First when my mom told me about the lump, I took her for checkup followed by mammography appointment and FNAC test which created suspicion for cancer. Next was going to a surgeon for removal and during that procedure there was a frozen section report which confirmed cancer (Invasive ductal carcinoma).
Now it's been 12 days of her mastectomy (left breast). Yesterday, we went for dressing , removal of drain pipe and also to consult the same surgeon about further process after analysing the biopsy report (histopathology report).
(Drain pipe will probably go on for five days more)
As per the report: no lymph nodes affected but the surgeon said other reports like ER/PR are pending which will guide further. He also helped us understand that after surgeon , we will have to consult oncologists for chemotherapy (hormone therapy,if needed).
I am planning to consult oncologists nearby with the reports we have got. I don't wish to take my mom everytime for a visit. I hope it's okay to now consult through reports since masectomy is done.
Any guidance from doctors in this forum , survivors and relatives of the ones going through breast cancer will help.
Thanks for all the support.
Please give some links to the posts (if possible) for getting masectomy lingerie and wigs (for giving my mom a choice during chemo)