hi there rsl ers i,m new here but ive had rls for a few yrs now,i have been taking dhc continious for two yrs now and i get a full nights sleep i,m on 60 mg tabs 2 in morning and 2 at night only drawback their addictve but i dont care they do the job
jimmy: hi there rsl ers i,m new here... - Restless Legs Syn...

what the heck is dhc???
How do you feel during the day? I want to change my medication as it makes really tired during the day
Are you UK?
Hi would really like to know how you function on dhc, getting to stage where i will try anything
Hello Jimmy. I take it you have been diagnosed with RLS? This drug is a controlled drug and in the early 200's I read an article regarding this drug and how it was thought to be affective for some with RLS but of the painfal type. There are better medications that you could discuss with your doctor/neurologist if it is not pain that you experience as this is a strong pain killer. Not preaching and in no position to do so but if you have RLS there may be alternative medication which may be better for you. Personally I wouldn't recomment taking a large dose of this drug for sleep only. Some of us have painfal RLS and relentless RLS. I am a sufferer and not an expert at all. Hope this helps a bit.
Hi Rommany. I have made a contribution on this. There was an article in the early 2000's ( probably 2003) which suggested this drug which is a controlled drug could help with RLS but personally I would not take a drug like that unless there was pain and not for sleep only. It's a srtong medication. I had it when I underwent a lot of eye surgery for a period before I had RLS and I can rember to this day the sickness it caused. Had it also when I had my appendix removed.
Hi Perterk, i have RLS and also cramping pain. I am on pramipexole ,take 5 now and dreading the thought of them not working and now taking 1 amyitrip and night and getting better sleep than ive had for long time
As stated, DHC is a controlled drug; anyone in the UK on it? Not something my GP will consider for RLS.
Hi fatima Pramipexel has got to be worth a try so go and asl your GP (if you're in the UK). Also hot baths in the evening and just before bed. Start as hot as you can then adding more hot water. Releases the tension a bit like a cold flannel on your forehead when you've got a headache. Add to this some strong pain killers and you might get a bit of relieve. Good luck.
When you're desperate you'll try anything!