My wife had her 3rd Chemo (AC) yesterday. Her eye brows and eye lashes are falling off. What should be done ?
Falling eye brows and eye lashes - SHARE Metastatic ...
Falling eye brows and eye lashes

Thanks for your reassuring reply. I feel so happy and relieved that I joined this group. Do people paint eye brows ?
If there is an American Cancer Society office near you, call them and see when they are having the next Look Good Feel, Good class. They are free and they teach you how to put make-up on and give you a ton of free make-up plus a wig and hats. It is a lot of fun. They have volunteer licensed beauticians and most are also survivors. Blessings, Hannah
Yes - this is something I took part in as well and I loved it. I received free cosmetics from top line companies (Chanel, Estee Lauder etc.). You can draw on eyebrows, but I wore adhesive lashes and no one knew! Go to the Dollar Store to purchase and experiment with application. Good Luck!!!
I am in the middle of chemo, lost my hair but so far not lashes or brows. They have videos on cancer care showing how to draw brows and I guess I will buy false eyelashes if it happens.
They will grow back when chemo is done.
I glue on eyelashes and stencil on my eyebrows, and its always interesting because no matter what i do the eyebrows are always dfferent levels, lol.
Your wife could get her eyebrows tattooed on..I’ve done this..not because of mbc but because they’re thin and fair
A good kohl pencil above and below eyes looks good even with no lashes
Barb xx
I shaved my head, had false lashes put on and penciled my eyebrows! It stinks, but she should own it! For me everything grew back. That was 10 years ago. I went “naked “ most times. My prayers to you and your wife.
Sister/warrior: Yessssss I do thank God for Beauty supply stores, and online websites. A lot of people don't realize there are eyebrow wigs, and eyelashes that have a lace front wig type glue to adhere onto your eyelids, or eyebrow area, even if you have no hair at all on your eye lids, or eyebrows. I wouldn't suggest buying the eye brow wigs from Amazon. A week ago I was doing some research for myself, and they don't look the greatest. I saw some eyebrow wigs on a You Tube video that looked very real, even as they were pulling on the skin to mimic facial expressions around where they placed the eyebrows, with a lace front wig type glue. My girlfriend who use to dance in theater productions, and now helps to make-up the entertainers showed me how to apply eyelash strips just above my eyelashes which saves your natural lashes. You must use a 5X magnifying small makeup mirror, which you can adhere to your regular larger makeup mirror. These days you can have fake eyelashes, eyebrows, hair on your head that looks like it is growing out of the scalp. Fake booty panties, and of course fake boobie bras. that makes everything look really natural. Sister/warriors do what ever makes you feel good. God bless you for that very helpful information.
Not much you can do to stop it but they will grow back. To help them when she is done you can try Latisse or something similar that helps them grow. If she is good at it she could draw her eyebrows on. If I tried it, it would have been quite comical I'm sure. Possible where she is getting treated can give you some resources she could look into.
You are a sweet man for joining this group and caring so much. We need the support with even these types of things but some men just don't get it. Good for you!! Wishing your wife the best.
Thanks again. I will show these videos to her. I just desire to keep her self confidence up ..
You are awesome!!!