Hello! My name is, I will go by my nick name (Jo Jo)! Hope everyone here is doing well (or as I can imagine at times, as good as expected)... I am asking for support for myself. My Aunt Svetlana is just about the most bravest & strongest person I know. She had Breast Cancer about 12 years and was in remission until October of 2016. While in the hospital at that time, they removed quite a bit of fluid from her lungs.. Once she was out of the hospital, she began going to her doctor's appt. I'm not sure how it started out, if it was once a month 3 or 6.. She really doesn't talk about it much, so I don't ask. Our household is a family of 4. Three sisters (My mother, 2 aunts and me).. I call us the Golden Girls! : ) ! We are a very close knit Slavic family. My Uncle Todorikee passed (2016), My father, (Sanko' - 2017).. Now, as I said, we are the remaining family. I am so grateful to God of His unconditional love & for what He has blessed us to be so close and always there for each other.
I hope I am doing the right thing by posting a little history and also praying for some support about living with a loved one who has MBC.. I am trying to take one day at a time and live by the scripture "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it") and not go beyond today.. At times, it is extremely difficult for me.. (I have a form of OCD thoughts, Bi-polar Disorder, Depression and need a sleep aid every night)..
When I told my Aunt Sveta' about this site, she told me she honestly does not need it! I'm so glad she is so positive, but at the same time, I feel guilty that I have these melt-downs).. mostly when the doctor tells her something like "there is a slight increase, we want to watch it more closely".. (I never let her see me when I get the sometimes uncontrollable crying spells).. but she isn't stupid.. we all know each other too well..
Well, now that I have written a little book (sorry) I know I tend to go on. I pray that maybe we can all support each other with this dreaded horrific disease & I can keep staying positive as much as all of you beautiful ladies!
Praying always with God's Blessings and Almighty power of His Eternal Love!