I have stopped posting "humorous" jokes to lighten the mood in lieu of this virus. It is no longer funny at all and levity now seems disrespectful to those who have lost loved ones and those who will continue to lose loved ones. The numbers are staggering, but these are people.
Each number reflects somebody's mother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, neighbor. It is hitting me now hard. I don't really fear for myself. I will not leave much behind and I have lived a happy good life compared to millions of others in this world.
NY is overwhelmed. We lost high numbers of PEOPLE in a few days. Besides the regular day to day people, now police officers and fire department personnel are getting sick and several have died.
The Gov. was right on point. It IS, getting worse every day. You wake up and want to hear some good news but it NEVER comes.
They are telling us we will know soon if it will be six more weeks in quarantine or SIX MORE MONTHS.
It started with one man in New Rochelle, NY who never traveled outside the country and within less than a month's time, this virus has overcome New York. We are being brought down to our knees. You can't digest the numbers and realize those numbers are people.
You realize that your cancer IS GOING to spread and quickly without treatment except for the pills but you will never know bc you wont be getting injections and certainly no CT scans.
Now they are announcing on news that hospitals are ONLY taking virus patients and even then you have to already have severe respiratory problems.
My cancer center (I had an appt. tomorrow) said that they will only be allowing those who are getting intravenous chemo into the center and even from that I am sure they culled certain people (younger vs. older, etc.).
People like me with stage iv will NOT be getting our injections, blood work and CT scans for quite some time. I get it. They have limited resources so they can only treat a limited amount of people when they are down to 1/4 of staff. They have medical personnel that used to work in Cancer Center now working at the hospital.
So I guess they made the decision that it is better to continue to treat those who still have a chance of getting their cancer eradicated and let them continue treatment. It makes sense to me. You can only treat a limited amount of people, so treat those who have a chance of beating cancer. I am on the other side of the fence now.
My friends and myself are so so depressed. My pain will be increasing soon as I no longer have access to the pain specialist and will be running out. Weaning myself now and preparing for the pain to return.
Be thankful even though it is a horror to be stuck in an apt. like mine which every day seems the walls keep closing in, that your country is taking extreme measures now.
Ordering food is close to impossible. Workers are getting sick, stores are out of so many items. I am alone and for once that seems like a blessing. I am not worried sick out my children and feeding them or elderly parents who I can't get to.
People in other countries are seeing how the virus is crippling and devastating New York and are taking very strong measures to make sure it does not happen in the numbers we are experiencing.
I have said that I would rather die from the cancer than the virus and now that treatment will be stopped for as long as this virus is here, I expect my cancer, without injections, for God knows how long, will spread.
Pray, pray, pray. I "forget" every night when I am sleeping and for a very few minutes in the morning and then BOOM......reality hits me.
I pray for all of us. Going to take a break tomorrow from the board. Can't really discuss my cancer anymore since treatment is stopped.
OFFER HELP TO THOSE WHO LIVE ALONE AND/OR OR THE ELDERLY. And I pray it does NOT turn to other states in the US and other countries.