Hello all. I'm new to this site. I basically just have a question for anyone who has had a double mastectomy. Did your drainage site burn sometimes like someone was repeatedly stabbing you with a hot poker? Just trying to see if this is normal or what.
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I don't think it's normal. I had no issues. Speak to your doctor - that's what he/she is there for. Don't feel that you have to suffer in any stage of your treatment because you don't!
Thank you Margok. I will call my Dr. When they open.
I did have a little burning. (I had a single mastectomy.) But not severe like you described. After all, it's a small, open incision with a tube coming out of it. But just to be sure it's nothing, call your doctor's office and ask them.
Great! I hope you continue to feel better with each day.
Thank you hun. Same to you.
Hi Violet, By now you've probably checked with your medical team to see whether your particular symptoms are normal, but I remember that I did have some some stinging in burning at the drainage site from the stitches holding the drain in place. Hope it's all a distant memory soon!