Hi all, I'm busy watching channel 5 – Restless Legs program that is on at the moment, and I can relate to all people being interviewed. I have suffered so badly with restless legs since I was 16 years old and I’m 50 years old. I was so bad that I couldn’t sleep and would be up in the middle of the night under cold showers, sticking my legs in the freezer or standing out in the cold cement on my bare feet. However, this all came to an end about five years ago, now when I feel my restless legs starting I simply swallow a couple of pills and within twenty minutes its gone completely for the night. I actually get to go to sleep now and do indeed sleep all night. Many Doctors will tell you there is no medication for restless legs, but that is untrue, even my own Doctor told me there wasn’t anything for it, until I found out about this drug. Once my Doctor looked up his book he said, I was right this drug does work for restless legs. I take 2 pills and it is completely away, the pills don’t stop it from coming back daily but they do get rid of it within twenty minutes of it starting and I don’t usually get it again the same day or night. It is worth talking to your Doctor and asking him for “Ropinirole 0.25mg or 0.50mg” believe me you will get your life back again and save your relationships. Good Luck.
Help for anyone with Restless Legs. - Restless Legs Syn...
Help for anyone with Restless Legs.

Hi Toney
I'm guessing you haven't read much on here. I'm really glad the Ropinirole works for you. For me it's a combination of supplements, Gentle iron, magnesium, glutathione and NAC and of course diet. We are all different and it seems that none of us are the same when it comes to solving our own RLS. I hope it continues to work for you 😊
Tuckerpoo is your RLS completely under control with that regimen? R u taking any prescription meds for the RLS?

The only medication I'm on for the restless legs is the one I wrote in my post. If your legs are as bad as mines were I'd think anything is worth trying.
You've been on the same dose for five years that's great. Well if ever you are in the mood to experiment you can try the Gentle Iron commonly known as ferrous bisglycnate one night. I buy mine off of Amazon. About $10 for a six month supply. So what you would do is take the iron on an empty stomach in the evening as soon as you feel the RLS. If you're like me and several others on here you might get some relief with that first pill. If you don't then you can go right on to the prescription med. if the iron does work u must get your doctor's permission to continue. Even if it only works partially or not at all you might want to try taking for a few weeks with your doctor's permission

Hi tredlight. Once in a while I have to take another iron tablet if my legs are particularly twitchy. That works for me. I've done a lot of research as have most people on here. I'm still learning and although I don't post on here very often I do read it a lot as there is always very good and current info on it. I don't have any meds for RLS. I take thyroxin and antidepressants. I'm interested that Low thyroid can also be caused by low iron. So many things are linked in our bodies and we know relatively so little about it. Trial and error over 20 years has got me to where I am now.
Oh Tuckerpoo I'm so happy to hear your progress. It sounds like posting isn't your thing but if you could take a moment to respond to Yuna's post about your experience I think it would mean the world to her. I have no experience with antidepressants and RLS so you could provide much better advice than me. Stay in touch 🙏
Thank you for your response, yes I have read a bit on here, but I think anything is worth a try... don't you?
Hi there I'm taking pramipexole for my rls, it's helped so much with the movements but still suffer with the pain of it,