PET Results are in...: Morning ladies... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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PET Results are in...

LeeannW710 profile image
ā€¢21 Replies

Morning ladies or good afternoon or evening! :-).

Hope everyone is stable and feeling well. šŸ™šŸ»

Havenā€™t written in awhile but I check in from time to time. I had a few months to breathe and live life without thinking about disease until now. Had my three month PET scan on Monday and got the results yesterday. The last two were stable. This one however showed a little progression. It appears there is a new fdg avid lesion in my liver about 1.5 cm. Of course, I never expected that and so I am turned upside down right now. I have scheduled an MRI for the end of the month and I guess treatments will change based on that result. Currently on ibrance/letrozole. Approx 10 months. Strangely I know in my heart I will rise back up and jump over this hurdle BUT it has definitely shaken me. I have a two year old daughter and there is no other option for me because I REFUSE to not watch her grow. She is my miracle baby who came after my initial diagnosis so all I can think is God has a plan. Why would he give her to me and then not allow me to raise her. I lost my mom when I was 19. My nieces and nephews lost their moms when they were really young. Hard to think about my daughter growing up without me. šŸ˜¢ Sorry having a small pity party right now. Moving forward, the plan now is to have an MRI of my liver and if it is consistent with PET they may want to do a biopsy and ablation at the same time. Unsure how I feel about that. My breast cancer returned after three and a half years of being ā€œcuredā€ and since last year, I had recurrence on my spine and rt 5th rib, lt axilla, cervix, endometrial lining, had tubes and ovaries removed (biopsy showed disease) but never on any scans. And now this. Plus my levels have slowly risen and my CEA level is higher than it has ever been. Was just hoping that stable would have lasted longer and would have been able to be on meds longer too. Thanks for listening to my rant. Hugs and blessings to you all! Xo

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21 Replies

Hi Leeann,

Thanks for sharing what you have been going through lately. It certainly sounds like a lot to take in. Hopefully you will not need to change your treatment. Maybe you can still stay on your current plan if the progression is small.

I feel the same as you about not giving up. I am not a mother, but I do have a husband, dad and two brothers I refuse to leave behind. I lost my mum to cancer when I was 25, so I can understand what it's like going through young adulthood and beyond without a mum. I swing from one extreme to another. I wish she was still here, as I need "mothering", but on the other hand I know she would have been really upset to learn I had developed cancer too.

I wish you all the best as you move forward with the MRI and what is coming up after that.


LeeannW710 profile image
LeeannW710 in reply to

Hi Sophie!

Thank you. Yes it is soo hard losing a mother so young. Guess it doesnā€™t matter how old we are, we can always benefit from mothering lol. I am 42 and would give anything to have a hug from her. Something so comforting.

If MRI shows the same then biopsy and ablation?? Meds change too. Unsure which just yet. One step at a time i guess lol.

in reply to LeeannW710

Hi Leeann,

You're welcome! Yes, it is very hard losing a mother at a young age. We never get over the loss. I find myself thinking about my mum and comparing my cancer experience to hers. I also find that I can relate more to what she went through as I look back and really get it.

Keep us posted on how you are getting along with treatment.


Dear LeeAnn: Praying God will give you strength & hope with medical options that take care of your recent progression. Hugs & prayers ā¤ļøšŸ™ā¤ļø

LeeannW710 profile image
LeeannW710 in reply to hopenowandtomorrow

Thank you! Xo

nstonerocks profile image

I certainly know how you feel with the huge exception that my son is an adult. I am currently going thru treatment for some progression and my thought is do anything to kill it or push it back. There are other women here who have had liver lesions ablated, hopefully they will comment. It is quite an emotional blow. It upends any illusion we have to stability I hope you will seek out the support you need. This episode knocked me on my a$$ emotionally and mentally. If it werenā€™t for the caring of others not sure what shape Iā€™d be in. My fingers are crossed for you and for a successful treatmentšŸ’•

LeeannW710 profile image
LeeannW710 in reply to nstonerocks

Hi Nancy!

How are you feeling? Are you still in NY? Yes, it most certainly throws you for a loop. How are you doing with your treatments thus far? Hugs!

nstonerocks profile image
nstonerocks in reply to LeeannW710

I am starting to have side affects from chemo and radiation. One more week of scheduled treatment. I feel there is improvement. Iā€™ll know in January how much and what else I need to do. Hang in there. Iā€™m going to fight this and hope for the next wonder drug

13plus profile image

Feel for you and your new situation. Ugh, itā€™s so much harder with little ones! Sending you healing vibes and success for the next steps in your treatment. Try to keep positive, thereā€™s still hope and options ahead. Hugs

LeeannW710 profile image
LeeannW710 in reply to 13plus

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, it is difficult and yet she is the fuel that I need to always push ahead Xo

Barbteeth profile image

Hi there

You poor darling....when I was diagnosed initially my girls were aged 2 and 6 ...the thought of leaving them was hard to bear and almost as bad was my husband marrying someone else and her being their ā€˜motherā€™....I was almost in a jealous rage over that and I was scared they wouldnā€™t remember I know exactly how youā€™re feeling

However my girls are older now and my cancer came back metastatic 18 months ago

Anyway the main thing I wanted to tell you is that I have another new met in my liver...I had the first one treated in July and it worked so Iā€™m having this new one treated with the same procedure...SABR radiotherapy...not sure if thatā€™s the same as ablation....the plan is that I can stay on Ibrance letrazole combo for as long as possible...I also have activity in my sternum so thatā€™s getting zapped as well

Hearing this news is like getting kicked in the guts!!... Iā€™ve cried a lot since last Tuesday when I heard and Iā€™m trying to buck up but itā€™s very hard

One of my friends is having a birthday meal tonight and I didnā€™t really want to go but I will...have a new velvet top I can wear and glam up a bit though my heart breaks...just hope they donā€™t start asking questions about my treatment...if they do Iā€™ll just tell them I donā€™t want to discuss hindsight I wish nobody knew but my big mouth husband told everyone and I was so mad with him...I was in shock so didnā€™t say anything at the time but itā€™s too late now

Anyway Iā€™ll stop rambling on about me...just want to let you know youā€™re not alone and your feelings are absolutely normal

Thereā€™s a recent post on here about someoneā€™s oncologist has told her there are new treatments coming out very soon so we must keep going until they become available

Lots of ladies on here that have been metastatic for years


Barb xx

LeeannW710 profile image
LeeannW710 in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb!

This rollercoaster ride can definitely take you through some dark tunnels, usually takes a day or two to process then i strap on the armor again :-). Hope you enjoyed your dinner with your friends!! I remember you mentioning the SABR in one of your posts. Unsure if it is the same as ablation. From what I read, the ablation is performed by using radiofrequency energy (similar to microwave heat) to destroy the tumor. Apparently they can do it at the same time as a biopsy. All too scientific for me. Lol. I am happy to hear about the new treatments. Cannot wait for the day they can rid the world of this disease. Be well! Xo

Hi Leeann - I'm so sorry about your news. Gosh, I can only imagine going through this with such young children, but you're right about that making you all the more fierce in your fight. I do think there's a lot to be said for that...

I don't know your history, but I'll mention that I, too, switched from LET + Ibrance to the next treatment, which for me was Faslo + Ibrance. I was feeling discouraged about this but then learned from someone on this site (maybe PBJ?) that some women last longer on the second treatment than on the first. That gave me renewed hope, for sure.

Also, as noted by others and as described by my docs, there are numerous subsequent treatments, most of them with good quality of life. And more are becoming available all the time. Have you had genomic testing? PI3K mutation has some very effective treatment, e.g., recently approved (Piqray, I think, but don't quote me?).

You're in it for the long haul, which is great. You have even better reasons than most of us. I know it's hard to do, but please try to remain hopeful and strong.

Take care,


Rhwright12 profile image

Sending prayers! I donā€™t know about liver mets...but Iā€™m sure others will share their wisdom!

Blessings and prayers for guidance for a new treatment plan...šŸ™šŸ»ā¤ļø

lynnhbtb profile image

I'm sorry to hear of the progression. I, too, had progression to the liver with five lesions. They have all diminished significantly after the immunotherapy Keytruda and a taxane chemotherapy. Liver ablation was never mentioned because I had more than one spot. It seems like the size isn't too large and there's just one, so that's the good news. I've been on chemotherapy for about 14 months (but who's counting?). You'll move past this obstacle and continue to be there for your baby girl. Hang in there and feel free to throw a pity party now and again. :-) All the best to you. xo

hdhonda profile image


I am so sorry you got dreadful news. We are all in here for the long haul and hoping for a cure. Prayers šŸ™ that your new treatment will be successful. Many good wishes for you. Blessings Hannah

jstickrod profile image

So sorry you are feeling down and all that you are going through. Keep the faith, hang onto that precious daughter and fight like no one else! We are all praying for a future drug or treatment that will get us through this awful disease. Hugs to you!

mariootsi profile image

God does have a plan. He wouldn't have given your daughter to you!

.You have really gone through alot. Please keep posting as we are all here for support.

Sounds like your onc also has a good plan for you.

I am so sorry you are going through all this. It certainly is a rollercoaster ride, but you are strong.

Bless you,


Selmac profile image

I'm so sorry you had to get this news. I pray for every single person in this group. I only get through my journey by hanging on to God.

viennagirl profile image

I know you must be feeling sad but it is important that you keep believing that you will completely heal. Tell yourself that every day. Use it as a mantra. I read the book Cure by Joe Marchand; it helped me keep my spirits up. I also watched a You Tube Video called "What Exactly would you do if you found out you had Cancer". You should probably watch it before you make some serious decisions. I am glad I watched it. It is a conference put on by Hippocrates Health. Those holistic doctors talk about what they would do. And they definitely caution a person to not jump in panic toward treatment. Remember to weigh your options and then decide on what course to take. There is no wrong way to do things but you want to be able to go forward with utmost confidence. I am meditating and doing yoga three times a week. In the spring my husband has promised to build me a sauna. Those doctors - many of them take a sauna every day. They swear by its cleansing powers. I also purchased a Wave Mat. I spend a quite a few hours a week on my mat. I take a book and a hot cup of herbal tea and sit or lie down on my mat. The crystals in the mat give of negative ions which promote healing. All the best wishes Leeann for a happy holiday season.

You rant and vent as often as you need. I understand your worry as I have had progression seen in my last scan so Iā€™m seeing the radiation oncologist Friday. You fight and kick and scream. Some great ladies told me that if chemo is warranted they actually felt better with it than on Ibrance. Come here any time you need to talk. These ladies are amazing and helped me through my bad news this week.

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