I am not on cancer treatment as waiting till next week for new meds, but have horrible taste in mouth and things taste the same
Can anyone taste their cancer - SHARE Metastatic ...
Can anyone taste their cancer

Hi Kiera, I get an awful taste sometimes but put it down to the statin I take for Cholesterol. Maybe it’s from the Ibrance or Letrozole. It’s only like that occasionally and I crave something sweet when it happens. Of course that could be physiological. Hope this helps.
Best wishes

Hi Cheryl that helps a lot, it could be psychological who knows, but could be that I'm worried about having to wait to start new meds, thanks for replying
Are /were you on Ibrance? I've been on it for over 4 years and every day and night round the clock, all foods taste absolutely awful. I called the company and spoke to their pharmacist and she said some people report the same thing and it's an allergy to some ingredient. The taste is not metallic; it's indescribable. Just awful. If I eat chocolate ice cream it's not bad but I'm gaining too much weight.
I'm on treatment, but yes to a terrible taste in my mouth, especially at night. Not as bad as the pregnancy taste I had, but it's there.
Here's to a successful next treatment and the bad taste taking a hike!!
This is a new one to me. Hope you find out soon or even better yet it goes away on its own.
Blessings, Hannah
omg i always say there is that chemo smell
I’m not taking anything at the moment but while on IV chemo I developed a nasty taste after every infusion. It stopped until I started xeloda and it hasn’t gone. It’s similar to sweet sour milk. Dentist has checked my mouth and can’t find a reason and I don’t have any digestion issues.
My husband said I sometimes smelt like a strong chemicals. I smelt it too☹️
Hi Kiera. I was diagnosed with MBC with mets in lung and bones. Before starting treatment I had a horrible taste in my mouth all the time. It made me so nauseous. I started letrazole in mid May. I can say that the taste is now almost completely gone. I start Ibrance today and xgeva in August. I really think that your taste will go away. Also if it is legal where you are I recommend medical marijuana. My tumor marker numbers in May was 895 and now it is 278! And that is from letrazole and marijuana only. I hope once the other two meds start it will be even better! Good luck to you!
Thank you just come off ibrance and letrozole worked for 18 months, so now have to try new meds taste has gone now so that's good