I need to scream really loud on here. =O
That's me screaming.
I'm screaming because I had a bad allergic reaction to an antibiotic.
I'm on a prendisone taper.
My dose is super high today and tonight.
It will be for the next 2 days and then gradually it will be lowered.
I was fine one minute and then covered in itchy hives the next.
I went to the ER when my throat started itching severely.
Liquid benedryl was given to me along with shots...
Hey, the hives and symptoms are mostly all gone but I am wired up
and winded up as much as I can possibly be. My legs are thumping
like Thumper the Rabbit..They are ready to run for miles.
I was told that I may be tired but I probably won't get to sleep
tonight. My legs are going nuts. = /
I have this sensation in my feet and legs that feel like a brush
would feel on the bottom of your feet. It's crazy how tingling my
legs are! I almost can't stand it.
I'm off Vicodin because I am going to end up needed more and
more of it to get the same effect. I made the decision that it was
good for a Must Sleep night when I am crabby, angry, and
fed up with not sleeping. I am allowed 5 a month. (Goodness!)
I have to comment that when I take the Vicodin, my legs are
the worst that they ever get and within 30 mins, my legs feel
like lead, my entire body falls into a deep sleep as if I was snow
white and took a bite of the Poison Apple. I get zero hangover
feeling the next day.
I am so, so, so angry that I can't have Vicodin 3 nights a week
rather than 5 nights a month. I understand the reason but
I am still so angry. Relief is just a walk over to the medicine
chest and takes a second to swallow the pill.