I joined Health Unlocked in 2016 when my daughter was diagnosed with both breast cancer and diabetes. She was 36 at the time so it was the full works in terms of treatment. She underwent a lumpectomy in her left breast, chemo, radiation and has been on hormone therapy - 1 tab of Tamoxifen a day since 2017. She must have it for 10 years i.e. upto 2027, as a preventive against recurrence of the cancer.
All was okay for 5 years, Then, from last year she began to have incidence of joint pain in various parts of her body. Also, stagnation of lymph in the affected arm leading to painful swelling in shoulders, arms, fingers, wrist. Her oncologist says it’s not due to the Tamoxifen . And they it must be arthritis. But I do know from others that the hormone treatment does have side effects.
Any advice on easing of the side effects, sharing of your experience or supplements you suggest are very welcome. She doesn’t want to take more and more meds as she is fed up with meds she is taking already!