Is anyone else dealing with a buzzing sensation down their legs? I told my oncologist about this on Friday, three days ago. She’s wanting to keep an eye on this as it could be the tumours pressing on my spinal nerve.
Tingles down my legs and in my groin.... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Tingles down my legs and in my groin. A new thing for me.

Yes I have this as well. You never mentioned which treatment you are on. Most drugs cause peripheral neuropathy which is usually a likely cause. From your scans your oncologist is probably aware of a spinal lesion and how close it may be to the nerves. But I would also ask her about neuropathy as a side effect of your therapy. I was on Ibrance but now on taxol and the buzzing feeling has increased which makes sense given the treatment. I too have spinal lesions.
Sorry. I'm on ibrance, letrozole, and monthly denocimab injections for bones. But while I'm at it..... Does anyone else take heaps of pain relief. Targin x 2 daily and Panadol pain relief constantly? Plus some break through oxycodone.
Thanks Timtam. We sound like twins. Early on I was taking quite a bit of pain relief. I still get bouts of pain and take more pain medication than I would like but it is far less than it was the first 6+9 months after I was diagnosed. I had radiation to ribs, spine, and hips and I think it really helped with pain relief. It was only a total of 10 sessions. It took a while to have a positive effect because the process of radiation caused pain initially and took several months before feeling the full benefit
Oh okay! I had radiation to spine and hips just before Xmas. But haven’t noticed any difference in the pain level. In fact I think it’s worse.
For what it is worth I agree with you. I had my radiation last summer and 6 months later I was in a heap of pain. They found a bursitis in my hip that likely developed as a result of inflammation in the area due to aftermath of radiation. I saw a physiatrist where I receive my cancer care at Memorial Sloane Kettering and he gave me a single injection of steroids on January. I have had enormous relief from it. So now pain is mostly legs and back
Did you ever think of cbd oil with t h c a? The t h c a is what really helps with pain etc I get the oils. The t h c a is t h c before Vermented and you don’t get high on it. Need medical marijuana license. They are a lot of help at dispensary they are pharmacist. I would never buy in stores. Just my opinion.
Its called neuropathy. It can be from chemo or radiation. I have gabapentin that i take for it and have had this since i had stereotactic rads to mets in my spine.
I looked up neuropathy. I don’t think that’s what I have. What I’m feeling doesn’t hurt and isn’t a numb feeling. It’s like an electrical buzzing feeling only. No pain. And it’s only in my legs and feet. Not hands. But thanks for your advice. My onc says she wants me to keep a diary... and said ‘it may be the tumours pressing on the spine.’
Hi Timtam....Now i'm reading your posts, after your fab share on NYT opinion piece! I've gotten that for year, but in my spine. It's like an electrical zap, but more prolonged. Or like tiny electric eels traveling down. Never mentioned it to doc or figure out what it was. I just took it as some sort of changes or activity in the tumors, maybe growing, maybe healing. Not much help, sorry, but I think it's the same phenomenon.