I've been watching these documentarie... - SHARE Metastatic ...

SHARE Metastatic Breast Cancer

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I've been watching these documentaries about natural means to fight cancer. https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com/eastern-medicine/episode-7/?

Autumn56 profile image
42 Replies

I should have posted sooner, since there is only one left. It is possible to get the whole set , if you care to pay for them, only today left to view for free. Some of the interesting things I've seen again is that turmeric kills cancer stem cells. Iodine stops the spread of cancer and kills cancer also. One Japanese doctor said when they do autopsies on elderly Japanese people who dies of old age they find many tumors encapsulated and never spread due to the high amount of iodine in their seafood diet. Every women should be taking 6 drops of Lugols solution every day. If your nose starts dripping you are saturated properly and have had enough for a while. I apply it to my affected breast where the tumors are ( your body only absorbs what you need through the skin.) or take it orally or both. I have found out I had these tumors since 2014 and they have not spread, even the hot lymph node seems to have resolved. There is much we can do ourselves.

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Autumn56 profile image
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42 Replies
Barbteeth profile image

Hi there

I’m assuming that you also take conventional therapy for cancer?... if so have you checked with your oncologist about the iodine supplements...just wondering

Very interesting though

Barb xx

Autumn56 profile image
Autumn56 in reply toBarbteeth

I haven't done any conventional treatments at all except for diagnosis and monitoring with mostly ultrasound. Three pet scans and one MRI. I refused the mammograms because they cause cancer and they squeeze the tumors thereby possible rupturing an encapsulated tumor. My doc is about to losing patience with me, last month I wanted to get my bi-yearly ultrasound she has allowed me in the past and she refused but called me just last week that I am scheduled for this Thursday. I will let you all know if it is good or bad. I do all kinds of alternative stuff, Tumeric, Maitake D-fraction, ( mushroom) bloodroot, iodine. Even had DMSO IVs for 20 days which was rather dissappointing. They shrank the tumors but didn't get rid of them as the clinic made me believe would happen.

The reason I was hesitant about the regular medicine route is I have two older sisters with breast cancer, one did it all including chemo and after 5 years the cancer came back in her lungs and she passed away. The other did two surgeries, first a lumpectomy when it first showed up and then a radical mastectomy a few years later when it reappeared, along with radiation for 6 weeks. She refused the chemo. She is in very poor health, very little energy and struggles with a large arm from lymph-edema. Her last Pet scan is clear and seems good. However, how much is due to her using a lot of alternative things like I am doing or the conventional? She was diagnosed in 2014 same year I was, but I would say my quality of life has been better. I always feel well, except for some occasional colds. Not saying people should not do conventional. I just couldn't after seeing what my sis went through. Also had been trying to help her with research so I learned a lot from her case so was prepared to fight it more with alternative as a result.

I never did check with my doc about the iodine. Without a doubt she would say I should not do it. Look up Dr. Brownstein on you tube about how important iodine is. She disagrees with a lot of the stuff I tell her as not being helpful and they tell me I'm listening to the wrong crowd. Prayer helps a lot. Gives me peace of mind, which is so important in all this. I really am sharing all this only so you ladies do some research and find out that alternative methods can be helpful along with the conventional, which by the way can never kill cancer stem cells that is why it keeps coming back. Chemo actually enriches them and makes them more aggressive.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply toAutumn56

Hi there

Do you have mbc?.. you didn’t mention where your cancer has spread..or is it confined to your breast and lymph nodes?

The ladies on here all have mbc

I’ve read up on the lugols iodine and it can cause irritation to the GI tract.....Amazon sell it at different strengths so which one are you using?

Sorry if I seem to be interrogating you!!! I’m intrigued by your theories

I do take curcumin but not sure about iodine

All the best

Barb xx

Autumn56 profile image
Autumn56 in reply toBarbteeth

It sure hasn't hurt me to take it now for years off and on. I keep forgetting. But lately my sister has been reminding me because she is using it and her doctors are surprised at how well she is doing. Are you saying I have no business here? If not I'll leave. I'll find out how I'm doing when I get the report from my Ultrasound next week. Have any of you ever tried the HCG test from the Navarro clinic?

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply toAutumn56

Hi there

You misunderstood me...I was asking if you have metastatic breast cancer not suggesting you leave the site

Barb xcy

Hi Autumn,

Thanks for posting the link. I will take a look at the video. Are you using alternative therapies in conjunction with conventional medicine? I have spoken to my oncologist about using other methods to treat the disease and she looked alarmed at first until I reassured her that I don't intend to give up on my conventional treatment.

Sophie x

KC1025 profile image

Hello, this is my first time commenting. First of all, I want to thank all of you ladies because you all have been so enlightening in so many ways. My Mother who is 67 was diagnosed with MBC in June 2018 er+ her- extensive bone Mets pretty much everywhere and a couple small spots on lungs. She had radiation to the sacrum and skull and started letrozole in July 2018. Radiation was tough and recovery a bit long because it really impacted her gi and uncontrollable loose stools for wks. We passed that and it seems like she’s healed from that. She’s responded very well to letrozole alone her onco has decided to not mess with success and keep her on letrozole alone. She has shoulder, neck, and arm pain at night pretty much. Very manageable in comparison to the original Mets pain she presented with. Anyhow, I have been incorporating some complimentary supplements and techniques to help. I have talked with her onco and she said in her case as long as it doesn’t increase estrogen she’s fine with it. The biggest things I would are doing

Is megadose vitamin c, magnesium, and this stuff called “Boston c”. I will include the link. That holistic md who led me to these products also recommended the “lugol’s solution iodine”. She recommended a drop in the morning and evening under the tongue and to rub it in my mom breast dimple where the original mass is. My mom was already responding to letrozole and stabilized but I don’t want to put all of our eggs in one basket so I feel like doing the alternative stuff helps. While many of these holistic folks recommend abandoning conventional treatment. I am NOT there yet and my mom is comfortable doing in addition to. It’s so overwhelming how much is out there. Research is good but I really do found I have to pray for the right things to come in front of me. Also here in the Philadelphia area there is an AWESOME non for profit called “United for her”. They offer 2k worth of free holistic treatments for breast cancer patients. You just have to enroll and attend one of their wellness days. Just a warning I feel like it was a bit depressing as an MBC patient going there bc it is mostly newly diagnosed breast cancer patients and I feel Like they were startled by MBC patients only because it’s their worst fear. And MBC patients get to renew their 2k annually for life as opposed to other breast cancer patients have it once for a year.

So here are the two sites, one for the products my mom takes and second is this non for profit.



My best to all of You!!! ✨✨

Autumn56 profile image
Autumn56 in reply toKC1025

Thanks so much for this info. I'm going to check it out. I'm glad your mom is also doing nutritional support. Wishing her the best of health.

mariootsi profile image

I watched the series but found it very depressing because the plants, herbs etc. That these seven countries use are either not available here, haven't been put in trials or aren't accepted by our oncs.

I feel like moving to some of these countries for treatment. It is free to everyone and the docs philosophy is to do whatever works for the patient. Extremely individualized.

Many of the patients had conventional treatment prior to going to the drs. In the series. Also most of the drs. Also had conventional training before they decided to become homeopaths and naturalopaths.

They realised the damage that chemo and radiation has done to us. They discussed mind and body connection and that treatments basically need to find the cause of the cancer and address it, build up the immune system and kill the coating on the outside of cancer cells so treatments can get through.

Even when we have biopsies cancer is spread along with the chemo poison and radiation that effects our immune system. So do mamograms etc.

I could go on and on with all the info!

So much info in this series!

It is a must see!!!

They are getting amazing results even with stage 4 metastatic patients who were interviewed in the documentary!

Why is western medicine caring about money instead of natural techniques! It is infuriating.

The othercpoint made was that they use local plants that are not treated with pesticides and grow wild in some cases.

Fascinating and logical points of view and varieties of treatments that make sense in the way they work!!!!! Ugh!

We are guinea pigs for big pharma here! And we make huge profits for them!

Sorry, i am done venting! Lol

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply tomariootsi

killing cancer stem cells is at the core. We don't do that here. Thats why it comes back and spreads!

Autumn56 profile image
Autumn56 in reply tomariootsi

Liposomal Vitamin C is supposed to be as effective as IV of vitamin C to kill tumoor stem cells. People are making their own. There is a FB group where they share and teach how to do it.. Taking Tumeric with black pepper and broccoli sprouts and some oil or fat to help it absorb acts like chemo for 24 hours say DR. Patrick Quillan who wrote the book Beating Cancer with Nutrition. I am out of broccoli seeds . I need to order some, radish seed sprouts are helpful too. Any cruciferous veggies.

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply toAutumn56

Thank you so much!

in reply tomariootsi

Hi Marianne,

There is no need to apologise about venting. I agree that here in the West we are big business to the pharmaceutical companies. After all, a cured cancer patient isn't going to bring in any profit. I get annoyed at cancer research companies that just keep rehashing what we already know, but have not cured cancer.

I watched the link to the video that was put up yesterday and I found it very interesting. We have to work hard do what we can to help ourselves. I am continuing with conventional treatment, but I am also planning to implement more over the coming days and weeks.

Take care,

Sophie ❤

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply to

Thanks Sophie!

in reply tomariootsi

You're welcome, Marianne!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply tomariootsi

I guess it costs a lot of money to do research and trials...if these weren’t done then we wouldn’t have Ibrance and other anti hormone drugs which are prolonging lives. It’s easy to criticise big pharma but they have trialled new drugs in order to ensure they’re safe for us

Just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s harmless

Ranting again...it’s the scientist in me

Barb xx

in reply toBarbteeth

I can see where you are coming from, Barb. I do appreciate the strides that have been made in medicine that are helping us manage metastatic breast cancer. But at the end of the day it is still a business. For any supplements I have added, I have sought professional advice first to make sure that it doesn't interact with conventional treatment I am on. That still comes first.

Sophie ❤

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Hi Sophie

I know you are meticulous in your research and I’m full of admiration for you

I do take extra supplements with my oncologists approval..curcumin..aspirin..CBD..magnesium.. Vit C..

I’m afraid I’m a sceptic...a lot of people who are cured are made examples for various remedies..no mention of the ones who aren’t cured...and many of the people who are cured are also taking conventional therapy so there’s no proof which medications are the successful ones

My opinion

Barb xx

in reply toBarbteeth

HI Barb,

Thank you. I respect your views too! Coming from a medical background I can see why you question things and look deeply into the medical side of things. I want to continue taking conventional medications. I am not about to give up what is working, as there is evidence to show it is working.

So do you take curcumin and aspirin together? When I asked my local pharmacist about them recently she said that it's best to take either one or the other, but not both together as they can cause bleeding when taken together. If they can work together though then I am open to taking both.

Sophie x

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

I just take a baby aspirin 75mg and curcumin...if you had a glass of red wine that would thin your blood as does ibuprofen and I live on those

You can actually become obsessed with all this stuff,,also if you asked several pharmacists the same question,,,you’re get a different opinion

Our bodies are more robust than we think and most breast cancers are hormone driven so what we eat isn’t a major concern as long as we don’t interfere with the proven drugs we take

Barb xx

in reply toBarbteeth

Thanks for your response, Barb. I asked the pharmacist, as I needed to hear it from a professional. You have given me food for thought!

Sophie x

Autumn56 profile image
Autumn56 in reply toBarbteeth

Good for you. I am very skeptical myself. So much hype out there! It's a jungle. The alternative health field is a just as full of people out to make money of us as the conventional. We have to be very careful

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply toAutumn56

I agree..well said

Barb xx

diamags profile image
diamags in reply toBarbteeth

I once heard a doctor say "If it worked as well as they say, it wouldn't be called 'alternative medicine,' it would be called 'medicine.'" Like you, I'm a skeptic. I've spent a lot of time in India, where they enjoy Ayurvedic medicine, but when the wealthy get cancer, they all go for conventional medicine plus ayurvedic. Others perish quickly. So I'm all for science and testing. Just because somebody isn't making money, doesn't mean that what they do is superior.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply todiamags

Very well put

Barb xx

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply toBarbteeth

No, you aren't ranting but the truth is that Ibrance and all these drugs are screwing up our blood, kidneys and liver.

Why else would our wbc, platelets and rbc be messed up! Ugh

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply tomariootsi

I know.,,they’re evil but keep us alive..,20 years ago it would be a different story...I think people forget this..,we should be thankful for these drugs...in a perfect world we wouldn’t need them

Barb XX

mariootsi profile image
mariootsi in reply toBarbteeth

I am grateful for these drugs right now! Don't get me wrong! But at what cost!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply tomariootsi

I know exactly what you mean

I remember the first Ibrance pill I took...I looked at it for a while...told it it was poison then took it!!

But I’m still here almost a year from diagnosis ...without the drugs I probably would have had more vertebral fractures and be even bedridden and in worse pain

So thank you horrible Ibrance!!!

Barb xx

Autumn56 profile image
Autumn56 in reply toBarbteeth

Barb, DIM ( from Broccoli ) and flaxseed can do the job of blocking the harmful estrogens . When I was at Biomedical center in Mexico I was prescribed DIM, 2 pills 3x a day! I thought it's too much and might harm my thyroid or make me sleepy so I take one a day. I know, I'm a non-compliant patient. I should slowly build up, but everything is so expensive. That is a big problem.

Mimigram profile image

You might be interested in the book “How to Starve Cancer” by Jane McLelland which she describes how to kill cancer stem cells. I am going to look up Iodine use.

in reply toMimigram

Hi Mimi,

Jane's book is brilliant. I am currently reading it. A lot of what she says about killing cancer stem cells makes sense (the science side of things is a bit mind-boggling though!)

Sophie ❤

Mimigram profile image
Mimigram in reply to

There is a book study group on Facebook which is a great help after reading the book. So much information to remember.

in reply toMimigram

Yes, there is a lot to take in! That's why I have been reading the book slowly and taking notes.

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply to

Yes it’s not an easy read

Barb xx

Mimigram profile image
Mimigram in reply to

Let me know if you need any help with it.

in reply toMimigram

I might call on you when it's time to do my metro map! Thanks, Mimi.

Sophie x

Shar313 profile image

I just finished the series today and found it very thought provoking. I like knowing all of the options that are available to us and combining conventional and alternative therapies. Many have discounted alternative therapies due to the lack of scientific evidence, but with the invention of high tech microscopes they are now able to see the nano particles in homeopathic remedies and can conduct their Western medicine tests to validate treatments that have been used for hundreds of years. I think the history alone is worth considering adding some of these treatments. The Eastern philosophy of curing the cancer vs. the Western philosophy of relieving the symptoms is how we differ. I want to be cured not just relieved. It’s harder to find a Dr that believes that philosophy here in the US bc they aren’t trained that way. Slowly but surely the Eastern philosophy is seeping into our treatment options and I for one am glad to have options


in reply toShar313

Hi Sharon,

I watched the final episode. I bet the rest of the series was interesting too. Doctors are like that in the UK too. With metastatic breast cancer, the focus is not on "curing" us as they try to do with early stage cancer, but to relieve symptoms and try to stabilise the disease. I agree with you and am also hoping for a cure, not just the relief of symptoms. That isn't enough for me. I want to be around for many more years to come. I don't want my dear husband to be widowed and for my dad and brothers to also be bereaved. They need me.

Sophie x

frances2018 profile image

Do you use Lugol's 2% or Lugol's 5% and woudl you tell me how you take it? I take fucoidan, as I realize how important iodine is to all if us, so I would like to try Lugol's and perhaps stop the fucoidan. Thanks!

Barbteeth profile image
Barbteeth in reply tofrances2018

Hi Frances

I’ve been looking up about iodine and surprisingly it’s in many foods I.e dairy,cod,prunes,cranberries seaweed,eggs, jacket potatoes so a balanced diet is the answer I think

Also you can buy iodised salt

Barb xx

Autumn56 profile image
Autumn56 in reply tofrances2018

I have 2.2 and take about 6 drops a day haphazardly, not all the time. Also apply topically. That seaweed sounds like a great idea.

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