For some reason, my title typed in backward. In case it's still backward when I post it, this concerns DMSO and RLS.
I learned about DMSO this past year as a possible treatment for pain relief and healing for another person in my home. If you do some research, DMSO almost sounds too good to be true, but as it has relatively few side effects I thought it might be worth a try for pain. Bought a roll-on blend of 70% DMSO and aloe, and it seemed to help the person a bit with muscle pain brought on by stress and overactivity. A couple weeks later, I had a fall and managed to strain my right ankle pretty severely, as well as getting some pretty big bruises and scrapes. Used the roll-on for a couple of days, and along with relieving the pain of the ankle strain, I noticed that some of my RLS symptoms had decreased.
Move ahead a couple of months, and I had run out of the THC/CBD/CBN gummies I had been using to help with sleep. Decided to see how I do without them for a few days and... pretty much fine. I had also run out of claritin (which I've been taking for a couple decades; relevant because I think it was also exacerbating symptoms, I just never knew because I've been taking it a lot longer than I've had RLS). A couple of times, I'd get a flareup in the evening & noticed that applying the DMSO roll-on seemed to help settle it down.
I've been hesitant to mention it, because there are so many things that work for a little while, until they don't, and apparently DMSO is a bit controversial. That said, as there seem to be relatively few side-effects unless one is allergic (please do a bit of research before trying, though), maybe someone else will find it helpful.
For the past couple of years, I've been taking Ropinirole .5mg, iron every other night, and the aforementioned gummies. Now with the DMSO I've cut out the gummies and still been able to get a decent night's sleep most nights. As an added bonus, I no longer feel drugged all day. coming off the gummies did cause a spike in anxiety, but for the most part that has now settled down. My goal for the long term is to gradually come off the ropinirole as well, ideally without replacing it with another prescription. That may be unrealistic, but for now it's good to just feel mostly normal most of the time.