Hi there,
I’ve posted previously about my husbands severe rls and most recently advised that he started taking pregabalin, this caused low mood and weight gain but did settle his rls a good bit. Since then he has dropped the dose from 175mg to 150 mg of pregabalin but it’s not holding his rls as well and he’s not sleeping as well so may have to increase his dose again. He’s weight is better as he’s watching his intake and doing more exercise. He is also on magnesium, vitamin d and probiotic L plantum. He told me that he stopped taking iron about 2 months ago as he didn’t think it was helping!!!! I took the opportunity to repeat his iron panel (I’m a nurse) and was wondering if he should go back on the iron based on these results. They appear ‘normal’ and gp happy but wondering if they are ok for rls sufferer. He used to take 60mg ferrous bisglycinate at night. Results are serum iron: 15.9 mm old/l, transferrin 2 g/l, %transferrin sat 31.8% and ferritin 113.
I really appreciate your responses.
Thank you