Hi, I'm in my 30s and have extremely low t. I've stopped having erections and when flaccid my penis actually hurts because it retracts a bit. I've been having nocturnal emissions lately which is odd...but welcomed since I don't remember the last time I smelled jizz. Question. .,anyone else around my age having low t and ED with dry ejaculations?
ED, dry orgasm, nocturnal emissions a... - Sensitive Issues ...
ED, dry orgasm, nocturnal emissions at 30?
I have problems getting off since having anxiety. Some days I can’t cum I’m 27. HMU sometime if you ever wanna talk
Hi, I’m definitely older but have been on testosterone therapy for several years—a gel that you put on your shoulders or abdomen. You didn’t mention any other symptoms, but you might want to check your urine to see if it is cloudy—after a dry orgasm—in that case you probably have retrograde ejaculation, where your semen goes into your bladder instead of, well, coming out as it does in your sleep. If your urine is not cloudy then you may have something else going on, and your body is making up for it with a delayed release when you are more relaxed. You might need something to help you relax, but you really need to get your testosterone levels adjusted, though, which should help with the pain, too. In the meantime, Zinc and a few other minerals and diet can help. Do you know the reason for the low Testosterone? I’m pretty sure mine was age and medication related—I was getting increasingly tired and kept telling my doctor my testicles were shrinking until he finally did a blood test which showed mine was 41 (I think). At first I did a bi-weekly injection, but after a burst of energy on the first few days it seemed to wear off, not to mention the sudden acne. The gel is a measured dose every day so it’s not such a shock to your system. Anyway, best wishes and take care.