have you ever had thoughts or an opinion you wish you could discuss with others, but worried how they would react ?
Good to talk or not : have you ever had... - Sensitive Issues ...
Good to talk or not
Yes. Often. Thanks for putting this out there.
Many times. Sometimes personal subjects, sometimes not
constantly. Also a good listener if u ever need an ear.
I’m fairly sure that most people have this issue every now and then, myself included
Okay, my champion, what’s going on?
More times than not. But I have found this forum extremely helpful in being able to talk about and (and possibly over) share sensitive things that can't usually be brung up in a casual conversation. It has definitely helped me overcome alot of self conscious things through talking and sharing. So after all that ... yes talk, you'll feel better after as we aren't as alone as we feel.
Definitely. It can be hard to speak 100% honest
It definitely can be super hard to speak about things. This forum has definitely helped tho!