Hello everyone,
I've had restless legs since childhood, I just didn't know what it was. Now I'm 51, and it has gotten worse. I now have it in my arms as well. And yes, the fan makes it worse, I have to cover my legs and arms when fallIng asleep. Sometimes it doesn't matter, I will still get it. I've tried Parkinson's medication, didn't like it, only ambien worked. But I didn't like the drowsy feeling the next day. Now I don't use anything. I'm learning how to deal with it naturally, although very frustrating at times. What works for me: getting up and walking around, and getting a drink of water; softly rubbing my arms or belly, this distracts the feelings in my legs and arms; placing my arms underneath me, the weight overrides the restless sensation; stretching in bed; doing crunches in bed; any activity that stimulates sensation that overrides, or distracts the restlessness. It's a continuous battle, but I notice that if I give into it and become frustrated, it only makes it worse. I appreciate any information anyone can share, on other ways to manage this without medication.