am so cautious that people look at me like I am crazy. I am trying to keep myself safe, so that my senior loved ones whom I have to come in contact with are also safe. I could care less what inconsiderate people think . I wear my masks, and 2 pair of gloves. I came home with a couple of tears in the top outer gloves. I carry a small bottle of bleach solution, and spray everything I touch whenever I have to go outside my home. Yes I also wipe down all groceries, and packages with the bleach spray solution. I spray the bottom of my shoes, and leave them at the door. All bags that the groceries were carried in are sprayed on the bottom, and left at the door. I was my hands twice for at least 30 seconds each time. I wipe down my cellphone, house, and car keys. I would rather be safe than sorry. I am going to do my part, and pray GOD will do the rest. Amen. I went to my first in person funeral for a family member 2 days ago. 75% of the people were doing everything right to keep others around them safe. I may find out how the less considerate 25% are in the days to follow whether they are okay, but then again, they can also be asymptomatic carriers.

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