Has anyone had success with Mebendazole? - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Has anyone had success with Mebendazole?

MyMiracle13 profile image
48 Replies

My tumor markers have increased for the second consecutive month and am due for a scan next week. Looking forward, I may change meds although I would like to stay on Ibrance as long as possible. I’ve heard that Mebendazole and Fenbendazole can reduce tumors and SurvivorNow on this forum has experienced tumor regression on Fenbendazole. But has anyone experienced stability or regression on Mebendazole alone? The COC protocol has 4 repurposed meds on its list but I’m wondering if Mebendazole alone can work just as well.


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MyMiracle13 profile image
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48 Replies

Hi Maria,

I have been wondering how effective the drugs are too. I'm on the COC protocol, which includes taking mebendazole. My husband wants me to start taking fenbendazole as well, but I want to see my latest radiology and pathology results first before I add anything else. My understanding is that using multiple drugs, rather than just one, helps to block different pathways. I'm not a doctor, but from what I have read if you just block a single pathway then the cancer will find another pathway.

Sophie ❤

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Hi Sophie

How are you doing with the COC drugs?

I stopped mine after 2 weeks as I was feeling rubbish I think from the radiotherapy...I’m planning on starting the Metformin and wormer soon but not the statins because I want to sort the pain meds first as one of the side effects of statins is joint and muscle pain and that I don’t need...how was the Metformin re side effects?.. I know we’re all different but just curious that’s all

You’re the only person I know who takes these so value your input

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

I'm doing really well. When Dr Mazibuko said these drugs were low toxicity he was not kidding. They are nowhere near as bad as taking letrozole (I had a lot of joint pain when I first started out before it went away) and other than some nausea and loss of appetite that I think was down to the metformin I feel great. That soon passed.

I have lost 6kg since January, but I don't think that's all down to the COC protocol, as I started that in April. I think it's my diet and exercise. As I was taking a bath last night I noticed that my left breast was looking very perky with my nipple sticking out a lot (sorry if that's TMI for you!) I was so excited that I called Kim up to take a look. It used to be inverted, so I do feel that the primary tumour has changed a lot and has been shrinking.

I don't have any joint aches and pains, so perhaps you won't either. I know that's a possible side effect of statins, but it hasn't happened to me.

Let me know how you feel when you restart the drugs. You might find that as you up the dosage of the metformin that you feel nauseous or lose your appetite.


Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Hi Sophie

Thanks for that...I think I bombarded my body with too much at once ...the radiotherapy made me nauseous with no appetite so I feel I’m blaming the COC drugs for that unnecessarily

I might wait until after Miranda’s wedding and make sure I feel stronger first...also I don’t want to look a sight or be a misery and another months wait isn’t going to be a disaster in the whole scheme of things

I’m so pleased you’ve adjusted well to the drugs with few side effects...hope I’m like you!!

But XX

in reply to Barbteeth

Hi Barb,

I think you're right about the radiotherapy. It's very toxic on the body. I was in severe pain for five days after having palliative radiotherapy last year, so it's not something I would want to go through again. So I would be inclined to say that's what has caused your reaction rather than the COC drugs, but I can't say for sure.

I think it's wise to wait until after Miranda's wedding to start back up with the COC protocol. I bet you are getting excited! Don't forget to post a picture.

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Yes you’re right re COC drugs...I’ll wait till next month then get going on them

I’ll definitely post a picture of the wedding...us in our frocks and hats....instead of jeans and jodhpurs!

Barb XX !

in reply to Barbteeth

Yes, please do! I'm sure you will look lovely. What an exciting time you have just ahead.

Sophie x

Godbeforme profile image
Godbeforme in reply to Barbteeth

I guess I can just jump in any old where and you will see my message? My message is, how are you? feeling any better? my neck was killing me earlier and my hip and leg where I had the titanium rod inserted, but I took 3 aspirin and pain is gone; I hope and pray you are getting some relief from the aspirin as well. I feel like a parrot HA HA God bless you and you should listen to this message on grace. It really made me understand it a whole lot better, so have to share! <3 xo youtube.com/watch?v=wgNyO5G...

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Godbeforme

Hi there

I’ve been taking aspirin for a few days but too early to tell really...do you take the enteric coated ones?

I’m going to get on my horse today...no matter how I feel even if I only have a little trot round the estate

I showed a bit of interest in the wedding yesterday...tried some make up on and booked to have nails done...my girls are getting excited now so it lifts my spirits...I’m still very weepy though...slightest thing sets me off!!

Sorry to hear you’re in pain and pleased the aspirin is doing it’s job...I wish I could get off the opiates they really make me feel awful...maybe after I have the cortisone injection I may be able to reduce the dose

All the best

Barb xx

Godbeforme profile image
Godbeforme in reply to Barbteeth

I just take the plain old aspirin but I've heard the enteric coated ones are good too! glad you're getting out and going to take a ride on your horse! the wedding will be beautiful and seems to be perfectly timed to lift you up and out of the blues. It's hard NOT to be blue with all this going on. I had to stop ibrance because I began having chest pains and higher blood pressure for several nights in a row, but that all stopped immediately when I quit. They weren't severe pains or I would have gone to the ER, more like what I would imagine angina would feel like. Anyway, I wasn't expecting the big let-down that came with stopping and it snuck up on me. Turns out I really, really wanted to stay on that medicine but my heart is non-negotiable and I am turned off by taking more meds to combat effects of another. I think it's because I watched more and more meds added to my mama's regimen and they didn't do a thing for her blood pressure OR her diabetes. If I had it to do all over again with mama, I would stop EVERYTHING and start from scratch, process of elimination. Love and blessings to you and everyday that we're alive things can change. I am fascinated how some pains come and go seemingly on their own, so I pray this message finds you waking up feeling 100% better in Jesus name, amen! <3 xo

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to Godbeforme

You’re a darling to think of me and lift my spirits

So sorry about the chest pain but that would be worrisome

I think you should take the coated aspirin as they can cause bleeding in the GI tract so do be careful

Barb xx

Godbeforme profile image
Godbeforme in reply to Barbteeth

I have one of those cast-iron stomachs you hear about LOL but you're probably right, I should spend the extra dollar and take the coated! :)

in reply to Barbteeth

When I had my radiation I was so sick. Nauseous and exhausted. It was the worse I have felt since my diagnosis. It does go away so rest as much as you can and fingers crossed you are feeling much better for the wedding.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Hi there

When I spoke to my oncologist a few days ago she did say that the fatigue/nausea from radiotherapy can last up to three months...ugh

Barb XX

Autumn56 profile image
Autumn56 in reply to

Sophie, May I ask how much of the Mebendazole you are being asked to take? I purchased the Febendazole and Chis Woollams writes on his website that one gram a day for 3 days on and 4 days off is what is being used for cancer. Is it the same very low dose for mebendazole? It's so puzzling since the package directions recommend 1 gram per 10 lbs and I weigh about 140lbs so would need 14 grams per day if I went with package directions! Maybe it's because it's taken continuously for the long term that the dose can be so low, is that possible?

in reply to Autumn56

Hi Autumn,

I take 100mg of mebendazole and alternate it with doxycycline, also 100mg. I would visit Joe Tippens' blog for dosage instruments of fenbendazole, as he lists everything he did there. I'm not on his protocol, so am not sure. When I asked him about using fenbendazole or mebendazole he recommended I stick with mebendazole. You might also want to contact Joe if you need some help with dosage. He responded to me very quickly. I am doing very well with what I am currently doing and will soon be starting a new programme.

Sophie ❤

Autumn56 profile image
Autumn56 in reply to

Thanks Sophie. Do you also take vitamin C with the doxycyline?

in reply to Autumn56

You're welcome, Autumn. No, I'm not taking vitamin C with the doxycycline. I've heard of that combination, but do not use it myself. I will have to look into it some more. Are you thinking of trying intravenous vitamin C? Liposomal vitamin C is also worth looking into.

Sophie ❤

Godbeforme profile image
Godbeforme in reply to Autumn56

222 mg. in 1 gram of fenbendazole I read. The per 10 pound amount is for dogs with worms; you don't apply that to this treatment for humans is my understanding. 222 mg is over twice the amount of what people on the COC protocol are taking, because SophSP said 100 mg. menbendazole is what she takes on the protocol. hope this helps ... and again, this is just MY understanding of it.

Autumn56 profile image
Autumn56 in reply to Godbeforme

Thanks for the information. I have been having a very exciting week with visiting children and grand kids, haven't had time to do any researching so that is why I didn't see your reply. I was thrilled to see that AllDayChemist sells a lot of prescription drugs without a prescription at very good prices. I ordered my husbands Parkinson's drugs at a big savings yesterday. He has no insurance and his drugs are expensive. Doxy is on there. I decided to order some since we are constantly getting tick bites here in upstate NY. His Selegiline , instead of being over $100 for $90 pills is $23 . Sinemet is $8.40 instead of the $40 I paid at Walmart yesterday . You do have to wait for 20 days to get your order shipped to USA. THey even have Mebendazole, but for now I'll try the Fenben. There is also Abendazole for sale on there site, which is crazy expensive here in Us. I saw someone on FB group write that since the news has come out that Abenedazole can be helpful with cancer it is now over 25,000 for a months supply. It is not expensive on All day Chemist

Godbeforme profile image
Godbeforme in reply to Autumn56

You're welcome, just my understanding of it all. Is AllDayChemist in Canada I wonder? I will google them and thank for the information! that is great news and great savings! got my fenben today; will start soon! Glad you had a great week with kids and grandkids! God bless and heal us all in Jesus name, amen! <3

MyMiracle13 profile image
MyMiracle13 in reply to


Barbteeth profile image

Hi Maria

This happened to me...my markers crept up over 6 months and eventually a scan showed a liver met progression..now treated with radiotherapy

Back to your question...I have also been to the COC and been prescribed the same drugs as Sophie which includes membendazole

I stopped after two weeks as felt so awful...due to the radiotherapy I suspect but I’m intending to restart them so I can’t be of any help but I think we should all take them anyway even if they don’t work BUT they might do

After all we are in a perilous situation and anything is possible...it will take many years for any proof of efficacy and we don’t have that time to wait

I’m medically trained and sceptical of so called ‘cures’ so I would never replace these off label drugs for the conventional drugs I’m on as they are working but there are some that I’m very reluctant to take for example I would be extremely reluctant to have chemo because quality of life is too important to me..the side effects of the radiotherapy have been hideous and I won’t have that again

If I was you I would definitely take the membendazole as there are no side effects and there’s nothing to lose

All the best

Barb xx

Autumn56 profile image
Autumn56 in reply to Barbteeth

Thank you Barb. I don't have the Mebendazole , but I did buy the Fenbendazole, lots of it. The people on the fenben fb group think the fenben is more effective since it contains selenium. Not sure where they got this info. I take the one gram a day as per Joe Tippens blog, but I have been doing it almost everyday for a month, I have noticed some itching on my legs and ankles and also LDN cause bad headaches for me since taking it. I don't know if they are conflicting with each other. I also have almost constant nausea and poor appetite. Nothing looks good except junk food, waffles, tomato sandwiches, other carbs. Fruit tases really good. But I can afford to lose weight, being 5'3" and about 139 lbs so i am not too concerned about it. It's all about being a guinea pig. I'm taking a lot of other things so really have no idea what is causing the nausea.

mariootsi profile image

Don't know but would be interested if anyone has an answer.

TheGoodFight profile image

I'm starting piqray. I have the PIK3CA mutation. It was just fda approved 2 months ago.

kduck profile image

What are mebendazole and fenbendazole? Are they new drugs?

kduck profile image

Ok i remember reading about this guy who had stage 4 disease. I wonder coyld bone only benefit from them as well.

in reply to kduck


Yes, Joe Tippens started taking fenbendazole, along with some supplements, and cured his cancer. It was very advanced, as it had progressed to several organs, but on the advice of a friend who is a vet he gave the fenbendazole a go and now he is helping others to cure themselves too. It's amazing! I thought there was no way back from metastatic cancer, but there is! There are others who have tried other methods and also seen a complete radical remission. So we should never think this is it for us. There is a lot we can do for ourselves.

Sophie x

kduck profile image
kduck in reply to

Thank you for sharing. I have purchased everything he has taken. I hope it works for all of us!

in reply to kduck

I wish you every success and complete remission!

Arkait profile image

I started taking fenbendazole today. I do\n't yet have the accompanying curcumin,

CBD oil, or D vitamin, but have all but the CBD oil on order(plus, meanwhijle, I get some curcumin from my usual dose of tumeric and I have a big supply of D3K2 I can take). Wish me luck. This past two weeks I've been calling my oncologist's office

to see if he will please schedule a CT scan(it's been three months since my last May10th) to see what's happening. On May 10th I had two mets on my spine,

and (albeit shrinking)two or three lymph node tumors in my chest, as well as my

ongoing pleural effusion in my right lung (whose fluid is diminishing, thankfully).

I understand medicare won't cover CT scans more frequent than every six months--

is this true in USA?---

but things were changing rapidly with me from Feb to May, so I am anxious to

know if three more months have caused more (good) changes. DOes it seems un-reasonable my oncologist won't even return my calls?

Arkait profile image
Arkait in reply to Arkait

a footnote to my above complaint:

Well, finally, my oncologist has scheduled a CT scan and blood work

for Aug ,20th--- which will give us a 3 month window on how things are changing

inside me (my lymph node chest tumors, my neck bone mets, and

possibly a met on my sternum. I doubt my pleural effusion in right

lung will show up?)

Crossing my fingers things are moving in the right

direction. I need to get in optimal health in order to have high risk

open heart surgery asap on my mitral valve, so it is critical my cancer

is in retreat. I am just

now taking fenbendazole for 3 days, while continuing my Letrozole and

other supplements: Carnivora, Graviola, turkey tail mush rooms, tumeric,

and occasional apricot pits (laetril). No ill effects from any of these..

Godbeforme profile image
Godbeforme in reply to Arkait

Praying you get a good report! I think quite highly of what Joe Tippen has to say because No. 1, he doesn't profit off of it, but gives to anyone who asks and No. 2, when I did all my google searches I couldn't find ONE person complaining or saying it was not true! usually you pull up many different takes on a controversial subject like that .... anyway ... I hope and pray you get your good news so you can get your surgery and have one less worry, in Jesus name I ask these things, amen! <3 xo

in reply to Godbeforme


I have great respect for Joe Tippens too. When I emailed him he got right back to me. He discovered a cure for his disease and now wants to share with others for free. That's such a selfless act.

Sophie x

in reply to Arkait

Hi Mary,

I hope you get some good results from your CT scan. How rude of your oncologist to ignore your phone calls! Do you have a number for your oncology nurses to call? If no one picks up I leave a message and my call is returned within 24 hours (usually much sooner). I would bring this up next time you see your oncologist and perhaps ask if there is a better way to get in touch such as via email. Your questions and concerns should never be brushed aside!

Sophie x

Arkait profile image
Arkait in reply to

Hi Sophie, got CT scanon Aug 20, and oncologist still not certain if there is cancer on my

inferior sternum or not . We are going to have a PET scan, therefore on

Sept 4th (soon) to see if that can give us some idea of the inferior sternum's

condition (there is old scarring from a 2011 open heart surgery, which seems to

confuse whether there is more than that in that area.

in reply to Arkait

Hi Mary,

I am thinking of you! I hope the PET CT scan will shed more light on what is going on and that it's just scarring that is showing up and not cancer. We often worry that any symptom we have could be down to the cancer, but it isn't always. So let's hope that is not the case with you.

Take care,


Arkait profile image
Arkait in reply to

Dear SophSP, thanks for following my heart/cancer drama. The CT scan on] Au g 20th still left uncertainty about the inferior sternum--whether it is showing just old scarring from previous open heart surgery in 2011, or whether there is

bone cancer there, or both. I am going to have a PET scan this Wed.Sept 4, to see if that clarifies the matter.

I will also inquire whether an MRI might better reveal what's there, but have to find out if the steel ring on my aortic artificial valve might

prevent me from having an MRI. (you would think the could put some sort of shield

over the valve?). To be continued, next week.

Mariote777 profile image
Mariote777 in reply to Arkait

Hi Arkait, it's been now 6 months since your post, would you mind kindly sharing your experience with fenbendazole? Many thanks.

kcc9993 profile image
kcc9993 in reply to Arkait

For curcumin, supplement forms that are hydro-soluble absorb better.

Lizjj profile image
Lizjj in reply to Arkait

Hi...I must have misread something. Was it not vitamin E Joe was taking? I can no longer read his blog ...dont know why, but I really thought it was vitamin E ? i would really appreciate your reply as I have decided to start taking fenbendazole .XXXXX

MyMiracle13 profile image
MyMiracle13 in reply to Lizjj

Yes he was taking Vitamin E and I am taking the same brand Joe recommended. It’s Life Extension Vitamin E Tocopherol and Tocotrienol.

Julie2233 profile image

I asked my oncologist about fenbendazole last week, he hadn't heard of it but looked it up on the internet. He told me that some reasearch had been done 10 years ago, but nothing significant, but he could see that it worked in the same way to chemo drugs and advised me strongly against taking it as he said it could interfere with the taxol he's considering switching to me to.

I was expecting him to tell me not to take it because it didn't work, not because it did!

MyMiracle13 profile image
MyMiracle13 in reply to Julie2233

It’s great hear that your oncologist is open to learning about non-conventional treatments. When I told my oncologist, he just brushed me off and I even saw a smirk on his face. I still plan to take the Fenbendazole though while I am on Ibrance. Just waiting for my supply. But you raised a very good point Julie. Will Fenbendazole work if one is on chemo such as XELODA? Any members on this forum who are taking Fenbendazole while on Xeloda or other chemo treatment?


Lizjj profile image
Lizjj in reply to MyMiracle13

Im curious too , is anyone on Olaparib or other Parp while taking fenbendazole?

I have never heard of this being used. It says that it can worsen neutropenia so I assume you ladies don’t have problems with low neutrophils? Online it says it’s dog dewormer. Any info would be appreciated

MyMiracle13 profile image

mycancerstory.rocks/ This is where it all started. Please read Joe Tippens story. I have Grade 2 neutropenia and I have only just started Fenbendazole in addition to Ibrance/Faslodex (which I have been taking for 16/19 cycles.) So far my blood markers are okay. Fenbendazole is taken at your own risk as it really is a dog dewormer. However, it appears to have anti-cancer properties. Some oncologists are open to it but most are against it because it is not part of any approved cancer treatment protocol. I emailed the articles to my oncologist but he won’t even read them. He just brushed me off. SurvivorNow (I think) was the first on this group to have taken Fenbendazole with very good results. Search for her post.

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