I take Gabapentin for my restless legs. It got to the point I couldn't even sit and relax watching TV in the evening or on the computer without it bothering me. My Neurologist is the one that prescribed the medicine for me.
Restless leg medication: I take... - Restless Legs Syn...
Restless leg medication

So- is it working for you- and what dose are you on? How long have you been on it , any side effects?
I have been on it this last time for about 2 yrs with no side effects. I was on it several yrs ago, but for some reason my legs went into remission or something if there is such a thing. I take 400 mg in the morning and 400 mg at night. I was on 1000 mg per day, but due to other medical issues, was cut back to 800 mg per day. It works fantastic for me, no complaints whatsoever. Hope this helps.
Hi bit unsure if the Gabapentin is working for you? ...Pipps x
It is working great for me. If I stop taking it, the restless legs starts all over again. I tried to stop taking it or even going down to a lower dose, but my legs started driving me nuts, so back to the Gabapentin. Like I said, it most definitely does work for me. It might not work for some people and some people can't take it.
You cant just stop taking a med for your RLS and expect your RLS to have stopped. RLS is for life, so you need to keep taking your med to keep the RLS at bay.

Due to some other major health issues, the doctors would like me to be able to cut back, no such luck in that happening.
I tried it for a while as it was ideal for my bipolar disorder (this under control I'm not loopy lol) but it wasn't very effective, I've gone onto Ropinerole,and have had the dosage increased after a few years, works mostly (bad week) so far best med I've tried, but u have to try it a short while if no luck, go back and ask for it to be changed.
The RLS drives me nuts too! I couldn't sit and watch tv in the evening without my legs (and sometimes arms too) kicking off. Ropinirole wasn't doing it for me anymore so am now on gabapentin - gradual increase so now on 800mg 3 times daily. I still use the ropinirole too twice a day when I feel spasms coming on. It's helped no end, but I suppose I'll never be spasm free. Tried to have a nap this afternoon (MS fatigue) and both legs kicked off despite having had the meds! it could be worse.....
I take the Gabapentin. I've tried valium not much help, I have found 1/2 of the smallest size of Hydrocodone works. Worth a try. I don't like to take it every night so I will fool around with the cramps for awhile with heat, mentholatum, ace wrappings, if all else fails I take the Hydrocodone. I know about those sleepless nights. I fell asleep the other day at a red light on my way home from work.