I had my CMP done and ALT was only thing that was higher at 49. My Ca 2729 was down only 7 but I’m only taking Faslodex. I got my Faslodex injections and tolerated well. No need for scans as I haven’t been on anything to test. Now September is when I start something but not sure what. I believe all of you that prayed for me is helping, thank you 🙏! I just wish everyone could have great scans so much... Keep the positive energy and we will stay strong together.
Good appointment!: I had my CMP done... - SHARE Metastatic ...
Good appointment!

Clair, So glad to hear you're doing well. I just had my first chemo on Tuesday. Taxol and carboplatin. Doing okay just very fatigued. Mary
So happy you can enjoy your good news and relax. 💕
Great news! Continued prayers!
I got over 9 years from Faslodex! I have bone mets, so was also on bone meds for part of that time. About tumor markers--they are not "precise" and a difference of 10 can be pretty meaningless. They sound definitive because they are numbers but the trend over time means more than the difference between two successive tests. During my long periods of stability, the CA27-29 has wobbled within a range of almost 60 points, for example. If I'd gotten nervous about that, I would have been upset over something that basically means little to nothing. But, as always talk with your onc about it if it concerns you.
Glad for u. Prayers always help!!! Stay positive! My scan is the first week in August, hoping things stay the same.
Love the new photo! You look young and beautiful!!
You are such a trooper, Clair! God bless you!! XO Linda
Happy that you're holding your own...
Sorry I didn’t respond to all your wonderful comments. We did not go to Ohio, but went to Tybee Island for 3 days. Hope everyone has good reports coming up.