I feel so honored to be alive on this beautiful day to see my son turn 9 today. I hope and pray to be able to watch him grow up and become a man. I pray our treatments get better but a cure would be better. God bless us all!!!
My sons birthday!: I feel so honored to... - SHARE Metastatic ...
My sons birthday!

Have a fabulous day. It certainly puts things in perspective and makes us appreciate the happy times more doesnt it. Happy 9th birthday to your son. X
Thank you
Enjoy your day celebrating your son’s birthday!!!
I know it’s tough and scary sometimes to think we won’t be around for future milestones. I am a mom of two boys 17 and 11. WE WILL BE HERE TO WATCH OUR CHILDREN GROW UP! Happy Birthday to your son! {{{hugs}}}
Awe. Enjoy your son’ s birthday.🎉💐💕you will have many more with him🙏🏻🙏🏻This is a long battle for most of us, but today is all we have.
Enjoy the day.Every milestone with our family is a victory and an opportunity for them to have great memories... Seeing the positive of everything we take part in instead of focussing on what we might miss is a wonderful strength to have... I too have a 6 and 7 year old I want to raise for as long as possible and an 19 year old girl who also still need her mum for a bit longer... It is all about making the most of those moments as you are doing today... Wishing you a fabulous day.
Enjoy his birthday and you will see him grow God bless you
Well done ! Your love and determination have got you this far while the world waits for a cure . Carry on doing more of the same and above all enjoy every minute of today.
Much love xxx
Hope you truly enjoyed your son's special day and I wish you many many more years with your precious boy!
Embrace these good times! How wonderful for you to see him happy and celebrating

Thank you
My grand daughter was 3 when I was diagnosed in 2017 and my prayer was similar - I wanted to be alive long enough for her to remember me well and for us to have lots of good times for her to cherish so she would know how much I love her always! I have now had another almost 2 years and I believe she will remember me - still making memories! Best of luck to you Kduck
Happy Birthday to your son! How wonderful to celebrate birthdays; may you be around and feeling good for ALL of his birthdays, then your grandkids birthdays! God bless you and heal us all in Jesus name, amen! <3 xo
I hope all of you who have children at home will have many years yet to share their lives and enjoy birthdays, holidays and all the days in-between! Some cancer centers have really great group programs for the children of cancer patients and so do some schools. There's alot more recognition of the special stress cancer puts on families than when I was growing up. My 9 year old granddaughter was born well after my diagnosis with mbc so she's never known me as a cancer free grammie! And that makes me sad. I haven't had the energy I'd like to have to share with her.
So happy for you that you were able to enjoy it and I hope and pray you see many many more birthdays.
Love, Kim
Happy Birthday to both of you 🎂
Thank you