So since I couldn’t hold down food or water since Monday afternoon, and since it hurt like hell and yesterday I knew something had to give and I needed fluids, I went to the ER. Short story, got an endoscopy which showed an esophageal and pyloric stricture. They dilated my esophagus and I can drink again! Soft food tomorrow. It’s not more cancer!!!! I may need stents but having gone thru endoscopy once, and it was a breeze, I don’t care. It’s mechanical not cancer. I’m going home! Kinda fun fact, they found a piece of the taco that started the road to hell in my esophagus. I am currently digesting it. I warned you TMI. What a week. 🤮💕
My Reflux and other things that are TMI - SHARE Metastatic ...
My Reflux and other things that are TMI

Omg! What a relief that is!! No progression! Isn't it crazy how we can deal with anything as long as it isn't cancer on too of cancer!

Yeah I think we’ve all been there done that!
I’m so glad to hear it’s not cancer!! I have had vicious Acid Reflux for many years and many Endoscopies so I know that was not fun. But I’m so happy that you are able to eat again!! That’s hysterical that they found a piece of taco but that’s why they do the checks!! Got to get that stuff out.
Best of luck!!
Perhaps no more hard tacos?
That’s asking a lot🤢
Just chew well! I just realized that after my radiation I had some esophageal irritation and had an episode where a piece of steak got stuck. It felt like I was having a heart attack! I finally coughed it up but it gave me such chest pain I was in a panic. My husband the anesthesiologist said that’s what you feel like when you get esophageal spasm. I chew everything, but especially meat, very well before I swallow! I don’t want to go there again! Elaine
Wow, we worry so much about everything being related to Cancer, then get something like that thrown at us. You just never know what's around the corner. I've been laid up with an abscessed tooth for 12 days and finally getting better, but so much pain for so long, I don't think I could ever be in that much pain no matter how bad my cancer gets. Be well and lay off the tacos for awhile.
Great news thanks for sharing. Enjoy your weekend.
Glad to hear you’re on the mend!
Glad you're doing better and it's not dreaded cancer.
Glad it’s not another big C !! Get better soon and back to eating ❤️
Geeze I don’t know how they did it. I did get radiation to my Right chest after the half asssed lumpectomy. Bottom line they don’t know but I am following up with a GI doc who specializes in this kind of thing. I used to assist in endoscopies in the ER over 15 years ago and it wasn’t pretty. I was pretty anxious, and I have quite a gag reflex, but even the bite block was nothing! I have no soreness. I’ve had fluids and bread and butter. I couldn’t resist. Chewed it all 20x. I feel great. I feel so relieved. So I’ll find out how this proceeds after the consult, but the angst is gone. I had fears they would perf me or find cancer. I am so grateful and it is a miracle I can eat and drink again
WTG. So happy for you. Blessings Hannah
Yay for the stretch! I seem to need it every 2 and a half years. It makes such a difference - such a relatively easy fix compared to cancer.
Thanks to God that you are feeling better and it is not cancer take care God bless you
Hi Nancy,
I'm so happy for you that your recent symptoms are not cancer related. I think we all get worried if something out of the ordinary happens and the first scapegoat is cancer. It always gets the blame, which is understandable when you consider what we have to deal with in our lives! But at least now you can eat and drink without any problems. That must have been an awful experience for you.
Take care,
I am glad it is over. I myself dealt with it and is not fun, but everything else is better than cancer! Isn’t it?
Super glad its not related and you havent had a long wait to be reassured. X
Oh Nancy you did have quite a week. I'm glad they figured it out!
Try to rest and enjoy the good news. Feel better!
Glad to hear you feel better, take care. 🤗
Oh great. Well at least mechanical can be fixed😘you will feel better soon🙏🏻❤️Glad the damn c wasn’t the issue. Love u
So glad you are better. Nice to know it was something not related to cancer. Although, I wonder if these hardcore meds might affect our insides. Seems to be a lot of us with reflux. Omeprazole, here I come!!
Enjoy eating what you want this weekend.
Wow! What a ride! Praying for a speedy recovery! 🙏🏻💕
Who knew all that could happen from eating a taco?? JK! Glad it wasn’t the cancer monster and you are on the mend. Hope you make a full and speedy recovery!
Yeah doing that. I actually didn’t mind assisting but the patient was zonked on an ER stretcher in a 10 bedded room with a big bite block in their mouth, drooling. Always had reversal agents. Now they use diprivan which is a pretty safe easy drug. I am eating smaller amounts and chewing! It is a blessing to be able to drink the small things in life.
Yey it’s not cancer! Like that says it all😄
yay, not cancer! thank you for sharing. i have difficulty eating and swallowing, due to the surgery from a rare, benign tumor on the esophagus in early 2011.
Hi ladies, I have just come out of hospital after having a stent fitted. I am getting a lot of pain and still finding it difficult to eat. I'm hoping it will settle down soon, but I can feel it in my chest. Very weak since I came out of hospital, my legs don't seem to want to work. My stomach rebels everytime I eat. I wasn't able to eat for about three weeks. I have stomach mets and now they taken me off Ibrance and I have got to do a course of chemo. I hope I improve as I walked in the hospital and feel I've come out an invalid. Sorry to moan
Jenny xx
Oh Jenny
After not being able to eat or drink for 3 days, I can’t imagine how you must feel after 3 weeks! Did you get a dietary consult? Can you tolerate those nutrient dense shakes? Is the stent an esophageal stent? How about water? Give your body time to recuperate. You’ve been thru a lot. Hoping your chemo is tolerable and that the discomfort subsides. Did your doctor say when you should be feeling less discomfort from the stent?
I’m sorry you had a scare but glad the outcome is successful! Time to juice!