Was off to order it and found this; not sure if complete work as just found it! God bless you and heal us all in Jesus name, amen!
Found MBC Insider's Guide Book Free O... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Found MBC Insider's Guide Book Free Online!

Thank you for the info. Everything helps!
yw I've already learned so much and the lady gave permission to copy any section that is helpful to you, so I still want the book but I was "hungry" for the information now. it is the complete book as far as I can tell and has helpful links as well!
My appt. is the 18th so now I will know to ask if I am Dpd deficient, among other things! God is good and knowledge is power! God bless you and God heal us all in Jesus name, amen! <3
Went on the link, but it said it couldn't be found.
opens right up for me but I'm on a laptop ... here it is again ....
Thanks so much for this post. I went ahead and downloaded the book yesterday.
Sophie x

yw! how are you? Jesus take the wheel, amen! <3 xo
I am well, thank you! How are you? I had my monthly Zoladex injection yesterday, so I'm all good to go with that for another month. I'm due my next Zometa infusion in just under five weeks.
Sophie x

I'm okay but my emotions are all over the place ... finally get to see the onc tomorrow so that will definitely help to know what he recommends. I don't even know if they leave you on the aromatase inhibitor for a while first or immediately put you on the targeted therapy, so not knowing is no fun and I'm glad I will have some questions answered tomorrow. It's been 3 months since I started the letrozole ... i do real well as long as I stay focused on Christ and not trying to figure it all out on my own; His peace that He gives us is everything, amen! <3 xo
I'm sorry to hear to hear your emotions are all over the place. I felt a bit like that last week. It wasn't the cancer that was bothering me, but feeling a bit overwhelmed with being the "matriarch" in my family and trying to sort out my family's problems. I love them and would do anything for them, but I sometimes need a bit of a breather.
I hope you get some answers to your questions tomorrow. I always jot down questions when I see my oncologist in case I forget something and that helps keep me focused. It sounds like you are tolerating Letrozole well. I started it last June, so it's been almost a year for me. I agree with not relying on our own strength to make it through. Matthew 6:34 is such a comfort to me, where it says: "So never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Each day has enough of its own troubles".

So true!
I understand it is the very same. The hard copy is offered for those who want it in book form.
Thanks for posting this link. THe info here is very extensive! In the US, the American Cancer Society used to have a wonderful booklet, about 90 pages long, that was the best summary of bc that I found when I was first diagnosed. IT was called "Breast Cancer: A Patient's Guide to......." I don't remember the complete title but I understand that they quite printing it because it became too expensive due to frequent revisions. If you can find an old copy someplace, it is worth reading thru if you feel like you need a "MBC 101" type thing.
I downloaded it but haven't read all of it yet. So many articles to read my head spins with information. I have to take a break from it all once in a while and just relax and be thankful for each day.
yep, read alot of it yesterday and then had over-saturation syndrome <just made that up lol>!
WOW!! That provides an amazing number of references! Thanks so much for sharing! XXOO Linda
yw! it was serendipitous <grin> ... I was googling to order the book and found it online! God is so good, ALL THE TIME! xo be well!